View Full Version : Open Lobby for PS3 (RED DEAD and BLACK OPS)

04-27-2011, 02:40 AM
Looking to Posse up or Party up and kick @$$ for the Glory of XP ??? :laugh1:

Well You Came to the right place because I Elite-WarFighter Of PS3/PSN Will be Hosting One As soon As PS3/PSN is Back up and running.

But anyway please Vote In the Poll and tell me which one should we play.

To Be Sure We have Good High and Mighty Green Bars than I wish that alot of My friends from USA could Join up and Mic's please and thank you (My NAT is type 2)

Some Quick Rules Red Dead will kinda just be For Fun in all trying for trophies and Leveling on Gang hideouts, Black ops or As I like to Say Blops will be more of just pure @$$ kicking with a party of 6.
#1 Mic
#2 From USA and know Good English
#3 On Blops be sure to have some value of being in a party with Me 15th prestige KDR 1.83 and rising.
#4 age and muture I dont wanna talk to some 30 year old with kids crying in the background and I dont wanna talk to a 9 year old with a 30 year old Dad...
#5 Have some respect if your a yelling crying little bag of Sheeet then im giving you the BOOT!

All game play will be Game Captured with my new Roxio Game Capture.

Sorry for any bad spelling or anything but I hope you get my message :D


04-27-2011, 09:47 AM
#3 On Blops be sure to have some value of being in a party with Me 15th prestige KDR 1.83 and rising.

You make it sound like you're privileging us by making a lobby for BlackOps.
There's not much of a difference between your 15th prestige w/ 1.87 k/d and my 0 prestige 1.93...not trying to sound like a d**che or anything.

I was gonna opt in and play, but not now. Don't sound like that..it'll turn a lot of people away, aside from 12 year olds freaking out asking you to boost their prestige for them.

04-27-2011, 10:34 AM
#4 age and muture I dont wanna talk to some 30 year old with kids crying in the background and I dont wanna talk to a 9 year old with a 30 year old Dad...

I actually rolleyed at this... "...I dont wanna talk to..."

04-27-2011, 10:43 AM
Not to be rude or anything but you are really not doing yourself a favor with this, bro.

You're pretty much saying that 30 year olds with kids crying cant play, neither can 9 year olds with 30 year old dads? WTF is this for a thing to say? What if that 30 year old dad with kids crying is the best friggin player you'll find? Or what if that 9 year old is the coolest person you'll ever meet?
And from the USA and know good english? So people from the UK or Canada can't join, and a decent player with imperfect english cant play?
And not to offend you or anything but your #5 made me lol.

You're digging your own grave here, man, I think you need to rethink your limits and the way you portray them, cause, and I'm saying this to let you know, you're sounding quite rude, and elitist without anything to show for it. Like I said, try again and be alittle more civil and less demanding, cause you will only be disappointed if you expect perfection.

Ilyich Valken
04-27-2011, 11:25 AM
All the above, plus the fact that.... PSN's been down for two weeks and is on going.

04-27-2011, 12:32 PM
Read somewhere that it "Should be back up within a week" xD

04-27-2011, 12:36 PM
Read somewhere that it "Should be back up within a week" xD
Sony says today, but I doubt I'll be playing portal online till next Thursday lol

04-27-2011, 01:51 PM
Only from USA please tell us atleast ONE good reason for only letting in people from USA. Or that they might not speak perfect english. I got an accent and doesnt live in US, does that make it impossible for me to join???

04-28-2011, 02:56 AM
#2 From USA and know Good English

I lol'd

Was a struggle to understand your post to begin with.

But I can relate to you wanting a good host connection.

04-28-2011, 09:28 AM
Only from USA please tell us atleast ONE good reason for only letting in people from USA. Or that they might not speak perfect english. I got an accent and doesnt live in US, does that make it impossible for me to join???

Most likely host connection issues. It's laggy as crap if theres a EU host or if its miraculously a NA host, it sucks for you guys to play :p

The accent thing is probably some stupid racist thing, I met a guy on Xbox from Kansas who refused to play with anyone who had an accent, cause they weren't 'Merican. Not all Americans are like that though..

04-28-2011, 01:22 PM
Most likely host connection issues. It's laggy as crap if theres a EU host or if its miraculously a NA host, it sucks for you guys to play :p

The accent thing is probably some stupid racist thing, I met a guy on Xbox from Kansas who refused to play with anyone who had an accent, cause they weren't 'Merican. Not all Americans are like that though..

Personally I like different accents (except mine) like I love the brittish different accents.

I can understand about the host connection thing.

04-28-2011, 02:22 PM
"Must know good English" but yet you have trouble speaking it yourself?

04-29-2011, 06:45 PM
Your comments are just retarded...

all I ask for is fun with a bunch of good players... and by the way whens the last time you met a 9 year old thats the coolest person ever....

I dont get why everyone is a **** on this site i just look for some good playen with sum random folk

"Must know good English" but yet you have trouble speaking it yourself?

yes, your name is Mr.**** by the way right? because... uhhhh if your gonna be a **** uhh...... hmmmm.... maybe because i dont feel like spell cheking every damn thing i spell and i JUST WANT SOME GOOD PLAYERS WHY THE **** R U ON MY PAGE WITH NEITIVE CRAP