View Full Version : I need a little help here

04-27-2011, 09:30 AM

I would like to ask for a little help here.

I'm doing some research for college and I need to get some answers regarding RPG games and would like your opinion on those questions

1. If you had a chance to own your own private RPG would you do it?
2. Would you want to invite all of your friends to join or do you prefer allowing the public to play in your game
3. What kinds of features would you have liked to customize in RPG's that you've played in the past
4. Would you like to own your own game even more if you could make a little money at it?

Thanks a bunch


04-27-2011, 09:43 AM
1. If you had a chance to own your own private RPG would you do it?
Sure why not?
2. Would you want to invite all of your friends to join or do you prefer allowing the public to play in your game?
I'd want it to be available to the public
3. What kinds of features would you have liked to customize in RPG's that you've played in the past?
Character model/clothing(armor) customization, being able to jump in and out of battle..more to think of haha hold on ;)
4. Would you like to own your own game even more if you could make a little money at it? It wouldn't be a bad idea..

04-27-2011, 10:50 AM
1. If you had a chance to own your own private RPG would you do it?
2. Would you want to invite all of your friends to join or do you prefer allowing the public to play in your game
3. What kinds of features would you have liked to customize in RPG's that you've played in the past
4. Would you like to own your own game even more if you could make a little money at it?

1. I expect you're talking about MMORPG(Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game)? If so? Yes, if Regular RPG? No.
2. Just my friends? No, I'd want the public, my friends included, to play in it.
3. Boob size:p On a more serious note: Height, Muscle tone, voice, behavior, combat style, riding style.
4. What would be the point in owning your own game if not to make money on it to cover the expenses to make it in the first place, and hopefully to make alittle extra? :)

04-27-2011, 11:13 AM
I'm doing some research for college and I need to get some answers regarding RPG games and would like your opinion on those questions

The scope of your questions is very wide and the specific details you aim to reveal in them are confusing (focusing on RPGs exclusively instead of games in general, lots of focus on having a game for the sake of it versus as a source of revenue). What class is this for? Writing some kind of paper or doing some sort of project? I'm curious because I can't figure it out from the questions you gave us.

1. If you had a chance to own your own private RPG would you do it?

Yes. I assume this implies lead and manage design/programming/graphics/sound/etc teams/individuals as well?

2. Would you want to invite all of your friends to join or do you prefer allowing the public to play in your game

The public - isn't the aim to create a successful product?

3. What kinds of features would you have liked to customize in RPG's that you've played in the past

this is an incredibly open ended question that I could write an essay/full report on, but for brevity sake I'll just say I'd create a game with a unique and original concept at the core of its design.

4. Would you like to own your own game even more if you could make a little money at it?

Yes. This, alongside creating an original, unique, enjoyable game would be the purpose of the game.

04-27-2011, 04:17 PM
I'm assuming these are based around an MMORPG game.

1. If you had a chance to own your own private RPG would you do it?
Sure. In fact, me and a group of friends actually attempted to make an RPG based on a forum-based rpg we had. Unfortunately, it didn't get anywhere.

2. Would you want to invite all of your friends to join or do you prefer allowing the public to play in your game
both. I'd invite my friends to play it with me, but if anybody else wanted to join i certainly wouldn't say no. Depending on the style of game and level of popularity, I might move people I know to a private server or something, or just have a clan for us or something

3. What kinds of features would you have liked to customize in RPG's that you've played in the past
I really like a lot of aspects of Diablo 2, such as the skill trees and the fact that your appearance changes based on what items you're using. I'd have to do something like that. In fact, any rpg I made would probably be similar to D2

4. Would you like to own your own game even more if you could make a little money at it? Obviously lol

04-27-2011, 04:56 PM
Thanks a lot for your help and yes thats correct we would talk about an MMORPG game

What class is this for? Writing some kind of paper or doing some sort of project? I'm curious because I can't figure it out from the questions you gave us.

Hi Diligence109

We are doing some research on Social behavior on the Internet and monetizing. I could post hundred questions more, but obvioulsy the response would be less then Zero if i would do that :'(

Anyway, I really appreciate the help, so thanks a LOT

04-30-2011, 09:13 PM
1. If you had a chance to own your own private RPG would you do it?
Definitely, it would be awesome to own it and populate.
2. Would you want to invite all of your friends to join or do you prefer allowing the public to play in your game
I would invite friends and the public.
3. What kinds of features would you have liked to customize in RPG's that you've played in the past
Tree skills, summons, and special effects
4. Would you like to own your own game even more if you could make a little money at it?

05-01-2011, 11:34 AM
Hi Savloro

thanks for your help here :)