View Full Version : General Info Saphs Rant Room

05-03-2011, 07:31 PM
Edit by Diligence109:

In this thread I'll be posting rants about what I like, dislike etc. and what seems to be an issue in our world as it is right now.

Please note that posts I make here are ONLY my own personal views, so please don't troll me, or get angry at me for stating my opinion :) Pinch of salt people, pinch of salt.

Feel free to spew your own rants here if you want :) I want this thread to be a thread where you can vent your frustrations about ANYTHING you want, to ears who understand and respect your opinion, without feeling the need to prove you wrong and change your mind.

This is not meant as a place to change minds, it's just to vent! Of course place your opinions yourself, but please make them NOT be based on attempting to change a mind :)

Edit by Saph: Removed cause I myself agreed that it was inappropriate. I apologize if I offended anyone with my brutally honest opinion :) I'll tone it down from now on.

Please dont hate me for it :(

05-03-2011, 07:34 PM
My rant. People hate the Nintendo Wii, when they know little to nothing about the Nintendo Wii. I have seen this a lot as of late. Makes me sad that some people are biased tools incapable of finding out the truth for themselves before they talk and look stupid for everyone. That is all.

05-03-2011, 07:38 PM
Saph, I'm not sure bashing any religion is...smart.
(I'm not saying you're dumb now : D)
You have your points on how religion isn't accurate, but that doesn't mean religion is a BAD thing.
(in all non-serious cases of course)
I have seen a lot of people gain a sense of security and trust over religion.
It makes people have....faith.
Now, on a serious case, religion shouldn't be brought up.
Religion has killed COUNTLESS people over silly, non-provable beliefs.
(the holocaust for example)
At all of this, religion has been socially exceptionable.
Now, for people with a good mindset, stay in the shadows and don't talk about it at ALL.
Like for me, I would NEVER go into an argument about religion with a very religious person.
That's my input.

(Great idea BTW)

05-03-2011, 08:04 PM
this thread can be a great place for people to have a public dropbox for their frustrations with the world... just be sure that what you're saying is a fair, simple statement of opinion and that you've stripped the flame/fat from your posts. I (and other mods) are going to edit out anything inappropriate by our discretion. But, please, feel free to post and get it all out!

This is an example of a very appropriate post:

My rant. People hate and the Nintendo Wii, when they know little to nothing about the Nintendo Wii. I have seen this a lot as of late. Makes me sad that some people are biased tools incapable of finding out the truth for themselves before they talk and look stupid for everyone. That is all.

Thanks darkie!

I'll just be over here...


Ilyich Valken
05-03-2011, 08:06 PM
(the holocaust for example)

Not to be that guy, but the holocaust wasn't exactly a religious issue. It wasn't just Hebrews being persecuted, and it wasn't for religious reasons.

05-03-2011, 08:07 PM
Not to be that guy, but the holocaust wasn't exactly a religious issue. It wasn't just Hebrews being persecuted, and it wasn't for religious reasons.

EDIT: Please excuse my ignorance.
I'm kind of on a mind blow out right now.

05-03-2011, 08:09 PM
They were only half (or a little less than half) of the people who were murdered, though.

05-03-2011, 08:44 PM
Hey no one can talk bad about my grandfather, he helped out during the holocaust. He fell out of the guard tower. i'm just kidding but i am German, so here's my rant. Just because im German does'nt make me a Nazi. that's the problem with my school too many judgemental ppl wen i dyed my hair black all of a sudden im emo or goth.

05-03-2011, 08:46 PM
Hey no one can talk bad about my grandfather, he helped out during the holocaust. He fell out of the guard tower. i'm just kidding but i am German, so here's my rant. Just because im German does'nt make me a Nazi. that's the problem with my school too many judgemental ppl wen i dyed my hair black all of a sudden im emo or goth.

It's called putting a label on someone.

05-03-2011, 08:50 PM
Thanks Echo has anyone ever done it to you?

05-03-2011, 08:56 PM
Thanks Echo has anyone ever done it to you?

Many of times...

