View Full Version : Horror Games

05-14-2011, 07:49 PM
You know when you want a game bad but dont have it or cant play it. Yeah, Im kinda in that problem.
Ive been wanting a scary/horror game for a while and I just cant decide what I want to get. I want something thats not too gory and not too too scary but enough to satisfy me. I want something fairly old but not too old or something I can get cheap. Systems: ps2, xbox 360, xbox, wii
No pc games (F'ing computer)
Any suggestions? Id appreciate it thanks!

05-14-2011, 08:16 PM
I'd say go with Silent Hill 2... it's simply the best of the series.
You may wanna try Alone in the Dark.
Cryostasis should be on X360 I think.

You could specify how crap your PC is, but if you want some real quality horror that will make sure you'll have to change your pants afterwards, get Amnesia-The Dark Descent.
Or if your PC can't handle it, its predecessor: Penumbra.

For consoles you could also go with F.E.A.R (the very first one), and Condemned.

05-14-2011, 08:25 PM
My PC is like the crap you find in a junkyard by a hobo eatin by a dinosuar crapped out and thrown up by a shoggoth.
Oh. It's a Gateway is one major thing. It's fast and large memory and RAM but the graphics card SUCKS! I can't even play Spore! that's what crap it is.
Also, Amnesia: The Dark Descent looks AWESOME! I would love to have it!
Thanks for your suggestions too.

05-15-2011, 03:07 AM
Resident Evil 4 for Ps2.....it comes with my seal of approval

05-15-2011, 03:51 AM
forbidden siren bloodshot.

05-15-2011, 08:04 AM
Resident Evil 4 for Ps2.....it comes with my seal of approval

Yea but RE4, as much as I love it, is neither a horror game nor scary.
It's more like a funhouse shooter and doesn't take itself very seriously. xD
It's also the best Resident Evil game out there :D

05-15-2011, 08:45 AM
Yea but RE4, as much as I love it, is neither a horror game nor scary.
It's more like a funhouse shooter and doesn't take itself very seriously. xD
It's also the best Resident Evil game out there :D

i was 14 when i played it....and it scared the heck out of just how silent and creepy the map was....and the blind guy with the huge nails....I had some serious nightmares about him

05-15-2011, 11:08 AM
On Amnesia: The Dark Descent: Hope you read my review on it :D

I should tell you that I'd first of all give Amnesia a try, cause its graphics are not exactly top notch, but like you say, they're satisfactory. And the gameplay is just downright creepy. Not gory creepy or anything, but if you're a faint hearted guy with horror games, Amnesia will send you running through your house screaming! I completed Amnesia the Dark Descent, and the game is fairly short, but due to just how creepy it is, the game will take you WEEKS, maybe even MONTHS to complete!

Another good horror game is F.E.A.R, but its for computer(not sure if its around for consoles though? I'd look into it, FEAR is deffinately my 2nd choice for ya!

Believe it or not, Minecraft is actually pretty creepy! It gets very dark at night, and creatures can come out of the darkness and attack you. Or even while you're digging underground in a darkened tunnel only lit by a few torches. The game itself has a very erie feeling to it when you're 50 blocks below ground level.

Other creepy games that I recommend:

Silent Hill(Wii)(Cant remember it's name, but its the frozen little girl on a swing). This SH game is sorta like Amnesia, but with a twist. instead of a lantern, you have a flashlight. But the general goal is still the same. Complete the puzzles, and run from monsters cause you're unarmed.

Fallout 3: The game is in my opinion just scary as heck in a way. When its dark and you're roaming around the wasteland, or you're in the subways and getting chased by a mob of mad ghouls. Deffinately worth it for the creepy factor!

Dead Island: Not out yet, but when its out I'm sure it'll be a huge creep fest! It's a zombie game by the way.

Carmageddon: A horror racing game for Windows 98, awesome game, although if you want slightly better graphics, but less atmosphere, go with the sequel, but if you want a hardcore creepy atmosphere but worse graphics, go with the original! These games are by far the creepiest i've ever played, maybe cause I was a kid when I played them. The goal is pretty much to either

1) Win the race by getting to the finish line first after a certain number of laps
2) Destroy all of your enemies
3) Screw around and kill as many pedestrians as possible

Carmageddon is friggin scary bro 0.@

Bioshock is pretty creepy too.

Those are my ideas for ya. To get the really good horror games in my opinion, you'll need a computer with a big-ish screen, a dark room, big puffy headphones, and a clock striking midnight. PS3 or Xbox 360 or Wii etc. are just not the same!

