View Full Version : overrated games

04-26-2011, 11:49 AM
Because of the Thread "Underrated games..." I make the contrary: The overrated games in your opinion (and I beg you that you can accept the opinions here:)).

To break the ice I will start:

1. World of Warcraft (Before I get flamed, I just don't like that game so...please be friendly and accept this, mhk? ;))
2. Gothic 3 unpatched (unplayable and annoying as hell, I never had so much trouble with a game like this, it was a kick in the face as a Gothic-Fan)
3. Sonic Heroes (Come on Sega, seriously 4 Teams, the same missions over and over? Always the same missions again and again, nothing new and all teams weren't really different)
4. Crysis 1 and 2 (Don't misunderstand me, I liked the story of both games but the AI of these games were so stupid...I just give an example: You alerted the guards, go into a building with one door, you're waiting and you shoot every single person of the base with this little trick in the head)
5. Call of Duty...uh...at which point it happened that this game have always the same with little upgrades?
6. Morrowind (I loved Oblivion and hated Morrowind, it just annoyed me like hell that it took over 5 times before I hit someone with a sword of the spell finally worked. But the story and graphics are good^^, just the gameplay...THAT GAMEPLAY!!!)

These were mine overrated games. Please if you want discuss these but I hope you will post your personal overrated games here too ;).

04-26-2011, 12:19 PM
I can see how each has its own hype. However, Morrowind beinbg a classic RPG was built so that you would only be effective with skills you have put time into learning. It is especially frustraiting for new characters but once you are into the game, you get skills to the point where they rarely ever miss.

So I would argue thtat the gameplay was only annoying the first half of the game.

For me a huge overhype was Fallout3.2 err.. I mean New Vegas. Why doesnt this expantion pack connect to the first game?

04-26-2011, 12:29 PM
COD !!!! yes totally agreed!

04-26-2011, 01:41 PM
any MMO is overrated to me. i just cant get into those.

04-26-2011, 01:54 PM
Cod yes.
Vegas should have been an expansion, agreed.
Morrowind, Not sure how much I agree on that.
For me, and this may make people hate the new guy, Gears of War.
I know a lot of people say its a great game and everything, and its fun and whatnot, I just feel like for how much hype it also had it should have been a better less buggy game everytime : P

04-26-2011, 02:38 PM
Aion Online, hugely overrated, see my review on it for why its overrated.

World of Warcraft, I do like the game, I played it for years(6), but still, there's alot that makes it not as good as people, and blizz themselves, claim it is. I think Blizz just got lucky, and found pixelated crack cocaine in the form of WoW, the game is honestly not even that good, or nice graphics, but the storyline and the raids/pvp is masterful, and they try their absolute best to keep everything balanced, equal, and fair. So as much as I agree with it being overrated, it is in no way, in my opinion, a bad game.

Dragon Age: Origins, all of you who are my friends here, who frequent my posts? You all know I hate DAO. It was so extremely hyped up, with TV adds, commercial adds, adds on youtube, adds on facebook, tweets none stop, own website, own blog, everything was about DAO. A huge forum was even made for people to talk about it! All of this added to the hype, and soon there were even international DAO competitions(I think that spain won?) Everything made the game seem so damned AWESOME and fantastic and simply astonishing.

I was in on this hype, I frequented the forums and followed the contesters in the international DAO tournament, and I had already pre ordered the game. And when I got it, I was appalled by what I saw. The game calls itself an RPG, but its far from it in my opinion, its more a strategy based action game. There is no free roam in the game, even traveling is nothing but specs of blood trailing on the paths shown on a map, and the locations are 'zones' which are extremely small, poorly laid out, and several look exactly the same, it feels like you're going in circles sometimes cause everything has been copied and pasted, I bet you they didnt spend a second more than 8 hours building the entire world.

And as the game states, Dragon Age: ORIGINS, the main theme of the game is the cool and revolutionary Origins function! It looks extremely awesome in the beginning, you can be 3 races, each of which can be 3 classes, and can then pick their origin(A nobleman, a thug, a mage, a slave, a forest dweller), and each starts the game off differently for you.

You'd think that the fact that the games name contains this feature, it should hold an importance throughout the game right? WRONG!!! Every single origin only serves as the tutorial, and once its over, and you arrive at your first camp where you can get supplies, quests etc. then your Origin becomes completely pointless. What I'm trying to say is, that in the end, the origins hold absolutely no importance as to your progression in the game. The gameplay isnt different, the characters you meet arent different, the ending isnt different, all the origin does is give you a new way to start the game, and you can complete the entire game in a week, and try every single origin in 6 hours, after this, the game is done, and holds no more interest.

