View Full Version : Need to vent

03-24-2011, 01:36 PM
As you all know from several times ive mentioned that I have to give a presentation in two weeks, April second, well just this monday I was told I would have to give my presentation twice because my professor dropped my partner for not doing his half of the work... I didnt think much of it Im getting extra Credit, in other words if i didnt do it i would have been kicked out of the class, for this im working my ass off and just yesterday I spent about... 8 plus hours in Jasper Indiana listening to and giving my presentation... My professor made it clear you will get one of three colors, green, yellow, red. Those colors representant your standing for giving your presentation.

Well I gave my presentation and I will admit right now I didnt do the best job possible I did glaze at the screen, which is a no no, I mixed up my information and I went over my time limit by 7 minutes, we have 8 minutes to do a presentation, well the "group leaders" told me my information is good, i just need to make it more "Lively" meaning better color scheme, and more pictures... I knew I would have to meet again with my professor i was just waiting on the email. Well, this morning i got that email... my group leaders told him "I have alot of work to do..." They told me everything is good just more pictures better colors, and dont glaze at the screen so much nothing more... I told my professor this and he said "It doesnt matter what they think.."

And we come to the problem... I did meet with him gave him my presentation, he said to take away some information on slides, find some better pictures and look up some information... He said it was ok, its "boring" but its ok.
What really pisses me off is i accepted to help out the other group because I thought it was the right thing to do, but sitting there telling me you got some stuff to do than turn around and tell my professor you arent done or ready is just complete bs. If the group leader's opinions dont matter why are you sitting there and going with what they say about my presentation? You said their opinion dont matter so why does it matter for that short amount of time.

It pisses me off Ive busted my ass since Monday to try and get this prepared. The biggest problem is that he wants more examples of people committing espionage, if that is true and I'm already pushing 10 minutes that means I have to cut out more and more information leading up to those examples I cant add information and expect to keep it at 8 minutes it wont happen its not logically.

So tomorrow I have to meet with him one last time to try and get ready... In all honestly this is crap is just pathetic I want to graduate yet im getting yelled at, at every turn no matter what I do i cant make it good enough. The last thing is this, I love how he yells and sits there judging my work and after putting me down for like 10 minutes says "You will do fine" wTF?

I am in a bad mood im doing venting here so it doesnt build up and I explode and get in trouble... So please no dumb comments...

03-24-2011, 08:15 PM
I've spoken to people who think it's really hard to give a 10-15 minute speech, that it's too long, but really, I find it harder when you're limited by time.

You just have to try to cut some stuff out - mainly fillers and I'm sure you can do it.

But anyway, good luck and don't explode please.

03-25-2011, 07:16 AM
I didnt explode, releasing my anger in a safe manner prevented me from putting my face into a wall several times.
At first we were suppose to have 10-15 minutes plus but due to time issues and we are going to be there all day, almost 8 hours, we each get 8 minutes but if a topic looks really good he will give us 10 minutes. Its stupid...

In all honestly im going to rip out most of my coporate espionage, which is two of three slides, and replace it with an example corporate esopinage and rework my wikileaks information.

Overall, my advisor didnt rip me a new one this morning, had to go see him again just to go over my slides, he just gave me advice on how to handle tomorrow, stand up straigher, be in command, in control, dont let the fear get to you etc etc. He told me he trust me to get the job done so it was a bit of relief to hear that, actually calmed me down a little bit. So he gave me the ok to go tomorrow and I will use what i learn from this first time and apply it to the second one.

The weird thing about giving a speech is that once you start and think you're doing good its already over.

03-25-2011, 09:45 AM
The weird thing about giving a speech is that once you start and think you're doing good its already over.

Oh yeah. Once you find your rhythm you feel like you could go on for hours. But you can't :(