05-15-2011, 12:31 PM
Silent Hill 2 is really psychological horror.
Haunting ground is scary because you're in a castle with no defenses except for this dog that follows you around and you have to find your way out while you're getting stalked the whole time, and theres some hiding spots but sometimes they find you. it really freaked me out. Kinda psychological horror and jump scares
Resident Evil games are fun if you want more jump scares than psychological scares, but try to get one of the older ones (like re2 for ps1, or code veronica x) since they're more horror based, re4 is more of an action game

SiC TwiSteD
05-15-2011, 02:15 PM
I recommend Condemned and Condemned 2:Bloodshot(the second one wasnt as good, but it was still fun)
The fear franchise is decent, the Silent Hill series is probably your best bet for 360 though, its just a good old scary franchise

05-15-2011, 02:28 PM
I recommend Condemned and Condemned 2:Bloodshot(the second one wasnt as good, but it was still fun)
The fear franchise is decent, the Silent Hill series is probably your best bet for 360 though, its just a good old scary franchise

i think you meant ps2, not 360....

SiC TwiSteD
05-15-2011, 02:32 PM
...no there are silent hill games on the 360...

05-15-2011, 02:54 PM
...no there are silent hill games on the 360...

there's 1. every other silent hill game is playable on the ps2.

SiC TwiSteD
05-15-2011, 02:59 PM
... and on the original xbox which is backwards compatible with the 360...

05-15-2011, 03:24 PM
... and on the original xbox which is backwards compatible with the 360...

but you still can't play silent hill 1 or 3, and i hear that silent hill2 played on a 360 is really glitchy. OP has a ps2, so that's what should be used to play silent hill...just sayin

SiC TwiSteD
05-15-2011, 03:34 PM
he also said he had a xbox which means... bet you can guess it that he can play silent hill 2 with no glitchy gameplay... YAY, i know what im talking about with horror games and xboxs

Xbox(also 360) Silent Hill games
Silent Hill 2 Restless Dreams - contains an extended storyline that wasnt available to ps2 until the greatest hits release
Silent Hill 4: The Room
Silent Hill Homecoming
And still in production is Silent Hill: Downpour which looks really fun

On PS2 you can get Silent Hill 1, 2, 3, 4, you can also get Origins with a port that was released and you can get Shattered Memories which is a retelling of the first game in the series, Shattered Memories was released for the Wii but is available with the special port for the PS2 as well

05-15-2011, 05:02 PM
Eh, I'm not really looking at the silent hill games. But thanks for suggesting it. However, if push comes to shove I'll look into it.

05-15-2011, 06:02 PM
then what kinds of horror are you looking for

and what i was trying to say is silent hill probably isn't the best bet for a 360 owner. a ps3/ps2/xbox owner, maybe. lol It was just confusing "you have a 360, you should play silent hill" doesn't happen very often lol

05-15-2011, 06:29 PM
Well there is always Dead Space... and... Alien vs Predator maybe?
But calling Dead Space a horror game makes me wanna cut myself because it's kinda far away from that. Whenever you have a giant gun in a horror game, the horror is not all that scary anymore. It's more of a grotesque shooter game then.

On that note you could try Doom 3 xD

SiC TwiSteD
05-15-2011, 07:09 PM
a somewhat darker and scarier sort of game would be bioshock, but then again you do have plasmids and a big gun to fight the enemies, but its really fun

05-15-2011, 07:32 PM
Bioshock looks fun, but as for horror? Eh, I don't know. I heard Dead Space was just a bunch of "pop out of nowhere and scare you" game and it's way to gory, and said I didn't want it to gory. F.E.A.R looks fun and scary and Condemmed looks like that also. I might look at F.E.A.R a little more but I just don't know. Keep e'm coming because im still not 100% sure.

SiC TwiSteD
05-15-2011, 07:50 PM
left 4 dead and left 4 dead 2 are good zombie apocalypse multiplayer games, resident evil 5 is fairly new and resident evil: operation raccoon city is coming out sometime soon, fatal frame 1,2, and 3, there would be so many more good titles if your pc was working... (these games are all different systems you have) Alan Wake is good, Alone in the Dark, Alone in the Dark the new nightmare(PS2), Curse the eye of isis, Dark Messiah(Hell Knight), Deadly Premonition, Doom 3, ghost hunter, siren, The Darkness, and The Suffering... that is all i could think of at the moment

05-15-2011, 07:55 PM
Haunting Ground for PS2. very psychological mixed with some good ol' pop outta nowhere scares.

or System Schock 2 for PC if you can find some way to play it. It's like Bioshock, except more of a horror game than an action game.