DAO was hugely hyped, but it was, in my opinion, a huge disappointment, and I have decided to boykott Bioware games(yeah, ME1&2 included), cause after trying both DAO and DA2, both of which are completely identical gameplay wise, I see that Bioware has 1 plan to follow, and I like to see something new, and not more of the same.

End of rant.

04-26-2011, 03:21 PM
Call of duty Black Ops, That game just enraged me.

04-26-2011, 05:29 PM
Call of Duty is massively overrated. It's a good shooter, but people expect everybody to have it. I don't have it, and people are like "do you have black ops?" "no" and then they're like whats wrong with u or somethin. I think Halo 1 is overrated too. And before you say "its an old game of course its not going to be as good now" i'm always playing older games. If a game is fun, it'll be fun. Halo is more frustrating than fun

@saph: I always thought Dragon Age: Origins was kind of like just saying it's the start of a big story that'll be continued throughout the sequels.

04-26-2011, 05:34 PM
@ Eps: Well no, I dont think DA2 have any connection with DAO whatsoever?

04-26-2011, 07:13 PM
@ Eps: Well no, I dont think DA2 have any connection with DAO whatsoever?

Maybe characters and stuff, but you can import data from origins and awakening, which effects events in the game. but yea, the game IS stupidly named...doesn't make it overrated i think o.o

04-26-2011, 09:38 PM
Well I didnt just say the name :p There was alot of stuff that made it overrated in my opinion.

04-26-2011, 10:14 PM
Well I didnt just say the name :p There was alot of stuff that made it overrated in my opinion.

well yea, but a good portion of your post was about the name lol. And I think that there are many types of RPG games...you just prefer one type. I'd definitely consider dragon age an RPG. I wouldn't say the game is overrated as much as i'd say you just flat out hate it lol

Ilyich Valken
04-26-2011, 11:18 PM
and I have decided to boykott Bioware games(yeah, ME1&2 included), cause after trying both DAO and DA2, both of which are completely identical gameplay wise, I see that Bioware has 1 plan to follow, and I like to see something new, and not more of the same.

I think this a slight over reaction.. Why base your opinion of Bioware on two games (even going so far as to "boycott" a game that came out prior to Dragon Age Origins)? I agree with Eps.. seems more like a "I hate it" thing than a "It's overrated" thing.

04-26-2011, 11:55 PM
Well thats your opinion.

Mine is that it's overrated and hyped up with little to show for it.

My opinion stands.

EDIT: And no, I don't HATE the game, I have completed the game, done all the origins etc. But putting words in my mouth and claim that I hate it just cause you don't agree with my opinion? Well, in my eyes thats alittle tunnel visioned.

Ilyich Valken
04-27-2011, 12:02 AM
Dragon Age: Origins, all of you who are my friends here, who frequent my posts? You all know I hate DAO. It was so extremely hyped up, with TV adds, commercial adds, adds on youtube, adds on facebook, tweets none stop, own website, own blog, everything was about DAO.

Not putting words of any kind in anyone's mouth, just going off of what you said. No reason to get defensive. That said, I really don't see how you can call it over-rated. Lots of other games have their own facebook, twitter, website, blog, and tv ads. It's marketing, that's how business works.

04-27-2011, 12:10 AM
Exactly. EVERY game is hyped up. Why? Companies make games to make a profit, and making a lot of noise about a game is a good way to get it noticed. This one game in particular you rage about being hyped before it's released, and you're mad because it's labeled as an RPG but it's not an oblivion clone. It's a perfectly enjoyable game, I think you're just stuck in what you expected the game to be instead of enjoying what it actually is. The only thing overrated about DA:O imo is it's replayability. I've tried replaying it and was extremely bored. Some really open games are fun to replay because they're so open, some games on the linear side are fun to replay cuz you get to experience the great story again (like watching a movie again)...dragon age is kind of right in the middle, where there's not enough on either side for me to want to replay it again. But aside from my lack of desire to want to play it again, I thought it was an awesome game.

04-27-2011, 12:18 AM
I cant say anything about cod even if I think that the campaign is to damn small.

One game I think is overhyped is wow. I dont like mmos and wow isnt an exception.

SiC TwiSteD
05-05-2011, 07:58 PM
my list of overrated games:
1. CoD 2
2. CoD 3
3. CoD 4 Modern Warfare
4. Cod World at War
5. CoD Modern Warfare 2
6. CoD Black Ops

Oh would you look at that, it seems every single one of them is a CoD game, hmm imagine that:p

05-06-2011, 09:22 AM
Lol twisted I can't even say your wrong.

05-06-2011, 12:31 PM
Black Ops....i feel sorry for anyone who spent money on it

05-06-2011, 07:19 PM
Ah for me its bf2bc just couldnt get into it everything was so slow paced

05-07-2011, 02:16 AM
Ah for me its bf2bc just couldnt get into it everything was so slow paced

Just how I like it.:)