View Full Version : The Paranormal

05-01-2011, 09:47 PM
Does anyone else enjoy the paranormal? Well not enjoy but you know what I mean... Interested in I guess would be a better way to put it.

Everyone always asks me about my obsession with the Grim Reaper. I find the Grim Reaper to be the scariest, most BA, and coolest paranormal entity.

So, anyone else have interest in the paranormal or a good REAL ghost story to share?

05-01-2011, 10:19 PM
Ive had an interest with the paranormal ever since i started seeing things, hearing things and even getting marks on my back at night.

05-01-2011, 11:54 PM
I LOVE IT! I just love hearing stories and stuff like that, and I could say that I've experienced paranormal activities in some way...

05-02-2011, 12:21 AM
I LOVE IT! I just love hearing stories and stuff like that, and I could say that I've experienced paranormal activities in some way...
Did they touch because that is wrong and its not your fault!

05-02-2011, 12:38 AM
I think the paranormal is cool and an interesting concept, but I dont believe anything about it is real, at all, not even alittle bit. I think it's all a load of bull that was made up to scare children, no offense to those who might happen to believe it, I just dont.

On another leg I do have a ghost story that for a second made me rethink my opinion:

It was a few years ago, must've been 17 or so, and I had agreed to spend the week my parents went on vacation with my brother and his wife, who lived on a large, very nice, very OLD farm, dating back to like 1720s(Note that this is Denmark, not US, in Denmark we have buildings that date back to the 1400s.), and I was sleeping in my room, and at like 4 in the morning on a summer I wake up to the sound of a door slowly sliding in its hinches and then going "clink" as the metal latch bumps the metal socket that closes the door. Again I hear the door open slightly, then "clink" again.
I decide to get up and see what the hell that is, and I look down the corridor, and this door that leads to the stair case just opens ever so slightly, everrrrrr so slowly, creaking as it does, and it comes to a halt about 1/5 of its maximum swing range. Then it slowly creaks again as it closes, and "clink". I walk up close to the door and I feel no breeze, no oddities that could make the door do this, it just stood there, open, close, open, close, open, close. I went around in the nearby empty rooms(the place was huge, 3 stories and 70% of it was not even used), and there were no windows open, nothing, the door was completely isolated, even from the other side it was isolated, the stair case had no wind going through it, it was completely still everywhere, yet the door kept....Wait it had stopped. I went back to the door and it had latched...IT ****ING LATCHED. I had a cold chill down my spine as it no longer even made an attempt at sliding anymore, despite it actually being able to do so in the socket, it still didnt move anymore. I went to my room and worked hard on falling asleep which I finally did. However, I am glad he doesnt live there anymore, cause despite me not believing in it, I have yet to find, or hear, a reasonable excuse for the door doing this.

My brother also told me that it was odd, and that he had never seen any of the doors in the house do it. It freaked me the hell out!

05-02-2011, 01:20 AM
Did they touch because that is wrong and its not your fault!

If you mean "touch" in a sexual way, then no they haven't :P haha

05-02-2011, 01:38 AM
thats exactly how i meant it, its a line from robot chicken that dr phil was on

05-02-2011, 09:08 AM
I kinda believe in ghosts ever since I heard my guitar strum twice with noone else in the room. Scariest moment in my life.

05-02-2011, 09:26 AM
There are somethings science cant prove, but for everything else theres mastercard.

05-03-2011, 04:08 AM
I know about these things lets say that i can like then there is a ghost in my room or by anyone i don't know sometimes its awesome to feel the presence, because then I know there is one or more by me. Ever since I watched paranormal activity and entity I can feel the ghost presence now even stronger. I get a zing in a head and then I know that they are close Some people would say its a headache but I know when I have a headache and sencing them around me.

At nights when I am sleeping and then all of a sudden I cant move and then I force my eyes open and my body is extremely heavy and I can barely move and then last time I was looking at my blankets and then I saw it moves down like you walking on the blankets on the bed and then it like sink in from my feet side and then getting all closer and then when it was by my chest part I finally get strength and then I ot extremely anry and then I just gave one hit and then stood up and then I could move again lol. now this repeats after each other sometimes and there are times then that is fun like getting angry and battling out of it.

I didnt know at first what that was until I saw Paranormal Activity and now I understand things way more so this means when I was in primary school the ghost was bothering me already I just didnt know that yet.

There are 2 new movies just like that I must still et them but they are Insidious and I cant remember the other movie at the momment now all of a sudden.

05-03-2011, 10:36 AM
woa... that's messed up dude :P stay away from me hahaha

05-03-2011, 11:20 AM
Why does everyone ignore my walls of text :( I havnt gotten a comment on my posts in weeks!!

05-04-2011, 05:00 AM
Lol it's good when you can sense them I am glad I cant see them though but I do see a shadow lol now sensing them you know that they are around you and because they might get you by suprise when you dont know that they are in the room you in and by the place where you sitting and staring at you ( evil laugh ) lol.:D

05-04-2011, 05:09 AM
i love hearing about such stories and i know a lot of them cant be explained.
But Raoul your condition is called sleep paralysis and is surprisingly common, i would look it up :)

05-04-2011, 05:44 AM
i love hearing about such stories and i know a lot of them cant be explained.
But Raoul your condition is called sleep paralysis and is surprisingly common, i would look it up :)

Lol thanks I am looking it up now lol. there even was a time where my body was moving off the bed and then when i finally battle out of it my body is in the normal position that I was laying, but the moving of my body felt so real though. Thanks snake_eyes:)

05-04-2011, 05:57 AM
NP Raoul, would love to hear more paranormal experiences though

05-04-2011, 06:13 AM
NP Raoul, would love to hear more paranormal experiences though

Lol I sometimes get that 3 times in one night and then I rather sleep later on because it bothers me too much. usually when I sleep oer at my friends I can feel it's presents and my friends one and then nothing happens, but then I went to the camp last year I was sleeping nicely and peacefully in the tent and my friends also all sleepingg in that tent it's like that thing follows me and then I couldnt moe again in the tent and then my body gets heavier, but I fight fast out of it and when I am really pissed and then I waiting for that thing then nothing happends and then I can sleep peacefully.

