View Full Version : What is the most ridiculous trending topic you have ever seen?

04-14-2011, 02:52 PM
This can either be a Twitter trending topic, or any other trending topic on any other social networking site; either in recent times, or in history.

I came across one just now actually, which should start us off quite nicely.

I found it on Twitter, as I spend quite a lot of time on Twitter, because I am a very sad man. But here's the hash-tagged topic that made my blood boil:


I'm sorry, but both bands/groups are about as entertaining as a wet dish cloth. If you wanted a serious ultimatum, then yes, McFly are better, as they can actually play instruments and write their own songs. However, they're both a waste of space in the music industry.

Gief more talent pl0x.

Anyway, what's the most ridiculous topic you've ever seen that's made you go LOLWTFGTFO.

04-14-2011, 02:59 PM
Ive seen my share of ridiculous topics. None on twitter but on a forum called flashback.

They got the most disgusting,weardest and sick forums(but some are just hilarious)

Like one of the more weard topics where: What is the strangest animal you have killed with a bb gun. After the many posts about small birds and squirrels came the big prey. One guy said he shot a moose and yeah some where just WTF.

04-14-2011, 03:01 PM
Ive seen my share of ridiculous topics. None on twitter but on a forum called flashback.

They got the most disgusting,weardest and sick forums(but some are just hilarious)

Like one of the more weard topics where: What is the strangest animal you have killed with a bb gun. After the many posts about small birds and squirrels came the big prey. One guy said he shot a moose and yeah some where just WTF.


That's crazy! How the hell did you even stumble across that forum?

04-14-2011, 03:03 PM

That's crazy! How the hell did you even stumble across that forum?

Its kinda famous here. And that wasnt the worst.

04-14-2011, 03:06 PM
Its kinda famous here. And that wasnt the worst.

What forum is it?

04-14-2011, 03:07 PM
What forum is it?

Its named flashback forum but its all in swedish(even if I think that they got a small english section to)

04-14-2011, 05:35 PM
This actually didn't happen on the web, it happened in real life.

Does that count?

Well anyway, I hope it does!

So I was just walking through the streets of Odense, Denmark a few years back, on my way to the video game store when a woman with WAY too much make up and friggin 4 inch nails stops me dead in my tracks by blocking me off with her shoulders.

If you're a strong christian, please just walk away now...
The words that spewed from her face were something along these lines:

"Uhm, excuse me, yeah I'm trying to get your attention here!!!

Thank you. So, my name is Hanne, and I would like to ask if you have done anything horrible in your life? Such as lieing or stealing?"

At this point I was thinking to myself that I better start screaming rape or something cause this milf is freaking my the f*** out...

"Cause if you have, I can tell you that all your parents said about god is true! If you have done these sins and dont repent, you will have a misserable existence full of heartache and loss and loneliness, only to end up dieing an untimely death and end up in eternal missery in hell. Now, if you accept this flyer, god will consider it an act of repent, and will forgive you everything!"

At this point I was friggin red in the face, and I slowly took the flyer, and she smiled happily.

I move along to ripping it in half and shoving it into her hand and walking off. Her screaming "BLASPHEMER!!" and "HERETIC!" and "NUTJOB!" and "FILTHY LITTLE ****, HOW DARE YOU DENY YOUR LORD!?"

Religion, I can't friggin stand it...

04-16-2011, 12:25 PM
This actually didn't happen on the web, it happened in real life.

Does that count?

Well anyway, I hope it does!

So I was just walking through the streets of Odense, Denmark a few years back, on my way to the video game store when a woman with WAY too much make up and friggin 4 inch nails stops me dead in my tracks by blocking me off with her shoulders.

If you're a strong christian, please just walk away now...
The words that spewed from her face were something along these lines:

"Uhm, excuse me, yeah I'm trying to get your attention here!!!

Thank you. So, my name is Hanne, and I would like to ask if you have done anything horrible in your life? Such as lieing or stealing?"

At this point I was thinking to myself that I better start screaming rape or something cause this milf is freaking my the f*** out...

"Cause if you have, I can tell you that all your parents said about god is true! If you have done these sins and dont repent, you will have a misserable existence full of heartache and loss and loneliness, only to end up dieing an untimely death and end up in eternal missery in hell. Now, if you accept this flyer, god will consider it an act of repent, and will forgive you everything!"

At this point I was friggin red in the face, and I slowly took the flyer, and she smiled happily.

I move along to ripping it in half and shoving it into her hand and walking off. Her screaming "BLASPHEMER!!" and "HERETIC!" and "NUTJOB!" and "FILTHY LITTLE ****, HOW DARE YOU DENY YOUR LORD!?"

Religion, I can't friggin stand it...

Dont read this for the same reason above.
lol. So how does it feel now when you are going to burn in hell blasphemer.:P

04-16-2011, 12:57 PM
Hah XD It feels like I'm getting a damned sunburn while getting a rub down from Hitler XD!!!

04-16-2011, 12:59 PM
Hah XD It feels like I'm getting a damned sunburn while getting a rub down from Hitler XD!!!

Lol, I thought these kind of people only lived in USA(no offence to you guys)