05-03-2011, 10:14 PM
Thanks Echo has anyone ever done it to you?

pretty sure everyone can relate to this. We've all done it to people and we've all had it done to ourselves

05-04-2011, 02:26 AM
Just like how people say all Arabs tend to blow stuff up? :P

05-04-2011, 02:28 AM
Just like how people say all Arabs tend to blow stuff up? :P

>.> They have explosive tendinitis :P

05-04-2011, 09:30 AM
Just like how people say all Arabs tend to blow stuff up? :P

Everyone loves to blow stuff up, its just that they tend to uhm.... "Stand in the fire." :P

Anyyyyway, Here is where i go to vent frustration... I find it more relevant to spout my crap here instead of filling up a Gamers-Forum with **** that has nothing to do with games.


05-04-2011, 11:15 AM
pretty sure everyone can relate to this. We've all done it to people and we've all had it done to ourselves

We should start a thread where we put labels on our different coutries. :D

05-04-2011, 02:48 PM
I really hate when people say that...for example, if I don't like a band or something, if somebody else does they think my taste sucks. Or if I DO like a band, etc. I went through a phase where I was like that but then I kinda realised just listen to whatever makes you happy, regardless of how technically complex or simple and sugar coated it is.

for example, I like this:


but I also like this:


both are enjoyable in different ways and are for different moods. sometimes I want somethin heavy, sometimes I want somethin technical, but most of the time i just want something entertaining and fun

05-04-2011, 02:51 PM
^ For real. Let people listen to whatever the hell they want. My iPod will be playing Opeth one minute, the next I'm singing along to Mayday Parade :P

05-04-2011, 03:03 PM
I'll be relaxing to soothing Enya and the next moment I'm headbanging to Cradle of Filth...

05-04-2011, 03:10 PM
I could never get into Cradle. The sh*t they sing about is so gross it's depressing..

05-04-2011, 06:26 PM
I hate people who play their music too loud thinking the entire world wants to hear what they think is good. I dont even see the point in it, if you like a song ya turn it up to a reasonable volume but dont blast it to where everyone and their mother in quarter of a mile can hear it.

I Will turn up my music when im listening to it but its reasonable. Only thing there doing by playing it too loud is destroying their ear drums. I remember asking one guy if he would turn down his music and he threatened violence on me, what kind of a world do we live in anymore??


I like Cradle, just one or two of their songs it is really dark but i like it.

05-04-2011, 06:57 PM
Can I say somethin? I really hate it when the cashier at each wal-marts I go to are SUPER SLOWW... they take their time & I end up leaving the store 30-45min later when I'm there for only 10min.

05-04-2011, 07:10 PM
Mother jokes are so old and lame. Like the biggest insult one can face is about one's mother, **** that. The next time someone says "Yay, well i ****ed your mom last night," look that dumbass straight in the eye and say, "well thats too bad, while you were out tryin to get laid by old ladies, i carved your mother's eyes out with a razor blade, then sold her blind ass as a bondage slave to the japanese mafia, and they were shoving flesh-eating carian ants up her ass, while videotaping it for internet broadcasting." Now thats a mother insult. Hope this has helped you out whenever some jackass online says crap about your mother. Then pwn that n00b on Halo or CoD or Gears of War or Medal of Honor or whatever game(s) you play, have a nice day : D

05-04-2011, 07:16 PM
I could never get into Cradle. The sh*t they sing about is so gross it's depressing..

i like some songs by cradle, but I never pay attention to the lyrics


05-04-2011, 07:20 PM
Same here Eps.

Love Nymphetamine, don't know the lyrics. :P

05-04-2011, 07:25 PM
I just cant stand when people think their kids have the right to do whatever they want as long as it keeps them happy. I have a child, and if she is bothering somebody else I'll of course take her away eventhough it upsets her. One day when I was on my way home from school a 4 year old with his mother behind him walks up to me and he has a mother****ing pile of snot on his finger and he stretches his arm out straight in my face and spams "LOOK WHAT I FOUND IN MY HEAD!" at first I thought it was cute.