05-16-2011, 11:19 AM
I think condemned is pretty gory.

I think most of these are taken bu

silent hill 2
resident evil remake
amnesia the dark descent

05-16-2011, 03:04 PM
Fear is also on the 360.

Doom3 is worth your while even if it is old. You can pick it up for around $4 used, or at least my brother did. He got 2 of them. :3

As Far as scary PS2 games go, if you can find "The Thing" based on some awful old horror movie its actually got a half life feel and some interesting gameplay mechanics. Like leading NPCs with a sanity meter that drops the more messed up stuff they see.

05-16-2011, 03:16 PM
The Thing is a sequel to John Carpenter's 1982 movie, which I hear is actually very good (it has an 8.2 on imdb) which is a remake of some awful old horror movie

05-16-2011, 03:51 PM
From hearing all of this that has been said so far bro, I have a few things that I believe would be perfect for you.

1) Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Bite the bullet and get it. From what I've read so far in this thread, it is the best game for you.

It's NOT gory
It doesnt have the best graphics, might be able to run on your computer, check Can You Run It (http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/) to see if your computer is good enough. Don't mind if its below recommended, just go for above minimum for your system.
It's psychological horror, not really jump out and scare you. It leaves you on edge none stop, and you have none other weapons than your wits, your legs(run), and the shadows.
It's super interactive.
One of the most realistic and downright frightening games I've ever played. Completed it once, and never did again, too damned creepy.

And Bioshock really is a good addition to the Horror genre. It scares the living hell out of me for sure :S Lot's of dark and eerie stuff in it, plus a few jump moments, and I didn't really notice too much gore, but not sure entirely what your limit is.

Either way, I believe Amnesia is a must for you, bro. I'd say bite the bullet and pay the $20 to get it. Besides, if you cant run it or don't like it. It's only $20 compared to twice as much or more for other games, such as Silent Hill.

And if you can't run it. Keep it around and wait till you decide to upgrade your GPU!

So yeah, I vote Amnesia for you.

05-16-2011, 04:14 PM
Well he said no PC games but since Amnesia is so big on display...

I'd recommend "The Void"!
But I also recommend a strong psyche. And not the kind of "startle-and-fear-proof" kind of psyche you need for Amnesia.

I mean real fricking psychological stability.

Because in this game you won't just get dipped into horror, you will get drowned in it.
And not the scary kind... well also some of the scary kind, but mostly the creepy, depressing, stressing kind of horror. You'll be constantly under pressure and it will grow over time. And everything you do will have consequences.

It's best not to get into it too much but this game sucks you in pretty good.

Also you should be immune to grotesque(not gory) display of "anatomy" and sexual themes.(hint hint, game has naked chicks in it)

The Void on Steam (http://store.steampowered.com/app/37000/?snr=1_5_9__13)

Tbh, the video on the steam page doesn't do the game enough justice, but it gives you a rough estimate of what the game looks like.

Ilyich Valken
05-16-2011, 05:00 PM
The Thing is a sequel to John Carpenter's 1982 movie, which I hear is actually very good (it has an 8.2 on imdb) which is a remake of some awful old horror movie

I'm probably reading this wrong but... this.. post makes.. no sense. IMDB is purely movies. Meaning, the movie has an 8.2/10, not the game.
Edit: I didn't realize Carpenter's The Thing was a remake.. especially considering the original was called "The Thing from Another World" Lmfao...

The game looks absolutely horrid, as almost all movie-to-game tie-ins are.. It was made 20 years after the movie (which I thought was pretty damn good compared to a lot of 'horror' movies of the time.)

05-16-2011, 05:12 PM
Fatal Frame is kind of freaky... Maybe you should check that one out! It's been a while since I played it, but I remember it being pretty scary.

05-19-2011, 01:04 PM
I'm probably reading this wrong but... this.. post makes.. no sense. IMDB is purely movies. Meaning, the movie has an 8.2/10, not the game.
Edit: I didn't realize Carpenter's The Thing was a remake.. especially considering the original was called "The Thing from Another World" Lmfao...

The game looks absolutely horrid, as almost all movie-to-game tie-ins are.. It was made 20 years after the movie (which I thought was pretty damn good compared to a lot of 'horror' movies of the time.)

He said that the game The Thing is a sequel to some God Awful horror movie, but no, I said it's the sequel to John Carpenter's The Thing which has an 8.2 on IMDB.

anyways, explain this! Silent Hill 2 (Video Game 2001) - IMDb (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0282975/)

but yea...I heard the game was actually pretty cool.