View Full Version : Help Me Fallout NV?

05-17-2011, 02:00 PM
Hey guys, I've been looking around for a new game to play for a while now, and came across Fallout New Vegas. I've never played the Fallout series so I was just wondering whether you guys would recommend it or not?

Thanks everyone!

05-17-2011, 03:54 PM
I would, the game is long and has its glitches but if you enjoy rpg games, running around and doing epic things that are epic I would suggest you give it a go.

05-17-2011, 03:55 PM
Yeah I've watched some videos online and it seems like a really fun game!

05-17-2011, 04:33 PM
You should totally get it. Some glitches and small problems but the biggest problem for me is the animations for the characters. When you talk to them they have very very stiff faces and so on, almost like oblivion(its the same engine)

05-17-2011, 04:43 PM
Yeahh I kinda realized that the graphics aren't the best :(

05-17-2011, 07:01 PM
Fallout: New Vegas is not the most recommended of the fallout franchise, atleast not to me. The storyline especially is just not as good as some other noteworthy titles.

The game just feels alittle sloppier than some others to me.

If I were you I'd give Fallout 3 a shot first. It's just a stronger game in my opinion, and if you like Fallout 3, I'm sure you'll like Fallout: NV. Problem there is that if ou go NV first, you might not like nor understand what you're seeing. It's so far into the Fallout series that it explains less than Fallout 3 does.

But on the other hand, Fallout: NV is alittle newer than Fallout 3, and might hold more interest to you than the older ones, but personally I would recommend Fallout 3 MORE than NV.

But if it's a yes/no situation for NV only? Then yes, I'd deffinately recommend it. It's a fun free roaming RPG in style with Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, with the same exact game engine and everything, it's just more modern than Oblivion is.

So if you're looking for a good semi futuristic-with-a-twist RPG game to spend many an hour on? Then Fallout: NV is deffinately in the front row of the best choices!

I vote you try it.

EDIT: Note that since Fallout: NV runs on the same engine as Oblivion, it is prone to very horrible framerate lag! Especially if you encounter a dust storm or alot of enemies, you'll start to chop and lag quite abit unless your computer is upthere in performance! Just a warning in case your computer is not the best.

05-18-2011, 02:44 AM
Wow thanks so much for that Saph!

I just saw that LA Noire came uo, and since Fallout NV isn't thaaatt wow, I'm kinda looking at that now too :p

05-18-2011, 04:02 AM
If you're into a great storyline and hours upon hours of RPG fun i recommend fallout 1-3. :P
of course 1 and 2 are horribly outdated but its just something in those games that makes you a hardcore Fallout fan. :P
I remember when i heard that fallout 3 was going to be a FPS/RPG i was like O.o mixed with =D and a bit of \o/

There is alot of spin offs from fallout aswell but i'd reccomend you stick to the ones that just has a plain number behind them. :) (1, 2 and 3)

P.S Of course if you are looking into fallout for both good FPS and RPG and not just RPG.
I'd actually have to recommend New Vegas since the weapons aiming and feeling in that game was immensly improoved from the 3rd one.

SiC TwiSteD
05-18-2011, 07:20 PM
Fallout NV is pretty good but its really glitchy and buggy, if you want one of the best rpg's out there get Fallout 3 GOTY edition, its like 27 bucks for the game and all the add-ons

05-18-2011, 11:37 PM
Fallout NV is pretty good but its really glitchy and buggy, if you want one of the best rpg's out there get Fallout 3 GOTY edition, its like 27 bucks for the game and all the add-ons

I got it, so many add ons. But I think the addons where a little dissapointemnt.

05-22-2011, 02:53 PM
Hell yes, the fallout games are my favourite games of all time, and they are just amazing, great enviroment, great atmos, amzing gamesplay excellet story imersion is amazing lol need I go on :) play it now!

05-22-2011, 05:34 PM

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTdDMd6mgTQAdI_0qPSQ3TwLiA9sh6rE aZsDclZh_SXaEoNYFYF&t=1

05-22-2011, 05:46 PM
heeey, I really love fallout <3 :P

R3d M4g3
05-23-2011, 08:44 AM
If you liked any of the Elders Scrolls games (Notably Oblivion, hence it uses the same engine) you'll be sure to like this.