He wouldnt quit, no matter how much I tried he wouldnt let the **** up, and everyone else in the bus were like scowling at the mom, me included.

Guess what she was doing...


I finally got up, walked over to her, took her phone and went "Listen lady if a 14 year old knows when you're being one careless friggin parent than I suggest you have whomever you're texting on this phone *Smacks my finger against the screen* call child services so they can find someone who have an attention span long enough to notice that their child is a spoiled nuisance!!!" I slam the phone back in her hand, and I walk to the far back of the bus and wait for another 20 seconds before getting off at my stop.

Note that this might've seemed abit excessive, but after having a 4 year old trying to smear snot on your eyeball while screaming "LOOK AT EEET!" over and over again while a whole crowd is watching you for 8 straight minutes, all of which takes place while his ****ty mother is sitting 4 feet away texting on her phone, and you're 14 years old, and just got done with a 7 hour day where 4 of which was math, I think your fuse had been snipped a few times too.


05-04-2011, 07:36 PM
I personally hate when people are down right disrespectful. Now, I do get a little out a hand on some matter, but not like what I hate.
When people are behind you and they EXPECT you to move even though you can't see you. Like they don't say anything they just walk into you and move one.
I have common courtesy, if some one is in my way, I would POLITELY ask them to move over some.
I also hate when your walking down a hallway, and people just STAND there. Like they don't know that someone is going to walk in a hallway.
If it's a big group that just stands and blocks every thing of course.

05-04-2011, 07:39 PM
I personally hate when people are down right disrespectful. Now, I do get a little out a hand on some matter, but not like what I hate.
When people are behind you and they EXPECT you to move even though you can't see you. Like they don't say anything they just walk into you and move one.
I have common courtesy, if some one is in my way, I would POLITELY ask them to move over some.
I also hate when your walking down a hallway, and people just STAND there. Like they don't know that someone is going to walk in a hallway.
If it's a big group that just stands and blocks every thing of course.

YEAH! Like in supermarkets! You're trying to get by this woman who is looking at some cans of extra farty beans or whatever cause she's fat as hell, and she just stands there. One time a guy even just looked at me without moving, clearly seeing I wasnt able to get past, as if he was getting off on having the power over whether I moved or not. It pisses me off so tremendously.

05-04-2011, 08:16 PM
people need to think. also how people at your skool bump into your shoulder even knowing u are ther like thts gonna intimidate me this fatass at my skool named jeremy walks right into me and says "watch where you're going" and i screamed out "oh im sorry i was talkin to ma frends unlike urs mine can talk and arent edible u fatass ******" GOD also how ur talkin to ur frends and u walk slow hopin to get out as much inf o as u can to him/her and a douchebag behind u says "can u walk faster" im thinkin u COULD go around there is enough ****in room here thx saph for makin this post or watever it is im a n00b to this but still thx : D Also Thanks to Echo who made that pic for me VVVVVVVVVVVVV

05-04-2011, 09:50 PM
I hate when people stand in front of like...a door or somethin, and I REALLY hate when people smoke inside. I was at a concert and some dude was smoking like 15 feet away and i just kinda glared at him, he looked kinda scared lol i think he stopped. but yea, that really bugs me as well. outside sure, unless you're by a door. but inside? I was at a concert and the freaking guitarist was smoking. It smelled terrible. I hate that.

Another thing I hate is when you make plans with somebody, and you can't get ahold of them to confirm. If you actually make plans with somebody, don't just decide at the last minute not to join us. If something comes up, at least let them know ahead of time instead of waiting until they ask.

05-05-2011, 12:59 AM
All my rants already stand here. People smoking indoors check, people stand in way in school and supermarkets check, screaming kids check.

I got one

I hate it when people stand behind when I play anything and just spoil it. - you should go there, and stuff like that. I also hate when they are tracking me down because I like THAT music and THAT game.

