View Full Version : tell me a memorable gaming experince you've had

04-26-2011, 12:21 AM
ill start off with my experience with gta III.

first just let me say that i have always been a gamer but i didnt get really into it until i was like 20-21.

i worked at a movie and game rental store when it came out. i remember when it first came in we had like 6 copies for rent and i began to notice that it was ALWAYS checked out. then one day i read on the back of the box a quote from some magazine that said something like "grand theft auto III expands the very idea of what a video game has traditionally been." i thought that that was a very bold statement. i decided that next week when i had free rentals again i was going to rent it. that day when i went to rent it i went to see if a copy was in and we now all of a sudden we had like 30+ copies. i was like WTF! thats crazy, we never got that many copies of any game. i then preceeded to rent it and go home and play it til like 5am. i had the next day off and i played it for 10+ hours straight. cut to like 2 months later. i saw what was a group of adults. not like 20s. 30s and older. they were on break or something outside the office they worked at. all huddled around one of them holding a gta III strategy guide. thats when i realized how big video games had gotten. still later even when i had already completed the story weeks ago and found 90+ of the hidden packages on my own and found most of the jumps. i noticed that a list of cars was on this random garage by the docks. HOLY ****! i have more stuff to do! i couldnt believe that i had never noticed any of these car delivery garages. this is probably my most memorable game because of these things.

04-26-2011, 06:49 PM
This is a hard one because there are a lot of moments to me that have stuck with me. I'll start with one that may seem out there to some. And this is only one of the many I can think of for me offhand.

Zelda: Wind Waker. When I realized just how dark the actual story was compared to the game. It was a fun realization actually. Going around do my thing having fun in a light hearted Zelda game. Then I found out Hyrule was essentially destroyed when the gods stopped it in time and flooded the world because Gannon came back and there was no hero of time to stop him. That was a good memory : )

And I used Wind Waker because I loved the game and always felt it was under appreciated.

04-26-2011, 07:31 PM
Halo: 3. Me, my friends "C", "T", "J" and the only name, William are all playing big team battle. We get another guy on our team who likes to goof around like we do. All of us charge into the opposite team's base on Valhalla, wipe them out, and we wait inside the base. 2 little red dots on our radar come in, and the guy yells out "Fire at will!"

William is at the entrance to the base, facing his whole team (us) all of us in our little group slowly turn and look at him. "DON'T FIRE AT WILL, NOPE FIRE AT THE BAD GUYS" is the last thing he said before we betrayed him. "I hate you guys.." is the last thing we heard after he died before we couldn't stop laughing for the remaining ~4:30 in the game.

04-26-2011, 09:40 PM
another one i have is playing the legend of zelda: the ocarina of time. i remember just getting so into that game. and when i realized that after you go through time and become a teen/adult and that there were certain things that you could have done when young that would now be different in the future. like planting those seeds. at the time i was amazed at that.

04-27-2011, 01:23 AM
I got one.

A multiplayer match in bc2

I had killed several enemies and never died. I saw an enemy in a house and followed him in. WHen I got in there he noticed me and wanted to knife me. I knifed him instead but then his team showed up and started shooting.

I panicked and just shot everywhere and knifing in the air. I got "blind" by the chaos but saw soon that I killed them all.

It was squad rush btw.

04-27-2011, 01:47 PM
in the halo 3 beta i was playing a match on high ground. i was in the downstairs of the base and i walked out the door under the steps and saw like the whole team running towards me so i threw out the power drainer and a frag nade and then ducked back in the door. immediate overkill, all at once. its the last clip of the beta montage that i made.

04-27-2011, 01:53 PM
Me and a friend played halo 3 and maxed speed and put low gravity. We used only swords and low health and rushed eachover.

