View Full Version : Echo's top ten games 10-5

04-11-2011, 05:31 PM
Echo’s Top 10 Games.
Hey guys, Echo here, and today I would like to share with you my top 10 games ever.
I’ll explain a little bit ‘bout the game and give you a picture in color!
So let’s dive right in.

Number 10:

Damn straight.
Gex is an extremely nostalgic game for me.
So the basic gist of the game is that you’re a geko (with the coolest shades ever) and then you basically get sucked inside to your TV. Then you battle insane monsters in a cemetery.
Trippy for yah?
This game was amazing for me, climbing on walls , tail whipping monsters right in there pie hole.
This game was released for the SEGA Saturn around some date I don’t know.
So there’s one.

Number 9:
Oh yes, do you guys remember this?
What really?
Come on, you can pick either a gigantic lizard, wolf, or basically king kong and all you do is run around smashing **** for a high score.
That’s right, it’s RAMPAGE.
I remember when I first picked up this game from a rent store.
I got it one day, had to bring it back in a week, and then I got it again the next day.
Now I know that they already released an upgraded one for the PS2 a long while back, but that one didn’t satisfy my thirst for killing and smashing as much as the Nintendo 64 version did.
(by the way my favorites the lizard)

Number 8:
Hahaha, more blood and murder onslaught for the hungry villain.
Mortal Kombat has been an awesome game from the start.
But when this game came out, holy hell it blew everything out of the blood bath.
First off, you can make your own Mortal Kombat fighter.
Like in full detail too, to how they looked to how they punched.
Secondly, A full army of Kombat fighters.
I mean look at all the characters in here
Um, a little much Midway, I just **** my pants.
Lastly, Kart races…………………seriously.

Number 7:

Ah yes, Heavy Rain, a one of the kind experience for me.
Heavy Rain is a prime example on what kind of books I love to read.
The controls are a new idea, the graphics are stunning, and the story is a beautiful psycho killer murder mystery.
This game is just a visual phenomenon for me.
I don’t want to give the story away for you so just look it up, or better yet buy it.

Number 6:
Brutal legend, I love it love it love it love it.
Basically what Brutal Legend is that you a roadie named Eddie, and then you die….then you go to a kick-ass looking world full of metal…and metal…..and Ozzy Osbourne.
This games sound track blew up my mind.
I loved it, I love this game.

Number 5:
Clockwork mother ****ing knight.
This game took me AGES to complete.
But I loved everything about this game, the only thing bad about it is……I don’t remember much of it.
All I know is that at the beginning you have some chick singing then you an some other knights start shooting **** then you miss then everyone makes fun of you then it goes dark then that chick is stolen or missing or something then you go through some tedious levels full of bull**** then you win.

Number 4:
Oh yes, my good friend Sonic the hedgehog.
Such a nostalgic game really.
I loved this game from its fast paced action to its blue hedgehog with red shoes running fast as hell.
Granted the new Sonic games aren’t that good….well there **** really.
Except the running part in that one where he turns into a werewolf.
Only the running part though…that part kicked ass.

Number 3:
I have to say, when I played this game growing up, it scared the hell out of me…then I battled skeletons in Hell.
So it’s just a lose/lose situation really.
But Diablo was such a cool game playing on an old computer 24/7 non-stop.
I think I was a wizard or something…I don’t know.
I also heard that they are making a new one, so I can’t wait to get my hands on that.

Number 2:
Oh dear lord, more killing, running over people, taking money, beating up old people with bats for the villain?
I love it.
I have to tell you a story about GTA4 real fast, when I got my first PS2, my first game was GTA3, then when I got my first XBOX 360 my first game was, you bet it, Barbie’s Horse adventures 2, no but really it was GTA4.
And the visual aspect of the game is just….just…mind boggling really.
I mean if you took the time to evaluate everything that is happening in Liberty City in this game, you’ll be surprised.
The story is just excellent, and the fact that they made two full DLC’s for this game that explain more of the story and has more features it’s just like……..****!

Number 1:
Halo, yes Halo, now I’m not talking about Halo CE, I’m talking about the whole series.
From Halo CE to REACH.
I LOVE Halo, Master Chief is basically the coolest guy ever.
I mean he’s a alien killing, space traveling, fully body armor wearing bad ass.
Halo is just so amazing.
I remember the first Halo trailer; I fell in love with it.
It’s what made me buy an XBOX.
And then Halo 2 with online?
Holy ****, I played NON-STOP.
But when Halo 3 came out, I was locked in. fully customizable Spartan and Elite gear.
Awesome online.
Kick-ass campaign.
Everything, but then I started to play other games. Then when REACH came out, I was already playing a **** fest game called call of duty.
Then I picked up Halo REACH and the rest….is history.

So thanks gamers for checking this out, leave a reply if you liked this or not and why.

Edit, I just put up the last parts, hope you read them.

04-11-2011, 07:56 PM
I used to play Sonic the Hedgehog on my Sega for hours after school almost every day.

04-11-2011, 08:00 PM
Love this list and I agree with all EXCEPT Clockwork Knight -.- I couldnt stand that game!!!

The rest though? Love them, +rep for awesome list!!!

04-11-2011, 08:02 PM
Thanks Saph for the feedback.
I might be doing more of these since this one was so much fun.
Maybe we could do one together if you wanted to.

04-11-2011, 08:04 PM
I'd love to, bro.

04-11-2011, 08:06 PM
Message me later about it if you get around to think about it.
Oh and same here Linux.

04-11-2011, 08:07 PM
Will do!

I'ma go **** myself now while playing some Amnesia.

04-11-2011, 11:26 PM
I've heard some really good things about Heavy Rain, and you make me want it even more. I was waiting for a price drop for several months but I could never find a deal (I heard it's kinda short and I won't pay more than 30 bucks for a 10 or less hour SP game). Recently noticed it's a Greatest Hit now though, so I'll be pickin it up shortly :)

04-11-2011, 11:31 PM
I've heard some really good things about Heavy Rain, and you make me want it even more. I was waiting for a price drop for several months but I could never find a deal (I heard it's kinda short and I won't pay more than 30 bucks for a 10 or less hour SP game). Recently noticed it's a Greatest Hit now though, so I'll be pickin it up shortly :)

The game it self isn't short really.
The story keeps you enlisted into the game for about 8 hours straight.
And there is many MANY ways you could go about from the story.
It's really an amazing game.

04-12-2011, 04:32 AM
Whattt no Oblivion? come on the games as old as that moldy sandwich in my fridge but still tastes really good........no wait I mean the game is still pretty vast and epic :) but ups for loving Halo, I love those who love halo over cod ^_^

04-12-2011, 06:23 AM
Great list. I also loved sonic, but what is clockwork knight?

04-12-2011, 03:05 PM
Great list. I also loved sonic, but what is clockwork knight?

An old SEGA Saturn game.
Look it up if you have the time.