05-05-2011, 09:30 AM
I hate when people stand in front of like...a door or somethin, and I REALLY hate when people smoke inside. I was at a concert and some dude was smoking like 15 feet away and i just kinda glared at him, he looked kinda scared lol i think he stopped. but yea, that really bugs me as well. outside sure, unless you're by a door. but inside? I was at a concert and the freaking guitarist was smoking. It smelled terrible. I hate that.

Ughhh, me too. The other day it was raining and I wanted to go wait for the bus inside the enclosed bus stop area, but this guy was smoking inside it and I was just like ":|" especially because there's a giant sign that says "No smoking here for 30 feet around the bus stop" :|

Even if I'd asked him to stop, it still would have smelled like smoke in there so I just waited outside in the rain :|

05-05-2011, 12:58 PM
I dislike when people take my shoes. You have no idea how much it irritates me to wake up and need to be somewhere only to find out my shoes are gone and I have to use someone else's. It wouldnt be as bad if they asked, or if they had shoes that sucked horribly. But they dont ask, and the shoes I am expected to use are bad, not like my shoes, that I spend money on to make sure they fit right and are cozy. O and its also sorta gross in a way, like my shoes are forced into fitting another person when they are only meant to fit me.
Now before you judge, I know this sounds like I could have made it up or sounds stupid. But this is a very real problem I have because of a particular person : (

05-05-2011, 01:05 PM
@ Saph: You shoulda tried to convince him to go wipe it on his mommy or something :P But if she was truly a bad mom, that might not have a god outcome for the kid.

To add to the smoking hate: I HATE it when people smoke around children. Should qualify as a form of child abuse in my opinion. My little cuz has asthma and other breathing problems. I let him come stay with me on any weekends I can because his dad will chain smoke and doesn't even seem to give a ****.

05-05-2011, 05:00 PM
Another set of ppl i hate wen you want to have a nice frendly game of (insert watever game you play, here) and a group of adults or 16+ and a lil kid joins and just says "hi" to them and the guys just gang up on him callin him names and stuff. So, i plug in my mic and say "guys hes just an 11 yr. old kid grow up, ok, all he said was hi and u guys are bein immature and bein a douchebag towards him." Ppl online need to grow up. and those guys are sayin that they were gonna pwn us on domination on MW2 and i told that kid tht we will win and we did and they made up excuses (lag, noob tubes, hax, camping, etc.) they r just too scared to admit that they got ther asses kicked by an 11 yr. old kid.

05-06-2011, 07:43 AM
Another set of ppl i hate wen you want to have a nice frendly game of (insert watever game you play, here) and a group of adults or 16+ and a lil kid joins and just says "hi" to them and the guys just gang up on him callin him names and stuff. So, i plug in my mic and say "guys hes just an 11 yr. old kid grow up, ok, all he said was hi and u guys are bein immature and bein a douchebag towards him." Ppl online need to grow up. and those guys are sayin that they were gonna pwn us on domination on MW2 and i told that kid tht we will win and we did and they made up excuses (lag, noob tubes, hax, camping, etc.) they r just too scared to admit that they got ther asses kicked by an 11 yr. old kid.

I can relate on that. People are just so rude over the internet.
And Ive seen my shares of "excuses"

05-06-2011, 03:17 PM
I just don't like being labeled.....

05-06-2011, 03:28 PM
I hate it when people stand behind when I play anything and just spoil it. - you should go there, and stuff like that.

lol I hate when people do that too but I do it for my brother, mostly cuz he's 7 and has no idea what hes doin most of the time. But I hate when like...I'll be playing a game I really like (like metal gear solid or Silent Hill or somethin) and people come in and give mystery science theater 2000 commentary and it ruins the game.

05-06-2011, 04:39 PM
Today was the first day of summer for me and it went to high hell in a heartbeat.
I hate, truly hate, when people drive slower than the speedlimit, not 5 miles slower we are talking 10 or more. I was driving home and i was on Interstate 70 north, in Indiana, and I got stuck behind someone who thought it was cool to pretty much make me drive 60 mph for about 10 miles or so. Plus all the semis I HATE SEMIS, when im driving to get onto the interstate I HATE how i run into semis every step of the way to Interstate 70. I know they are a means of mass transportation but god I Just hate how they are everywhere.