Fallout New Vegas follows the adventures of a Courier (Whom you control) who was to deliver a Platinum Poker Chip to New Vegas, the restored remains of Las Vegas. However, on the way there, he is ambushed and captured. Soon after, a man by the name of Benny shoots you and leaves you for dead. Normally, you think "GAME OVER", but then you'll think "What the hell?! The game didn't even start yet?!". Soon afterwards, a robot named Victor recovers you, unconscious from the gun wound, to a local town doctor in Goodsprings. After you recover and talk to the doctor there, you begin your epic adventure to save the Mojave Wasteland... or screw it over royally.

What New Vegas had over Fallout 3 are small, but notable changes.

-More weapons/ammuntion/gear - More ways to blow people away and make bad guys go boom.
-More friendly user interfaces - Companions are less of a pain in the ass to heal up or make them your pack-rat.
-Quests more circled around group members/factions - Besides that the three 3 factions, there are several smaller factions that can help you in your quest. Either it be them help you in the final battle or line your pockets in aluminum by, literally sometimes, destroying them. Also, each party member has a quest related to them, and each one has their own "ending".
-Factions - Although I gave a quick introduction to them, they are a little more complex... The basics are, essentially, are they you help factions, they help you with ammunition or a place to sleep. Steal from them, kill or hurt people or just be a twat, they'll send mercenaries after you. Also, you need to side with one and ONLY one faction closers to endgame to finish the actual game.
-DLC - Dead Money and Honest Hearts are already out, and there will be 2 or 3 more DLC's coming during 2011, each at $10. Each DLC adds new stories and quests, as well as increasing the max level cap and more perks to choose from.

This is a pretty brief summary, but I highly recommend Fallout New Vegas. However I will caution this. As with many of Bethesda's games, they may glitch up and cause your game to crash, or even lose save files. Try updating with the latest patches via XBL/PSN/ect. to keep nasty bugs away and keep you gaming on. If you got anymore questions, feel free to PM me.

SiC TwiSteD
05-23-2011, 01:51 PM
I got it, so many add ons. But I think the addons where a little dissapointemnt.

They were somewhat of a dissappointment, but i just bought the GOTY edition and getting 50 dollars worth of add-ons for 27 bucks plus the original game was to good of a deal to pass up

R3d M4g3
05-24-2011, 08:17 AM
They were somewhat of a dissappointment, but i just bought the GOTY edition and getting 50 dollars worth of add-ons for 27 bucks plus the original game was to good of a deal to pass up
You're referring to Fallout 3 - GOTY Edition, right?

The topic is about Fallout New Vegas, but anyhow, yeah. GOTY Edition is worth more than buying them all seperatley.

@ pacmaker - Fallout 3 or New Vegas?

Fallout 3's add-ons were amazing. New Vegas, however, are a bit disapointing, yes. Dead Money makes the game more Survival Horror (And more so w/ Hardcore mode on) and makes it tedious to play... However, Honest Hearts is more promising and entertaining.

As for me, I play RPGs mostly for the story, not for the Gameplay. (The game needs to be enjoyable in storyline AND playing the game as well, but story is more of my thing)

05-24-2011, 08:46 AM
You're referring to Fallout 3 - GOTY Edition, right?

The topic is about Fallout New Vegas, but anyhow, yeah. GOTY Edition is worth more than buying them all seperatley.

@ pacmaker - Fallout 3 or New Vegas?

Fallout 3's add-ons were amazing. New Vegas, however, are a bit disapointing, yes. Dead Money makes the game more Survival Horror (And more so w/ Hardcore mode on) and makes it tedious to play... However, Honest Hearts is more promising and entertaining.

As for me, I play RPGs mostly for the story, not for the Gameplay. (The game needs to be enjoyable in storyline AND playing the game as well, but story is more of my thing)

I meant fallout 3.

I thought that some of them were to linear, the only real non linear was the one in the swamps and I thought that the hillbillys there was boring.

R3d M4g3
05-24-2011, 09:00 AM
I meant fallout 3.

I thought that some of them were to linear, the only real non linear was the one in the swamps and I thought that the hillbillys there was boring.
Injecting DLC into a full fledged game such as Fallout is a bit hard to do...

For the most part, most DLC that Bethseda had made for Oblivion, Fallout, ect. have had them, for the most part, in a seperate area from the main game. However, I do agree they shouldn't be linear. Then again, getting Power Armor in the begining of the game is a big boost itself.

R3d M4g3
06-02-2011, 09:43 AM
If your still unsure about getting New Vegas, try reading my review (http://www.gamers-forum.com/showthread.php?t=19596).