View Full Version : Xbox unbans all consoles

04-27-2011, 01:32 AM
Just saw this pop up on youtube. It seems Anonymous, from my understanding, has threaten Microsoft and in return they removed all console bans. DJ Keemstar, if you dont know him, was console banned 15 times his consoles now work.

Im not sure if anonymous is threatening them or not but its getting a little freaky on what they are doing. Also the PSN is still down, is Sony trying to upgrade/update their security protocols or what?


Ilyich Valken
04-27-2011, 01:34 AM
I've heard that Sony's going to be spending time to up their security, but this is like the third time that they've "beefed" up security and it's gotten blown through like it's a piece of 1 ply tissue paper. Pretty interesting about the unbanning thing on Live.

04-27-2011, 01:36 AM
Anon wasnt behind PSN...
If the do something they usually claim the credit, in the PSN case they did the opposite.
But yea, Anon is behind attacks on our politicans because of the Data Retention Directive.
Guess they've become tired of beeing pushed around by people they pay good money to. :P

04-27-2011, 01:39 AM
I still wouldnt screw with anonymous they arent someone i would want to anger.

Who was behind the PSN Exe, it just seems like everyone is pointing their finger at anonymous because of that one situation. That kid who hacked something and made it public on youtube. Thats what I remember.

Ilyich Valken
04-27-2011, 01:51 AM
Just because Anon claims it's not them doesn't mean it's not. Anonymous isn't exactly one big organized party.

04-27-2011, 02:03 AM
Just because Anon claims it's not them doesn't mean it's not. Anonymous isn't exactly one big organized party.

True, but it still dosent fit their mo.

Anonymous isn't exactly one big organized party.
How do you know? :P

At any rate i dont like any of this either... I dont need some people i dont even know who is, to "Stand up for my rights" just because they don't agree with some decision.

Ilyich Valken
04-27-2011, 02:08 AM
I've got friends who go on /b/ and generally follow some of the crap Anon does, and I've seen some strong disagreements among the ranks on some subjects. Would go well to assume it's not a "We all act or none of us do" ordeal.

04-27-2011, 02:18 AM
True, but it still dosent fit their mo.

From what I can dig up on the internet the biggest thing about anonymous is they are leaderless there is no structure. If enough people are for or against something they will act. hence them attacking Casey's school network, or just being complete aholes and killing the end of the harry potter book by telling who killed dumbdore at the midnight release of the book.

04-27-2011, 10:05 AM
From what I can dig up on the internet the biggest thing about anonymous is they are leaderless there is no structure. If enough people are for or against something
There's not a lot of structure in the planning. There are, literally, thousands of people who visit 4chan, and since it's an image-board (no saved threads. New one is made, oldest one gets deleted.) it's hard to get a thread for the people involved all inside and to follow. There could be one group that logged on, say Monday, and planned the initial Sony take-down, and are now going "Nope, not us!" Doesn't mean a second group planned what's going on now on Tuesday. They would not have the first thread to refer to in going "No, lets NOT take this further" or it could in fact be a select few of the first group, remaining anonymous to..well, Anonymous and causing this crap now.

or just being complete a-holes and killing the end of the harry potter book by telling who killed Dumbledore at the midnight release of the book.

Group of kids on eBaum's World, not Anon ;P

04-27-2011, 08:27 PM
Its crazy what the internet can do.

04-27-2011, 08:47 PM
anon is going to take over

04-27-2011, 11:07 PM
I agree with that statement eps.

04-28-2011, 12:21 AM
Lets face it, odds are no matter how many computer experts you have preventing hacking you will always be faced with twice as many people, who are twice as smart when a massive collective is involved.

The collective nature of the internet really has made it an animal with unpredictable nature. Its the one place that due to the fact that there are millions of genius level iq hackers for ever one security expert it most likely will remain a superpower that can even threaten governments. You can arrest people, but a global collective cant be deterred.

04-28-2011, 12:23 AM
Lets face it, odds are no matter how many computer experts you have preventing hacking you will always be faced with twice as many people, who are twice as smart when a massive collective is involved.
Also twice as immature...

04-28-2011, 10:49 AM
if anonymous ever threatened a government Im pretty sure it would be game on and people would start a war to stop them. Im pretty damn sure FBI is watching them since Cyber Crimes is number 3 priority for them. Im waiting for the day war is declared on anonymous. Its coming sooner or later.

04-29-2011, 12:10 AM
Im pretty sure while cyber crime falls under their jurisdiction, they contract out for much of it as cyber crime is a massive category. And as they are not a technology developer I cant see them being involved in cutting edge developments even such as 0day exploits.

Below is an example of them harassing a government paid security contractor. Also I cant see them threatening the United States government as a whole. Thats ridicules. They have no reason to, as they move loosely to support ideals and attack solid targets such as persons or companies.

Attack on HBGary Federal
See also: Wikileaks, Bank of America, Hunton & Williams, and Anonymous
One man, who calls himself Owen, says his Anonymous colleagues broke into the company's servers. Hackers have a name for what they did. "They decided to just rape his servers and take all the information they wanted," he says. "Forgive that term ... 'Rape' is an Internet term, you know, as to go in and take everything out of somebody's server." Whatever the term, it was not a nice thing that Anonymous did to HBGary Federal. But now that the company's e-mails are out, it appears it was also willing to do some not-nice things.
—E-Mails Hacked By 'Anonymous' Raise Concerns, NPR[122]
On the weekend of 5–6 February 2011, Aaron Barr, the chief executive of the security firm HBGary Federal, announced that his firm had successfully infiltrated the Anonymous group, and although he would not hand over details to the police, he would reveal his findings at a later conference in San Francisco. In retaliation for Aaron Barr's claims, members of the group Anonymous hacked the website of HBGary Federal and replaced the welcome page with a message stating that Anonymous should not be messed with, and that the hacking of the website was necessary to defend itself. Using a variety of techniques, including social engineering and SQL injection,[123] Anonymous also went on to take control of the company's e-mail, dumping 68,000 e-mails from the system, erasing files, and taking down their phone system.[124] The leaked emails revealed the reports and company presentations of other companies in computer security such as Endgame systems who promise high quality offensive software, advertising "subscriptions of $2,500,000 per year for access to 0day exploits".[125]
Among the documents exposed was a PowerPoint presentation entitled “The Wikileaks Threat,” put together by HBGary Federal along with two other data intelligence firms for Bank of America in December.[126] Within the report, these firms created a list of important contributors to WikiLeaks; they further developed a strategic plan of attack against the site. As TechHerald explains, "the plan included pressing a journalist in order to disrupt his support of the organization, cyber attacks, disinformation, and other potential proactive tactics." The report specifically claims that Glenn Greenwald’s support was key to WikiLeaks' ongoing survival.[127][128][129]
Anonymous also personally attacked Aaron Barr by taking control of his Twitter account, posting Mr Barr's supposed home address and social security number.[130]
In response to the attacks, founder of HBGary Federal, Greg Hoglund, responded to journalist Brian Krebs, "They didn't just pick on any company, we try to protect the US Government from hackers. They couldn't have chosen a worse company to pick on."[130] After the attacks, Anonymous continued to clog up HBGary Federal fax machines, and made threatening phone calls.[131]

Wikimedia Error (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anonymous_(group))

Im just saying, in microsofts shoes they played it safe. Im just wondering how much a victory like that might inflate confidence for a mob like Anon.

05-07-2011, 01:05 PM
one of my friends had a banned xbox which he sed he would give me as it is "no use to him".....i better take it off his hands before he sees this