We ran against eachover and jumped so we met in the middle(like in an anime/manga)

SiC TwiSteD
05-05-2011, 07:53 PM
Mine was very recent actually, i was playing Halo: Reach with my bros James, Bryan, and Devon and we were messing around in Action Sack when we found a game called Hockey in the Hockey Rink. Lets just say in one game of Hockey i had a 40 killing spree of only animated assassinations and Devon, Bryan, and James also had outrageous killing sprees as well. I believe the other team was over -100 and our team had over 100 assassinations alone!

if you havent played Hockey on halo its a blast, the only was to kill people is by hitting them 6 times, shooting them to death which takes over 3 minutes, or just assassinating them aka sooooo fun

05-06-2011, 05:26 AM
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit

I was the racer in a blue Subaru WRX. I was the only racer left and there were 3 cops remaining. So I went into a shortcut, 1 of the cops followed me. The other 2 rushed to the exit of the shortcut. So they were trying to block the exit, I hit the breaks hard and steered left, drifting away from one cop. The cop behind me didn't see the other cop until very late resulting in both of them crashing. I finished the race :3

05-06-2011, 06:49 AM
The first time one of my friends tried GTA4 at my place. he got up to a wanted level 4 and was fleeing from through the streets, so finaly he reaches the small jump where you fly through the arch of triumph or whatever you call it, and he hits it with the highest speed and fly through the air, and i start screaming PRESS TRIANGLE TO ACTIVATE THE ROCKETS!! and he presses triangle and poor Nico jumps out off the car and ragdolls down the hill at full speed into an uncomming car and dies. lol i couldnt stop laughing

05-06-2011, 07:53 AM
One of my most memorable moments was while playing Half Life 2 with a realism mod of some sort, where the average enemy bullet takes 50 hp off your health. Right after the warehouse at the docks where you have to fight off 3 or so waves of Combine while a Helicopter hovering outside keeps you in check.

Barely managing to escape the Combine onslaught into a corridor which I found out was in a perfect line of fire from the choppa. 12 HP left, half a clip of ammo, pinned down by the big gun outside firing through the windows into the corridor I was sitting ducked just about out of sight while the foot troops were already speeding through the warehouse.

It felt so cinematic even though it wasn't originally intended to.

05-06-2011, 09:55 AM
One of my most memorable moments was while playing Half Life 2 with a realism mod of some sort, where the average enemy bullet takes 50 hp off your health. Right after the warehouse at the docks where you have to fight off 3 or so waves of Combine while a Helicopter hovering outside keeps you in check.

Barely managing to escape the Combine onslaught into a corridor which I found out was in a perfect line of fire from the choppa. 12 HP left, half a clip of ammo, pinned down by the big gun outside firing through the windows into the corridor I was sitting ducked just about out of sight while the foot troops were already speeding through the warehouse.

It felt so cinematic even though it wasn't originally intended to.

Did you survive by a miracle or did you die?

05-06-2011, 10:02 AM
There was an autosave spot right when I entered the hallway with the helo outside and the troops storming through the door, so I was in a almost-permanent reload-die cycle because as much as a bit of paint falling off the wall was able to kill me. >.>

But then I managed to headshot 2 of the soldiers and hurry crouched through the corridor just to run into another guard. Eventually I got him too before he x-rav vision aimbotted me the second a single finger of mine stuck though the door and there was a health+armor downstairs. Everything went well from there... xD

05-06-2011, 02:45 PM
I must ad a thing from STALKER shadow of chernobyl.
spoiler alert
I was in an underground place under agroprom research instution. I Fought bandits and thought it where safe. I jumped down to a dark tunnel full of boiling poison. I came to another scary pclace, everything was quiet and I didnt see any bandits on the map. I walked slowl adn steady towards the end of the room. All seemed to go well until it came. A scream that really made me jump was heard and I turned around. There where nothing there. I looked forward again and a invicible creature ran towards me. I panicked and started shooting at everything. The computer started lagging so it jumped everywhere. I ran back with the thing behind me. I turned and started shooting again. Suddenly the weapon jammed I was like OHHH Noooo!! I started knifing all over the place and the lagging continued. The monster started clawing me and seemed invinsible.(I died)

Except from the lagging that place was perfect.

05-06-2011, 06:22 PM
Mine is where i got a NUKE on CoD MW2 legitly on highrise its a 25 kill streak (get 25 kills without dieing) it was so 3P!C for me i nearly had a heart attack combined with a siezure.