05-04-2011, 05:31 PM
The damnest thing that ever happened to me I wont ever forget I just gotten to sleep and I heard someone saying my name softly and I opened my eyes and there was a ghost at the end of my bed reaching for me. Scary scary crap.

05-04-2011, 07:37 PM
After my grandfather died when I was about 8 years old I woke up in the middle of the night(I think)and my grandfather was sitting at the edge of the bed smiling. I sat up and yelled "FARFAR!(grandpa in danish)" and I blinked and he was gone.

Kinda freaky, but it devastated me.

05-05-2011, 12:35 AM
I think there was a thread before where we shared our ghostly experiences.. I'll have to go find it and copypaste my reply lolll (lazy)

Definitely interested in the paranormal, definitely experienced different aspects of it.
Scary movies don't really get my adrenaline going anymore though haha Still enjoy watching them though.

Had a similar experience as Saph, except it wasn't a family member. But they were suddenly in my room and it was.. yeah. pretttttttttty freaky.

05-05-2011, 01:11 PM
Why does everyone ignore my walls of text :( I havnt gotten a comment on my posts in weeks!!

I read your post Saph (not the one above but the one before it) and I just want you to know that I accept you and your post. You are no longer ignored on this thread.

But apart from that I can't say I have had any Crazy things happen to me that I can remember beside odd sounds that most people hear at one point or another when they are alone or something.

I do however have one instance that I want to find the picture to. Someone I worked with a while back said her dad swore he saw a ghost and took pictures of it. At first I thought this is dumb, she is dumb, so on. But then she got the picture on her phone from her dad and the picture seemed ligit. The validity of the picture went up because her dad doesnt know much about tech so taking pictures with his phone is the most complex thing he knows how to do with one. And in the picture itself you can see its outline as it stands by a fishtank in their kitchen ish area. The odd part also is that all of the fish are in the opposite corner of the tank next to each other away from mister ghosty. Lastly this wasnt a competition or anything it was just brought up casually at work like "dude hey look at this picture my dad sent me" and that was that.

If I can im gonna go back to this person and see if they still have the picture on their phone and if they do I will post it for others to see. I guess after he took a picture he stepped foward towards it trying to get a better picture and it looked at him and was gone.

Cool stuff though when you see the picture.

05-05-2011, 01:32 PM
I'm excited to see all the replies and people interested in the paranormal. This makes me happy.

Maybe eventually we can get our own section here, if LiNuX thinks it fits. :)

05-05-2011, 01:35 PM
The damnest thing that ever happened to me I wont ever forget I just gotten to sleep and I heard someone saying my name softly and I opened my eyes and there was a ghost at the end of my bed reaching for me. Scary scary crap.

That is seriously messed up scary :shocked:

any UFO/alien based experiences?

05-05-2011, 02:13 PM
any UFO/alien based experiences?

This is something I cant say anything on but would also love to hear about.

05-06-2011, 12:33 PM
This is something I cant say anything on but would also love to hear about.

the uk government recently released their UFo archives for public viewing.....but you need to pay to view them D:

05-08-2011, 09:42 PM
no because it scares the **** outta me lolol

05-09-2011, 01:54 AM
the uk government recently released their UFo archives for public viewing.....but you need to pay to view them D:

thank god for FOIA, you only have to pay if you meet a certain requirement or two :P

05-09-2011, 04:13 AM
i saw this programme on tv (cant remember the name and it feautured a vid of a flying 'witch' somewhere in mexico.

I would love to know what this is...

SiC TwiSteD
05-09-2011, 03:41 PM
I'm very interested in the paranormal, and i always have been. I'm not a very religious person, but its there and i dont believe that science and god can prove everything, which leaves the paranormal, or the unknown. I love ghost stories and i've always been a fan of touring haunted houses, there's just something about it that leaves me mystified.

05-09-2011, 11:41 PM
Meaning you and I should take a road trip to the most haunted places we can find this summer!

05-09-2011, 11:58 PM
Im a firm believer that young children can see the paranormal. For example my neice was in the kitechen and she was looking at the same place for several minutes talking. I thought that was weird.

05-10-2011, 12:27 PM
Im a firm believer that young children can see the paranormal. For example my neice was in the kitechen and she was looking at the same place for several minutes talking. I thought that was weird.

i have the same feeling, Ive seen it happen so many times, but the 'gift' seems to fade with age.

05-10-2011, 03:28 PM
Meaning you and I should take a road trip to the most haunted places we can find this summer!

the dude said ghost stories....not brokeback mountain...jeez

SiC TwiSteD
05-12-2011, 08:42 PM
Meaning you and I should take a road trip to the most haunted places we can find this summer!

that is actually the first good suggestion ive heard for this summer road trip, all zach wants to do is go to like California and just relax, which wouldn't be bad but we need something to do, not just relax