View Full Version : Help Me Mass effect 2 or Battlefield bad company 2?

03-20-2011, 11:42 AM
So im going to get a game for my birthday and i dont know if im going to get ME2 or BF BC2. Ive tried battlefield play4free and i liked it :)

What should i get?

Ive played ME2 at my firends house and it was awesome


03-20-2011, 11:50 AM
Personally, I'm a fan of the Battlefield series. Haven't been that big with Mass Effect though, Haven't even played the second one.

03-20-2011, 11:51 AM
It really does depend what you're in the mood for mate, they're very different games!
I have only played the ME2 demo, so I can't really cast a fair judgement.. but in regards to Bad Company 2, it's incredible, and it will keep you entertained for a long, long time.

If you're into your first person shooters, keep an eye out for Battlefield 3!

Also, if you're planning on staying with us, please read the rules and create your own thread introducing yourself, in the appropriate section on the forum :)

03-20-2011, 12:29 PM
Well, lets see. I've completed them both a couple of times each.

First thing you should know about is that Mass Effect 2 is a Shooter RPG. And its a damn good one at that. But it contains singleplayer only.

The biggest difference between BFBC2 and ME2's singleplayer is that BFBC2 follows a linear campaign, where as ME2 contains tons of different options as to how you want to handle a situation. Depending on your choices, it may have an effect on what happens later in the game. (Don't underestimate how innocent a choice might be, it can have a serious impact on your story.)
Also, since ME2 contains a great deal of sidequests and fun minigames, it has a much more lenghty campaign.

That beeing said BFBC2 has also a great campaign and entertaining story, and in addition it features a wonderful multiplayer that contains 2 different objective based modes (Confirmation required as those are the only ones i remember.)
1st one is Rush where there is a defending and attacking team. As attacker your objective is to destroy 2 "crates" at predetermined locations, and after that objective is completed you advance to the next set of targets.
2nd one is Conquest, Where the 2 teams fight to control multiple locations scattered across the map. These locations are captured by simply beeing in the vicinity of the locations flag.

You said that you had tried them both so i guess you know the basics of the gameplay in both, so i wont go into that.

At the end the question remains:
Are you the kind of person that would go trough a campaign multiple times to explore all the options the game has to offer? Then i suggest ME2 as your choice.

Or are you the kind that plays trough a campaign once or twice before wanting to test your skills vs human opponents? Then i would reccomend Bad company 2.

I thoroughly enjoyed them both. ME2 has one of the best singleplayer campaigns i have ever played
While Dice continues to astound me with their great nack of creating entertaining multiplayer scenarios.

Final Reccomendation:
Make your choice based on what you think suits you best after reading trough this, but in the end, get them both!!! :D

Also incase you decide on ME2 and havent played the first Mass effect and dont intend to do so, Read the plot for it here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_Effect#Plot) to understand where you are at in ME2. HOWEVER! i strongly reccommend you play trough ME1 before you start on the second one, As the choices you make in the 1st one transfers over to the second one via your savegame.

03-20-2011, 04:23 PM
First of all these are two different kinda games my friend.. One a FPS and the other is action role playing game. So I would ask you want kinda game do you enjoy more? A game that you just shoot at AI or a game that you actually interact with the characters?

I have played both game and both are good games.. Yet if you looking for more of a multiplayer experience then BF2 is the game for you since the single player isnt that great. If you want more of a story base game then go with Mass Effect 2 plus ME2 doesnt have mutliplayer.

03-21-2011, 08:48 AM
Like everyoune else said, want mp choose bf, if you want sp choose ME2(but rather play the first one first)

03-21-2011, 09:55 AM
Exentenzed's post is awesome - I haven't played either game myself but I'd say very generally speaking I'd say get ME2 if you want a deeper single player experience and BFBC2 if you want a deeper online multiplayer experience (as seems to be the consensus in this thread)

03-22-2011, 03:58 AM
yes, you also have to consider your platform. If you have not played the first Mass Effect its more rewarding and can be found a lot cheaper.

I cant tell what platform you have, but if you have a PC or 360 try the first Masseffect.

If you have friends who play BFBC2 you might really enjoy that though. So, see if you can borrow ME2 or invite that friend over and see if he will let you play it.

The final choice comes down to preference really. ME2 is amazingly good. But you can also have a lot of fun with a good multiplayer FPS.

03-22-2011, 07:14 AM
We also have to consider if this guy is ever going to return to view our efforts in trying to help him..

03-22-2011, 08:57 AM
We also have to consider if this guy is ever going to return to view our efforts in trying to help him..

Im reading all this and i ill get ME2 well thanks for the help guys

appreciate it

03-22-2011, 12:00 PM
Np, Always happy to help a fellow gamer :)

03-22-2011, 12:01 PM
Im reading all this and i ill get ME2 well thanks for the help guys

appreciate it

No problem at all :)

Won't you stick around?

03-22-2011, 12:13 PM
No problem at all :)

Won't you stick around?

Ill be here a long time