View Full Version : Am I the only one that prefers older gaming?

05-14-2011, 06:47 PM
I've been thinkin lately (and by lately I mean the past minute, and the thought pops up every now and then) that I prefer older games to newer games. Older games just seem more fun to play, and newer games seem like levels aren't as interesting to play in, but they're covered up with a lot of flash to make up for it. Of course, not all modern games are all flash, there's a lot of great ones, but I often find myself enjoying older games more. Anybody else feel this way? What are some of your favorite games from past generations?

05-14-2011, 07:05 PM
Tetris definitely.

And I still play Counter Strike, even though it's not as much as I used to, I still play.

05-14-2011, 07:18 PM
I agree with Eps here.

Older games do tend to just be better than newer games.

I think it comes down to the fact that in the past, video games were a VERY new concept, and very few devs were actually really into it.

Now today the industry has exploded so much that there're an untold amount of devs, all wanting to be on top of the pyramid. And for that they need money, so more games are pumped out, that have bugs, or are repetetive, or follow the same basic concept as all other games of its genre. (Call of Duty vs BF or Forza vs. NFS or Ratchet & Clank vs. Crash)

Back in the day games were less about bursting the bank, and more about just making a good and unique game(Bomberman, Pacman, Ping Pong, Mario, etc.)

For example, I personally have my own favorites be Lemmings and Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire. As far as I know, both games are from the mid to late 1990s, and I absolutely love them, much more so than any other game I have ever played since. But then came Windows XP and Vista and 7 etc. and now those old games are just not able to be run anymore.

Another favorite of mine, Carmageddon 1 & 2, were both fantastic brutal racing games from the 90s(maybe the 2nd was from 2000s? Dunno, probably not), and I loved them to death. But then I got a new PC with Windows XP, and Carmageddon only worked with Windows 98 :( So yet again, a favorite is kicked out by progression.

So yeah I agree with Eps, older games just seem to be better in their simplicity, too many layers upon layers upon layers games these days, if that makes any sense.

05-14-2011, 07:32 PM
Yea, I agree with Eps and Seph here full on!

I've kind of hinted why you'd feel this way in my article Status Quo: Role Playing Games - Gamers Forum (http://www.gamers-forum.com/showthread.php?t=19308&highlight=status) (More to come about more genres)

I really think that TripleA games these days focus on how to make the most money.
Back in the day, game developers and real gamers were both a rare breed, so the ones created games for the others to enjoy.
These days AAA Devs try to make games for EVERYONE to enjoy. Because real, committed gamers from the past days don't count in anymore, were and still are a minority.

That's why Indie games are more often than not so surprisingly good and fun. Indie developers are today, what those AAA developers were in the time when their games were still good.

Carmageddon was an incredible game, I played the Carmageddon Splat Pack on a very cheap PC back in poland with my friend. It was EPIC. It already had a replay feature, and we got totally excited about a big batch of GUTS on the windshield when we drove over some pedestrian... well we were kids, what do you expect?

Duke Nukem 3D? Best shooter ever. Duke Nukem Forever probably won't even phase the greatness of what it was back then, but as long as it'll be fun we're cool.

CounterStrike... I've been playing it since it was a simple Half-Life mod. Then I bought the 1.0 retail uncut in Germany. A game of never-ending awesomeness.

Not to mention Diablo 1+2... those were games... <3

05-15-2011, 03:09 AM
I am a fan of ps2 and the more 'retro' consoles, but i wouldnt say i prefer them to newer games, there really isnt much for comparison.

05-15-2011, 03:29 AM
I agree with you guys, how many game developers would sleep on the job and to finish in time. Today many just realease it to early and starting to patch it instead. There are people that love their job still, but they are getting fewer because game developing has turned into a normal casual job that you can learn in school instead of experimenting yourself in a basement.

My favourite game is half life- even today many games are worser than this pearl, I WANT A (GOOD) REMAKE NOW.

05-15-2011, 11:19 AM
Havoc: Spelled my name wrong brah :p

Paec: I agree, Half Life original was an awesome game, but I dont think it's a good idea to remake it :( Some things need renovation, but the gold antiques are best left alone!

Besides, modern day "I hate my job, I just do eet 4 teh ca$h, bro" developers will rape it to death and make all of the consumer gamers that have popped up everywhere say that the new half life is twice as good as the old one.

Really, don't remake half life, dont remake counterstrike, and stop trying to top Age of Empires 2: Age of Kings. Just don't do it.

05-15-2011, 12:15 PM
a Half Life remake would basically be like Half Life that looks and plays like Half Life 2, wouldn't it?

