View Full Version : Government Isn't Going out of Business Anymore

04-08-2011, 11:10 PM
By DAVID ESPO, AP Special Correspondent David Espo, Ap Special Correspondent – 12 mins ago

WASHINGTON – Perilously close to a government shutdown, President Barack Obama and congressional leaders reached a historic agreement late Friday night to cut about $38 billion in federal spending and avert the first federal closure in 15 years.

Obama hailed the deal as "the biggest annual spending cut in history." House Speaker John Boehner said that over the next decade it would cut government spending by $500 billion, and won an ovation from his rank and file _tea party adherents among them.

"This is historic, what we've done," agreed Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., the third man involved in negotiations that ratified a new era of divided government.

They announced the agreement less than an hour before government funding was due to run out. The shutdown would have closed national parks, tax-season help lines and other popular services, though the military would have stayed on duty and other essential efforts such as air traffic control would have continued in effect.

On side issues — "riders," the negotiators called them — the Democrats and the White House rebuffed numerous Republican attempts to curtail the reach of the Environmental Protection Agency and sidetracked their demand to deny federal funds to Planned Parenthood.

Anti-abortion lawmakers succeeded in winning a provision to ban the use of federal or local government funds to pay for abortions in the District of Columbia.

Lawmakers raced to pass an interim measure to prevent a shutdown, however brief, and keep the federal machinery running for the next several days. The Senate acted within minutes. The House worked past midnight, so the federal government was to be technically unfunded for a short period of time, but there would be little — if any — practical impact

The deal came together after six grueling weeks and an outbreak of budget brinksmanship over the past few days as the two sides sought to squeeze every drop of advantage in private talks.

"We know the whole world is watching us today," Reid said earlier in a day that produced incendiary, campaign style rhetoric as well as intense negotiation.

Reid, Obama and Boehner all agreed a shutdown posed risks to an economy still recovering from the worst recession in decades.

But there were disagreements aplenty among the principal players in an early test of divided government — Obama in the White House, fellow Democrats in control in the Senate and a new, tea party-flavored Republican majority in the House.

"Republican leaders in the House have only a few hours left to look in the mirror, snap out of it and realize how positively shameful that would be," Reid said at one point, accusing Republicans of risking a shutdown to pursue a radical social agenda.

For much of the day, Reid and Boehner disagreed about what the disagreement was about.

Reid said there had been an agreement at a White House meeting Thursday night to cut spending by about $38 billion. He said Republicans also were demanding unspecified cuts in health services for lower income women that were unacceptable to Democrats. "Republicans want to shut down our nation's government because they want to make it harder to get cancer screenings," he said. "They want to throw women under the bus."

Boehner said repeatedly that wasn't the case — it was spending cuts that divided two sides.

"Most of the policy issues have been dealt with, and the big fight is about spending," he said. "When will the White House and when will Senate Democrats get serious about cutting federal spending."

By midday Friday, 12 hours before the funding would run out, most federal employees had been told whether they had been deemed essential or would be temporarily laid off in the event of a shutdown.

Obama canceled a scheduled Friday trip to Indianapolis — and a weekend family visit to Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia — and kept in touch with both Boehner and Reid.

The standoff began several weeks ago, when the new Republican majority in the House passed legislation to cut $61 billion from federal spending and place numerous curbs on the government.

In the weeks since, the two sides have alternately negotiated and taken time out to pass interim measures.

Originally, Republicans wanted to ban federal funds for Planned Parenthood, a health care services provider that is also the nation's largest provider of abortions.

Federal funds may not be used to pay for abortions except in strictly regulated cases, but supporters of the ban said cutting off government funds for the organization — currently about $330 million a year — would make it harder for it to use its own money for the same purpose.

Democrats rejected the proposal in private talks. Officials in both parties said Republicans returned earlier in the week with a proposal to distribute federal funds for family planning and related health services to the states, rather than directly to Planned Parenthood and other organizations.

Democrats said they rejected that proposal, as well, and then refused to agree to allow a separate Senate vote on the issue as part of debate over any compromise bill.

Instead, they launched a sustained campaign at both ends of the Capitol to criticize Republicans.

"We'll not allow them to use women as pawns," said Sen. Patty Murray, a fourth-term lawmaker from Washington who doubles as head of the Democratic senatorial campaign committee.

For Congress and Obama there are even tougher struggles still ahead — over a Republican budget that would remake entire federal programs, and a vote to raise the nation's debt limit.

Source: 'Historic' deal to avoid government shutdown - Yahoo! News (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/ap_on_re_us/us_spending_showdown)

I don't know how bad it would have been if it shut down, was too young to remember the last one back in '95.

Looks like Yellowstone won't be closed over the weekend.

04-08-2011, 11:25 PM
According to 60 Minutes, the government actually owes over 12 trillion dollars to countries are corps all over the world, a debt that they wont be able to pay for a very very long time.

Im not convinced, I think the US is still spiralling further down the ****hole every day, and theres no single man who can stop it.

I might be ignorant to say this, but politics has never been my strong point.

But I do have eyes, and I can see that nothing seems to be changing.

But atleast people are trying to shove in the right direction.

...I wonder when the block will make its first inch towards better times?..

