View Full Version : Ever felt like...

05-09-2011, 11:53 PM
everyone was watching you?
Cause that happened to me today when i was at my new internship at a state prison. I got stared down by atleast 300 offenders. The next 200 hours, starting on monday, will be a fun and interesting experience. Hell I got invited by a Federal judge to watch deportation hearings tomorrow, and meant someone from Homeland Security who works for I.C.E.

05-10-2011, 12:36 AM
That's nuts man. You'll probably get to see some pretty cool stuff about the law and prison system a lot of other people don't get to though.

So now it doesn't matter if Big Tony breaks out of prison and...well If we don't see you on for a while, we know what happened...

05-10-2011, 12:46 AM
No one can ever really watch me.

And you have to do 200 hours of intern work? Is it every day? Or weekly?

I did my internship last year, went 2 days a week, but had to only do 140 hrs.

05-10-2011, 12:54 AM
Ya 200 hours for 6 weeks 8am - 4 M-F starting next monday and finishing June 30th.

I sat in the Asistant Super's officer, the deputy director of the entire DoC for my state, he was talking to me about stuff related to crisis and disaster and I think i impressed them.

Also something really cool is they are going to get me training and allow me to access some DoC training

05-10-2011, 12:54 AM
I hardly think you can do 200h work in a day(a week is pretty hard to)

Ive never felt of being stared down before.

05-10-2011, 01:47 AM
Ya 200 hours for 6 weeks 8am - 4 M-F starting next monday and finishing June 30th.

I sat in the Asistant Super's officer, the deputy director of the entire DoC for my state, he was talking to me about stuff related to crisis and disaster and I think i impressed them.

Also something really cool is they are going to get me training and allow me to access some DoC training

Sounds cool. Good luck and have fun!

I hardly think you can do 200h work in a day(a week is pretty hard to)

Ive never felt of being stared down before.

24 hrs in a day and 168 in a week. It's impossible to do either :p

05-10-2011, 05:01 AM
Don't know about everybody but...

Rocwell - Somebody's watching me (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YvAYIJSSZY)

05-10-2011, 07:17 AM
Feel like being watched?

05-10-2011, 12:26 PM
Don't know about everybody but...

Rocwell - Somebody's watching me (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YvAYIJSSZY)

that was exactly the song playing in my head when i read the post xD

05-10-2011, 04:11 PM
this internship sounds like an awesome opportunity.. I hope you have a lot of fun with it! I've gotten used to feeling like everyone is watching me because of being a music major and having to perform. You never think it'll be such an intimidating experience until it happens!

SiC TwiSteD
05-12-2011, 08:09 PM
that sounds like a long time for an internship but good luck man, i know quite a few people who work as policemen and in prison security so be cautious

05-16-2011, 09:42 PM
So... Today was my "First day" as an intern, yet I consider last monday my first day. ANYWAY. I was hanging out with a LT and we were in the dining hall she was doing inspection telling me what she is looking for and how everything needs to be in order... Well she was bent over and walking with her butt in the air, an offender came up to me and said "you should follow her example." they laughed and I smirked. I didnt think anything of it because well they are idiots and im not going to confront an idiot for something stupid like that. However my captain told me that makes me out to me a prey because i didnt stand up to him.

Its a catch 22 in that place truly is. Because your either a prey or preadator, and since im in law enforcement im reactive so i wont act unless harm is going to come to me, my supervisor or any other officers. Its weird if i stand up to someone it could be seen as a stregth yet a weakness too. If im assaulted and I tell someone that is a stregth yet its weakness because it shows ive ran for help.

TL;DR In short it was a good day I would like to tell you guys what I did but Im not sure what I can and cannot. The biggest issue was that little situation with the offender in the dining hall and me trying to figure out how I can go from a prey to predator in that place. Its hard going from a law enforcement mindset to a prison mind set.

05-17-2011, 03:24 AM
an offender came up to me and said "you should follow her example." they laughed and I smirked. I didnt think anything of it because well they are idiots and im not going to confront an idiot for something stupid like that. However my captain told me that makes me out to me a prey because i didnt stand up to him.

Wow, is that realy what police thinks when someone that has commited a crime throws a joke? O.o

Edit: Oh never mind. I actually read the entire post this time, instead of fixating on that particular bit. :P