View Full Version : I won!

04-16-2011, 01:38 PM
I just got back from lunch and saw the email I won the contest with Lostinplace. Im really happy right now and its an epic feeling, I should have my HDPVR by next friday ish.

If you guys are wondering how I did this is the email Lost sent me explaining:


So here is my honest critique of your performance. I hold nothing back so don't be offended. Learn from your faults. If I ever ask you to critique something of mine I want you to be brutaly honest. I learn from my mistakes and I expect you to do the same now that you are an official Booster Buster.

Our initial 1 on 1 interview was pretty good. You were confident and seemed motivated to do well. Your 1st commentary from the 2 minute clip was the best of the 4 IMO. Doing a poem and adding music was VERY creative and unique. It showed me you think outside the box and that you have some original and creative ideas to share. The 2nd task was the improv session. You did well but at times I felt you were a little to graphic/vulgar. Obviously what we do is supposed to be funny but cursing ALL THE TIME may not suit our whole audience. It is up to you what kind of character Joker is going to be in your episodes. Maybe your character is a foul mouth person. That is fine. But try to seperate the character from yourself.

The 3rd task was completed but TBH, it was very hard for me to watch. While the content was very good the problem was the editing as I am sure you will agree. The sound levels were bad because it was hard to hear your voices over the gameplay levels. Also the visual part was tough to because of using split screen. For future videos you should use Track Motion as I showed you and that will improve the video quality 100%

Our 1 on 1 session together was the best of the group. In game while busting boosters I felt like you were a natural. You constantly were funny and were getting the boosters talking. we did have some audio issues and I don't know why but we can figure that out for future sessions. Also you need to speak a little louder at times.

Also you were well liked by my subscribers. They really like you.

Overall, you have a bright future in this. Your dedication level was the highest of everyone in the group. You were constantly in contact with me and seem to sincerely enjoy doing this.

I would be honored if you accepted my offer to you to become an official Booster Buster. Unfortunately I only have 1 Hauppauge to give away. In the long run it came down to you and Panda for it. if I could give you both one I would but I had to pick just one of you. I went with you for the Hauppauge even though you 2 were neck and neck. Where you had the advantage was your dedication level and high enthusiasm. I want people who are excited about doing this and I can tell you are. So congratulations.

What the future holds...

First give me your address so I can mail you your HD PVR. After that get to busting! Pair up, go solo, whatever. What I would like you to do is try and partner with Panda sometimes. He is part of the team and now the only one without a HD PVR. I told him to partner with us whenever he can and I dont want him to feel left out cause he didnt win the HD PVR. Also I need to spend some time with you improving your video editing skills but that will come with time and practice.

So thats it. Congrats!

04-16-2011, 01:52 PM
Awesome man big congrats!

04-16-2011, 02:12 PM
Congratulations, that vid you created was definitely outside the box thinking.

Good luck buster-ing!

04-16-2011, 05:30 PM

But who or what is Lostinplace?

04-16-2011, 06:20 PM
This is lostinplace:

He runs a show called Booster Buster's The goal is to prevent boosters from gaining anything on CoD Black ops and to get them reported.
He is an awesome person

04-16-2011, 10:45 PM
So I know this might sound stupid but I havnt played MMOG shooters like battlefield since Battlefield Vietnam and DoD were the big hitters.

So please explain to me...what is boosting?

04-17-2011, 01:19 AM
Boosting in layman's terms is using the game in a matter in which it was not design to do.
SO pretty much finding a method by which you can get all your friends into one game and coordinate getting the most possible points is boosting.

04-17-2011, 01:28 AM
Im happy that you won it. What games are you "playing"? In many videos its black ops but do you do it in other games as well?

04-17-2011, 09:11 AM
I not really sure what the video was but... Congratulations anyway!

04-17-2011, 03:07 PM
So proud of my little brother. Told you that you would do well. *hugs*