04-09-2011, 12:16 AM
It's no surprise we're in big debt, but this whole issue was about an internal budget. I mean, China owns more of America than America owns America.

And actually, compared to a few years ago, economy is relatively better. It's still far from where it was in the '90s and it'll take a while to get back there assuming we don't get hit by an asteroid before it happens. Then again, an asteroid strike may be a good way to refresh the page.

04-09-2011, 12:53 AM
Im not big on government and policies and what not but what happens if the government didnt come up with the temp solution?

04-09-2011, 08:16 AM
Lots of people would be out on forced vacation today. National museums, parks, and a lot of services would be closed including parts of the IRS dealing with income taxes. I think about 800,000 people would have had to stay home until it was resolved.

Troops would have had to keep working but they wouldn't be getting paid. And doubt they would have been paid for their lost time because the government would just end up losing a crapload of money (not sure about this last part).

Ilyich Valken
04-09-2011, 10:20 AM
Lots of people would be out on forced vacation today. National museums, parks, and a lot of services would be closed including parts of the IRS dealing with income taxes. I think about 800,000 people would have had to stay home until it was resolved.

Troops would have had to keep working but they wouldn't be getting paid. And doubt they would have been paid for their lost time because the government would just end up losing a crapload of money (not sure about this last part).

And, supposedly, Obama and Congress would have continued to be paid, despite it being their fault had it shut down.

All because one side wouldn't pass something that was such a small side-note of the budget.

04-09-2011, 03:32 PM
And, supposedly, Obama and Congress would have continued to be paid, despite it being their fault had it shut down.

All because one side wouldn't pass something that was such a small side-note of the budget.

Eh, things are obviously not going in the best of ways right now -.- Hopefully we'll get our tires out of the mud soon though! :)

I dont hope you imply that Obama is to blame for anything negative...

Cause thats just assenine. Bush was in office for a long time, made a mess, and left Obama to clean it up, and now, everyone is blaming Obama for Bush's mess.

I just can't stand when people bash Obama for whatever reason, be it political or religious or racism.

Who cares if he was muslim? As long as he does a good job being president. I mean look at Bush, he was what everyone wanted him to be, a Christian, he even claimed that god himself wanted him to be president(coughbscough), and he sucked donkey balls at it, all he was was a pawn for the major corps to make the poor people stay the same, and make rich people richer.

And who cares if he is black? Since when did skin color decide wether you were better or worse for or at something?

AND who cares if he hasnt kept all of his promises. Show me a world leader who has...

Also, its mighty difficult to do whats best for the people when the people have a 100 million chains on him, holding him back. The people keep Obama from doing what they want him to do, it makes no sense.

Might be completely off topic yet again, and this whole rambling of mine might just be outright rediculous cause no one claimed that Obama was a bad president.

BUT, just in case,

Dont read the above if you are against Obama! I don't wanna start a political war with people I have come to love spending time with! Politics technically has no place here, so I dont want it to be the reason for a possible arguement!

Ilyich Valken
04-09-2011, 04:28 PM
Eh, things are obviously not going in the best of ways right now -.- Hopefully we'll get our tires out of the mud soon though! :)

I dont hope you imply that Obama is to blame for anything negative...

Cause thats just assenine. Bush was in office for a long time, made a mess, and left Obama to clean it up, and now, everyone is blaming Obama for Bush's mess.

I just can't stand when people bash Obama for whatever reason, be it political or religious or racism.

Who cares if he was muslim? As long as he does a good job being president. I mean look at Bush, he was what everyone wanted him to be, a Christian, he even claimed that god himself wanted him to be president(coughbscough), and he sucked donkey balls at it, all he was was a pawn for the major corps to make the poor people stay the same, and make rich people richer.

And who cares if he is black? Since when did skin color decide wether you were better or worse for or at something?

AND who cares if he hasnt kept all of his promises. Show me a world leader who has...

Also, its mighty difficult to do whats best for the people when the people have a 100 million chains on him, holding him back. The people keep Obama from doing what they want him to do, it makes no sense.

Might be completely off topic yet again, and this whole rambling of mine might just be outright rediculous cause no one claimed that Obama was a bad president.

BUT, just in case,

Dont read the above if you are against Obama! I don't wanna start a political war with people I have come to love spending time with! Politics technically has no place here, so I dont want it to be the reason for a possible arguement!

He isn't to blame for everything, but honestly, it isn't the public that's holding him back. It's Congress and the rest of the backwards government we have.

The government almost shut down because the Republicans didn't want to pass a bill that wouldn't defund the whole Planned Parenthood thing, along with other, smaller issues that neither side is going to back down about.

It's petty, and completely retarded. Instead of working on filling in and patching the hole they got the nation into, they're slowly making it worse.

Not to mention... as said above, had the government shut down, Congress and Obama would have continued to collect on their income. Soldiers, the people doing their dirty work, would have been handed I.O.U's and told they were **** out of luck.

04-09-2011, 05:55 PM
Anyone still working would still be paid which includes political leaders (e.g. President and Congresspeople), Law enforcement agents, emergency personnel, etc.

People who were forced to go home wouldn't be paid, and troops would either get a delayed payment or not get paid at all (again, not completely sure about this detail).