05-15-2011, 01:29 PM
I also agree that older games are often way more creative, original, and fun to play than a lot of newer games... but I think there are a lot of worthwhile titles that are newer, too :) But yeah... I mean, older games set a standard for certain things in their respective genres, and people just tend to copy that. But older games also had such better music ;_; Most of my favorite games are older titles, but...

or Ratchet & Clank vs. Crash


Crash was loads of fun, but Ratchet and Clank is actually a really, really good series, and they have managed to keep it fun and entertaining even though there are like 50 million games. In fact, the games generally tend to get better as you go forward in time (with some exceptions, usually based on personal taste). ararwrawrwrwawrawr <3 ratchet and clank ~_~

05-15-2011, 01:51 PM
Older games were a lot more creative with things because there wasn't enough technology to make a lot of things work. I've heard that the fog was added to Silent Hill to mask some of the graphical limitations of the game, and the original Metal Gear was designed as a stealth game because the system's limitations wouldn't allow kojima to make an action game to his liking. Nowadays, every shooter basically controls the same, every 3rd person action game controls basically the same, etc. Everything is becoming uniform it seems.

05-17-2011, 04:22 AM
Older games were a lot more creative with things because there wasn't enough technology to make a lot of things work. I've heard that the fog was added to Silent Hill to mask some of the graphical limitations of the game, and the original Metal Gear was designed as a stealth game because the system's limitations wouldn't allow kojima to make an action game to his liking. Nowadays, every shooter basically controls the same, every 3rd person action game controls basically the same, etc. Everything is becoming uniform it seems.

I agree, most new games were modelled on their ancestors

05-17-2011, 05:06 AM
I agree, most new games were modelled on their ancestors

Yeah thats true but also many games copied eachover back then to.

For example pong. It came LOTS of copies with only small differences and, yes there are many good older games but there are also many bad.

Everything wasnt good back then.

05-17-2011, 05:12 AM
Of course I play older games.

The Legend of Zelda for example or Freelancer, Star Wars Jedi Academy, Thief, Gothic, Battle Realms and a lot more.

05-17-2011, 09:34 AM
well of course EVERYTHING wasn't good back in the day, but things were a lot more original and different. I feel like everything looks and plays the same, but have different gimmicks to separate the games from each other

05-26-2011, 04:15 PM
I've been thinkin lately (and by lately I mean the past minute, and the thought pops up every now and then) that I prefer older games to newer games. Older games just seem more fun to play, and newer games seem like levels aren't as interesting to play in, but they're covered up with a lot of flash to make up for it. Of course, not all modern games are all flash, there's a lot of great ones, but I often find myself enjoying older games more. Anybody else feel this way? What are some of your favorite games from past generations?

I generally feel that I prefer the gaming experiences of the past to modern ones. I think part of it is that there was more.. risk taking. more of a pioneering spirit back in the days of the older consoles. these days, what with the (american, at least) economy being in the state that it's in.. people are just going with the 'safe bet' games. so we're getting a whole lot of the same ****.

I still like travelling back a few eras for some Sonic 2, Kirby's Adventure, Crash Bandicoot, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, FF7, MGS, etc etc- the list goes on.

R3d M4g3
05-27-2011, 09:10 AM
Nostalga. That's usually enoguh to have people hooked to games, either it be old school or recent. However, old school has a bigger pull v.s newer games, since they've been around longer...

05-27-2011, 11:32 AM
Nostalga. That's usually enoguh to have people hooked to games, either it be old school or recent. However, old school has a bigger pull v.s newer games, since they've been around longer...

it's not even nostlagia a lot of the time though, as I can often pick up an older game (that i've never played) and enjoy it way more than a more recent game. For example...when I first got Resident Evil on the gamecube, I enjoyed it a great deal. However, any next-gen survival horror games i've played I thought were stupid.

05-27-2011, 11:45 AM
it's not even nostlagia a lot of the time though, as I can often pick up an older game (that i've never played) and enjoy it way more than a more recent game. For example...when I first got Resident Evil on the gamecube, I enjoyed it a great deal. However, any next-gen survival horror games i've played I thought were stupid.

Its because its more that play games.

Maybe the doom of games is the numbers of players. before it was only hardcore fans and now the majority is mainstream gamers. The companies arent taking so many chances as before, Of many of the games realesed 2011/2012 how many are succesors.

BUT, humans have a thing to the past, everythin seemed so better back then and if we play many classics today they are unplayable.

R3d M4g3
05-27-2011, 11:49 AM
The Older Final Fantasy's (I, II, III in America) were epic, Doom and Doom II, Duke Nukem, The first two Fallouts and Half Life.

05-27-2011, 11:52 AM
The Older Final Fantasy's (I, II, III in America)

so....FFI, FFIV, and FFVI?