I know its stupid but I have a two and half hour drive with my car completely packed and people just driving slow. I hate it I wish people would do the speed limit or 5 over. Im not in a hurry to get anywhere I do enjoy the drive from my college home but its hard to enjoy the beautiful scenery with stupid drivers out there. Another thing I really hate is the fact people can not seem to use a turn signal O.O How is this even possible?!?!? The damn thing is less than an inch, less than a cm, away from your left hand how in god's name can you not hit that leave it on and merge. With all the stupid tickets you can get from a police officer non use of your turn signal is the most pathetic one of all. If both tail lights are broken and you dont know that is completely different and I understand.

I feel somewhat better

05-06-2011, 04:45 PM
Today was the first day of summer for me and it went to high hell in a heartbeat.
I hate, truly hate, when people drive slower than the speedlimit, not 5 miles slower we are talking 10 or more. I was driving home and i was on Interstate 70 north, in Indiana, and I got stuck behind someone who thought it was cool to pretty much make me drive 60 mph for about 10 miles or so. Plus all the semis I HATE SEMIS, when im driving to get onto the interstate I HATE how i run into semis every step of the way to Interstate 70. I know they are a means of mass transportation but god I Just hate how they are everywhere.

I know its stupid but I have a two and half hour drive with my car completely packed and people just driving slow. I hate it I wish people would do the speed limit or 5 over. Im not in a hurry to get anywhere I do enjoy the drive from my college home but its hard to enjoy the beautiful scenery with stupid drivers out there. Another thing I really hate is the fact people can not seem to use a turn signal O.O How is this even possible?!?!? The damn thing is less than an inch, less than a cm, away from your left hand how in god's name can you not hit that leave it on and merge. With all the stupid tickets you can get from a police officer non use of your turn signal is the most pathetic one of all. If both tail lights are broken and you dont know that is completely different and I understand.

I feel somewhat better

If you dont like that people drive at the speed limit or below you would enjoy it here. I drove at the speed limit and I get overtaken by busses, trucks and every god forsaken car. They drive always higher than the speed limit.

05-06-2011, 05:03 PM
Today was the first day of summer for me and it went to high hell in a heartbeat.
I hate, truly hate, when people drive slower than the speedlimit, not 5 miles slower we are talking 10 or more. I was driving home and i was on Interstate 70 north, in Indiana, and I got stuck behind someone who thought it was cool to pretty much make me drive 60 mph for about 10 miles or so. Plus all the semis I HATE SEMIS, when im driving to get onto the interstate I HATE how i run into semis every step of the way to Interstate 70. I know they are a means of mass transportation but god I Just hate how they are everywhere.

I know its stupid but I have a two and half hour drive with my car completely packed and people just driving slow. I hate it I wish people would do the speed limit or 5 over. Im not in a hurry to get anywhere I do enjoy the drive from my college home but its hard to enjoy the beautiful scenery with stupid drivers out there. Another thing I really hate is the fact people can not seem to use a turn signal O.O How is this even possible?!?!? The damn thing is less than an inch, less than a cm, away from your left hand how in god's name can you not hit that leave it on and merge. With all the stupid tickets you can get from a police officer non use of your turn signal is the most pathetic one of all. If both tail lights are broken and you dont know that is completely different and I understand.

I feel somewhat better

multiple lanes ftw. just pass 'em

05-06-2011, 05:04 PM
Wish I could have... Had semis on my right and slow aholes in front of me.

05-06-2011, 05:19 PM
Wish I could have... Had semis on my right and slow aholes in front of me.

that sucks haha

05-06-2011, 05:26 PM
Its not funny i had the most non violent road rage in history.

05-06-2011, 05:52 PM
I hate when you have a REALLY bad day, and you're trying to do something that should be fairly easy, but your hands might be slippery, or something else keeps you from completing this dreadfully simple task, so after a whole day of donkey dick sucking failure, you finally snap and you throw the thing on the table and kick something in anger, only to hurt your foot.

