View Full Version : STEAM screen shot uploader

03-22-2011, 04:07 AM
I almost hate to make a new topic for this, but another steam advantage is its image uploader. It says this is a new feature, but I'm not sure when it became available.

Basically, you can take screenshots while playing with F12, and then a window opens in the background with those shots. After playing you can select your favorite and upload them to your profile as either public, friends only or private.

They are also organized by game and play session making them easy to browse especially before you have picked out the one you liked. I also enjoy making captions for many pictures, reminds me of the funny captions in Game Informer or something.

Anyways, this isn't anything especially new, except the profile picture section. But it makes managing your screenshots easier while allowing you to share them with your friends easier.

If you want to see any of the photos I have uploaded just look at my STEAM profile. =P (only really started using this today)

Steam Community :: BobTD :: Screenshots (http://steamcommunity.com/id/bobtdftw/screenshot/558651520470084723)

03-22-2011, 05:19 AM
I like this one because not every game has the set up through console. I used to have to turn on Fraps to take screenies but usually was too lazy.

+1 to Steam.

03-22-2011, 07:09 AM
If anybody used to use or uses X-fire, that eventually added the built-in screen-shot and video capture tool into it's in-game dashboard, which also had short-cuts. I think this was done about three years ago now.

However, Steam seem to have made it more efficient by grouping them together in play-sessions, rather than piling them all together, and I bet it's a faster upload speed than X-fire ever was!

03-22-2011, 01:13 PM
Also you can leave comments on the pictures. I like that, its almost like the facebook for gaming. =P