05-06-2011, 06:44 PM
Nukes are awesome :3 They truly are, but people tend to flame you for using them. I only take them when I'm in an evil mood because I get one like every other round and it really gets people on the roof.

Which brings me to my next memorable moment: MW2 on the map Derail.
It wasn't all that crazy, I just had extremely stupid people on the other team.
For those who know the game and the map:
I got my Basic load-out with Assault Rifle, Shotgun, Claymores, ScavPro, SitrepPro and HardenedPro, started camping the big middle building.
Well not exactly camping, but covering the top floor all alone, and they just kept coming.
Both exits covered with claymores, SitRepPro always allowed me to hear whenever people were somewhere near the entrances, ofc the explosions gave away if someone actually tried to get inside. So I kept taking them off through the windows, got almost sniped once, replacing Claymores whenever someone walked into them.

And no joke, one dude tried to get inside, using the same exit and died from my claymore 5 times in a row. I mean, that's not funny anymore, that's just sad.

You'd think he'd learn and toss a flash or concussion inside. Use SitRep or Scrambler Pro. I don't know, there are like thousands of ways to smoke a camper out. Or did he not recognize the pattern behind my infinite supply of claymores? He delivered every time.

So anyway, at 11 kills came the AC-130, I held off, at 15 came the EMP, I made sure all claymores are in place, nobody to be heard outside, EMP'd them, sat in the corner and enjoyed my AC130. 10 Kill with that beast, easy. Boom 25 kills, Nuke, and I was still sitting in my corner when the AC130 expired.

Epic moment, and the round wasn't even halfway over. Ofc, flames to the max, because I was camping, all alone, on a big space with plenty of windows, 2 entrances and a million possibilities to murder the hell out of me.
(Damn, myself I'd have long before started tubing and rocketing all the windows to that place.)

05-06-2011, 06:47 PM
Once upon a time I used to play DoD(Day of Defeat) religiously.

One day I convinced a group of my school mates to go do an all nighter at the local netcafe. We went on and joined a fight.

Should be known that I was an expert grenade thrower(self entitled). I could throw a grenade and hit a guy square in the face and blow him to bits.

Well one day I was pinned the ruin of a wall, with 3 enemy players laying led hale over me none stop. When 1 had to reload, another just did, and returned to firing. I tried 1 time to get up and aim a grenade, but I got hit pretty bad in my arm, so I laid back down.

Finally I decided to do something I never tried before, throwing without aiming. So I pointing up, and threw ONE!!! grenade.

I saw it disappear, and all of a sudden I hear "GRENAAAADE!!" and 2 of the people scatter like rats. ONE guy stands there, and his response to the grande call is to lie down....

He lies down ONTOP of my grenade that landed at his feet.


only a little black burn spec on the stone floor marks where his grenade covering body used to lie XD Later on I found his skull about 2 blocks away XD LOL!

One of the most hilarious times I had in DoD

05-07-2011, 02:09 AM

Me and some friends played Halo 3. We played team deathmatch and I had a sniper.

I was on top of a small structure and noticed them. I shot but missed and they ran away. I started running and in a downhill I jumped and aimed. I shot both in the head in the air.

later they complaiend, haxxing, newb luck and all sorts of things.:laugh1:

05-07-2011, 07:51 AM
Don't you just love those kids that can't stop flaming you if you're good or have an amazing streak? You're instantly a cheater xD

Like that one time I was playing CounterStrike Source, cs_italy, ct, it was already late in the round, most of the teams were dead, so we've been searching for the last stragglers.
I was running from market, didn't take the tunnel, instead I turned in direction of the apartments, and there I saw it, a nice long barrel of the AWP peeking around the corner, aiming straight down the walkway, waiting for someone to come along.

Camping 101: If they can see you before you can see them, it ain't working.
Especially not if your "barrel" is too long for the corner you're hiding behind.
So yea, end of story was I smoked the dude with the AK through the wall.
Ofc that could only mean I cheated right? Yea... right.

05-07-2011, 07:54 AM
Sound like wallhax indeed :P