I HATE when your day turns even worse when you blow up over it!!!

05-06-2011, 05:56 PM
I know that some people on here dont play CoD but im SICK AND TIRED OF THE CONSTANT GRENADE LAUNCHERS (NOOB TUBES) I just join a match 3 seconds later died from a NT. So im like thats ok then i respawn and then i die of an RPG then im thinkin ok thats enough with the explosions. then i die of a martyrdom (drops a cooked grenade when dies) then i just get pissed off and leave and then i go to another game i was tryin to destroy this UAV and i see 3 NTs fly over my head so i turned off my XBOX and came on here to rant about it : D

05-06-2011, 06:02 PM
LOL XD Getting continuously blown to bits would probably ruin my gaming high too XD

That actually reminds me of a very rant worthy moment in Battlefield Vietnam!

I was a jet pilot along with 2 others of my friends and in our BF clan we were the eagles. If someone needed a city turned into a smoking hole in the ground they'd call "Eagles to ...." and we'd fly in over there and bomb the **** out of the place and watch our kill count go up.

Well one day a 'guest' member of our clan had joined the fight and he wanted to be the 4th eagle...Alright no problem its just this once.

So we're all 4 flying around, except the new guy breaks formation and begin doing stupid ****, like doing barrel rolls etc. Now we fly kinda tightly in a triangle shape, and this guy was then on the right wing, I was on the left, and my 2 friends were front and center.

So this guy breaks formation and comes around, and the noob about 5 minutes later goes "OMG I see someone! Gonna shoot em down!" and we're like "OOOHHH SH.. WHO IS IT!?" and the next thing we know we get our asses wtf pwned by a noob who thought we were enemies, 5 minutes after seeing us last.

I went into a friggin rage

05-06-2011, 06:16 PM
LOL XD Getting continuously blown to bits would probably ruin my gaming high too XD

That actually reminds me of a very rant worthy moment in Battlefield Vietnam!

I was a jet pilot along with 2 others of my friends and in our BF clan we were the eagles. If someone needed a city turned into a smoking hole in the ground they'd call "Eagles to ...." and we'd fly in over there and bomb the **** out of the place and watch our kill count go up.

Well one day a 'guest' member of our clan had joined the fight and he wanted to be the 4th eagle...Alright no problem its just this once.

So we're all 4 flying around, except the new guy breaks formation and begin doing stupid ****, like doing barrel rolls etc. Now we fly kinda tightly in a triangle shape, and this guy was then on the right wing, I was on the left, and my 2 friends were front and center.

So this guy breaks formation and comes around, and the noob about 5 minutes later goes "OMG I see someone! Gonna shoot em down!" and we're like "OOOHHH SH.. WHO IS IT!?" and the next thing we know we get our asses wtf pwned by a noob who thought we were enemies, 5 minutes after seeing us last.

I went into a friggin rage

I would've too. I'm tired of ppl who dont think. Have you evar been into a hacked lobby ppl say that they are annoying i find them EPIC. i went into 3 1st one was where all care packages u get chopper gunners and if u get shot at u teleport to another area it was awesome and there was a 3 hour nuke 2nd one jump super mega high amd i got 2 care packages one had an EMP and another a choppa gunna it was funn and the 3rd one had speed hack and jump hack it was fun and the points u get they kept sayin 2.DGR.2EFR.45 and other things it was pretty cool. : D

05-06-2011, 06:50 PM
I would've too. I'm tired of ppl who dont think. Have you evar been into a hacked lobby ppl say that they are annoying i find them EPIC. i went into 3 1st one was where all care packages u get chopper gunners and if u get shot at u teleport to another area it was awesome and there was a 3 hour nuke 2nd one jump super mega high amd i got 2 care packages one had an EMP and another a choppa gunna it was funn and the 3rd one had speed hack and jump hack it was fun and the points u get they kept sayin 2.DGR.2EFR.45 and other things it was pretty cool. : D

Wow, I had to read through this 3 times before I understood what you were saying XD

Lol awesome dude!8)

05-06-2011, 06:53 PM
Wow, I had to read through this 3 times before I understood what you were saying XD

Lol awesome dude!8)

lolz im srry i forgot tht some ppl on here dont play CoD most of ma frends play CoD still srry

05-06-2011, 10:47 PM
Something I truly hate is my pos computer. I was recording some footage and my computer was working perfectly fine, OUT OF NO WHERE, the ****er froze up. I lost damn near an hour of epic footage and i was pissed off. I was able to save my audio recordings, but could not save the video files.

The worse part is I cant do anything about it since money is sooo tight. trying to find grants I can get so I get me a laptop and write it off as a school item. >.>

05-07-2011, 02:02 AM
I hate campers. I really hate campers.

In BFbc2 Squad deathmatc(4 team all vs all) One team was on a roof with only recons(snipers) and a machinegun. If we just popped out from our hiding they kiiled us and they also had artillery.

05-08-2011, 04:11 AM
Something really upsetting me lately is the crappiness of trying to google something.

Ive been trying to edit some footage for a few hours and I wanted to find a way to fix some audio issues I was having. So my searches have turned up complete crap. I mean nothing of value that helps me, hell ive even gotten search results in regards on how to be a better speaker in a public setting. It just annoys me to no end when I do searching and I get nothing but complete crap

05-08-2011, 04:23 AM
The government. When will they ever learn?

They pay scientists to do research, useless and very obvious info. (Scientist) "The number one place where most ppl get hurt in or at, is in there own homes." Well, no ****. I mean, we spend 90% of our lives in our homes, so yeah of course we're gonna get hurt in there the most. (Scientist) "And the room in the house with the most accidents is the bathroom." Huh.... i didn't notice tht. I mean, it's the smallest room in the house, gets slippery in there sometimes, electrical stuff right next to a running shower or running sink, how DO they figure it out? Why can't they do something more useful like finding a cure or something i dunno. But still the government needs to think more.

05-08-2011, 10:51 AM
The government. When will they ever learn?

They pay scientists to do research, useless and very obvious info. (Scientist) "The number one place where most ppl get hurt in or at, is in there own homes." Well, no ****. I mean, we spend 90% of our lives in our homes, so yeah of course we're gonna get hurt in there the most. (Scientist) "And the room in the house with the most accidents is the bathroom." Huh.... i didn't notice tht. I mean, it's the smallest room in the house, gets slippery in there sometimes, electrical stuff right next to a running shower or running sink, how DO they figure it out? Why can't they do something more useful like finding a cure or something i dunno. But still the government needs to think more.

Why is the bathroom the most obvious choice, it could be the kitchen(lots of knifes and po, ta, toes. < Dont take that serious, I dont want an offtopic discussion of witch room is the most dangerous.

I have to agree, Everyday they show us some new and useless info. Mostly about whats good for you. Here we have something called the palte model and it has worked fine the last 40 years, why change it to all kinds of diets like no fat, only fat, no meat, only meat, dont eat anything, put forks in your arms and other stuff.

Also about the global warming, they research on how long it takes before its to late to change, good, so you cAN STALL everything the longest time as possible.

05-08-2011, 11:51 AM
Oh man, speaking of Google, I hate when people don't search something up themselves. I mean, it's not like you can't ask questions, but it can be so irritating when people just ask things about everything without searching themselves, at all, and expect you to find the answer for them. It's so annoying :|

05-08-2011, 11:52 AM
There're those out there who thinks simply telling you to google it is extremely rude :p

05-08-2011, 11:54 AM
Oh man, speaking of Google, I hate when people don't search something up themselves. I mean, it's not like you can't ask questions, but it can be so irritating when people just ask things about everything without searching themselves, at all, and expect you to find the answer for them. It's so annoying :|

Then, if they ask such a question always say this:

My son(daughter), google is the answer for everything.

05-08-2011, 11:54 AM
I don't go around telling people to google things (until it's all they do), but it's SO irritating. I don't go around asking everyone else things that are quickly found out by a simple google search.. I look it up myself. :P

05-08-2011, 02:33 PM
Muffin I believe it is in my better interest to waste my time writing this long request for you to find out for me through google, what the temperature of the sun is?

I am asking you cause I really dont feel up for going to google by myself and typing only 3 words into a search and getting my reply without bothering you, I simply feel that it is in my better interest, as well as it being much faster and more accurate, to ask you if you could tell me what it is?

And if the above reason does not make you wish to aid me in this simple matter for me, but oh so irritating matter for you.

I has no Internet, yo.

(Jk :p Btw the temperature of the sun is about 5.800.000 degrees)

05-11-2011, 02:24 PM
I hate newbs who dont READ THE RULES, its not a problem on this site, but im a member of a GPT site where the noobs are constantly asking facepalmy questions.....makes you think a complete derp is sitting in front of their pc screen

05-11-2011, 02:38 PM
Pic or it didnt happen, I hate that sentence if put wrong.

If I saw something amasing and they just say THAT. Wait, I will just wind back the time and remember to get my camera duh.

I will ask them
Did I eat last week or do you need a pic on that to?

05-11-2011, 03:22 PM
Pic or it didnt happen, I hate that sentence if put wrong.

If I saw something amasing and they just say THAT. Wait, I will just wind back the time and remember to get my camera duh.

I will ask them
Did I eat last week or do you need a pic on that to?

It's, "pic or gtfo"
: D

05-11-2011, 03:28 PM
Something that annoys me today is that I paid, well my dad did, to have UPS overnight some very important paperwork and I look it up this morning and it wasnt received by UPS. Staples didnt even send it out... I paid for overnight I know hundreds of packages are send from that facility, I assume, daily so I dont know why mine got missed. In the end i got a refund but it still pisses me off cause I dont have time to screw around with people not doing their job properly.

05-11-2011, 06:17 PM
Something that annoys me today is that I paid, well my dad did, to have UPS overnight some very important paperwork and I look it up this morning and it wasnt received by UPS. Staples didnt even send it out... I paid for overnight I know hundreds of packages are send from that facility, I assume, daily so I dont know why mine got missed. In the end i got a refund but it still pisses me off cause I dont have time to screw around with people not doing their job properly.

This right here.

I have had several problems with UPS as well.

I am a self employed artist, and whenever somebody in my household sells something, it is my job to pack it and ship it.

I could not count on 10 hands how many times a package has gotten lost(literally!). They'll get sent etc. and I'll get a message from a very pissed off customer DAYS after it was supposed to arrive, sometimes WEEKS, and they claim it never made it there. So I check and all they say is: "we're very sorry for the inconvenience sir, we're afraid that your package was 1) Lost in the mail / 2) Damaged beyond repair / or 3) Burned by our postal ass employees. would you like a refund of your shipment?"

It was fine the first 20 times, a patient saint as I just happen to be, but after 50 times or more I'm starting to say screw their refunds and screw their poor work ethics and screw their poor service quality. Hell I think it'd be less annoying, less expensive, and more efficient all around to just pack a months worth of orders, fill a trailer with gallons of gas, and just drive all over the US and deliver all of my packages myself.

10-06-2011, 11:59 AM
Oh thank god there is a rant/vent thread because I am in dire need of it -__-

SO, here's my rant-of-the-day. It's concerning rude neighbors. Ill start by saying I -love- Halloween -and- decorating for it. Well, I recently moved into a new apartment. It's 2 stories, and I am on the second floor with a neighbor below me. A couple weeks ago I decorated my porch/balcony. One of the things I used was caution tape. Here's a pic because Im horrible at explaining things >_<


So, it was uber windy over the weekend and some of the caution tape blew down... I'd say not even a foot of it.... I noticed this yesterday as I was leaving for work. I got home after work, and went to fix it to find that my neighbor just ripped it down. Didn't say anything to me, or even ask me to fix it.... just fkn tore it off. Just destroyed someone elses property like it was no big deal. Irate doesn't even describe my feelings. I mean seriously, who does that?? >:(