View Full Version : WTF Bieber

05-17-2011, 10:05 PM
So i was messing around on facebook and this group im apart of police one had a story about Bieber...

He assaulted two police officers with water balloons and was never charged. What the hell is wrong with this punk? I mean seriously why would you be so stupid to do such a thing?

Justin Bieber walks after hitting Md. trooper with water balloon (http://www.policeone.com/Crowd-Control/articles/2654069-Justin-Bieber-walks-after-hitting-Md-trooper-with-water-balloon/)

Officers shouldnt have been talked out of arresting him I dont care who he is you dont disrespect officers who are assigned to protect your failed life...

05-17-2011, 10:15 PM

water balloons......idk

05-17-2011, 10:16 PM
If I was the officer hit I would have throw him in handcuffs and dragged him off to juvenille. Need to stop being so nice to kids when they do stupid crap its not helping them learn the lesson of respect for law enforcement. Idiots anymore I tell ya..

05-17-2011, 10:17 PM
I knew this kid was trouble from the first time I heard his name.

Selena Gomez should dump him.

05-17-2011, 10:40 PM
No doubt disrespectful, but I'll be honest, this doesn't seem like that big of a deal..

I can't stand the kid's music, and I read things about coworkers claiming he's a brat so he may be a bit of a *****, but I don't see how this would call for much more than the cop chastising him.

They were guarding his trailer from fans and he pulled a bit of an immature prank. Nothin to cuff him and send him to juvie over, lol.

05-17-2011, 10:56 PM
Its enough to charge him with Battery on an officer, hell might be felony to hit an officer with an unknown substance, I dont know their state laws all I know what he did was stupid and should have been hauled off to jail. Smack on the wrist does nothing but say you're free to go just dont get caught.

I have a zero tolerance policy of stupidity against law enforcement, but that is just me.

05-17-2011, 11:11 PM
In Canada you'd get charged. He should just come back home and try it again...

05-17-2011, 11:13 PM
Throw him in the middle east, maybe the terrorist will do a hit on him with a suicide bomber. Saves us more stupidity PLUS we get a terrorist in the process, its a win win.

05-17-2011, 11:45 PM
It's just a water balloon...


05-17-2011, 11:54 PM
battery is battery and you dont know whats inside that balloon. Its like if I hit you and gave you a black eye or something and you were upset someone said its just a black eye dont get mad over it.

Point is, you dont commit battery and should be allowed to get away with it. its stupid. Kids now a days have zero respect for law enforcement or anyone in general for that matter.

As I said I have a zero tolerance for stupidity against law enforcement.

05-17-2011, 11:55 PM
Well, to be frank, if something other than water was in it, it wouldn't be a water balloon, now would it? I'm fairly certain I know what's in a water balloon :P

05-18-2011, 12:00 AM
I can call a balloon full of chemicals a water balloon and chuck it at someone. You dont know whats in it, and to assume its water without seeing it first hand be filled with water is just silly to do.

05-18-2011, 12:09 AM
Yea but...just cuz he called it a water balloon doesn't mean it's actually a water balloon.

(I find this subject kind of silly personally, and i'm just kinda messin around right now. I'm not actually trying to argue a point)

05-18-2011, 12:13 AM
If it wasnt a water balloon that hit the officers what was the container then?

Im personally mad that bieber wasnt charged for doing it. I know several officers who would have busted in his trailer door put him in handcuffs and dragged his pathetic excuse of an ass out to the wagon and took him to juvenile.

05-18-2011, 03:09 AM
I knew this kid was trouble from the first time I heard his name.

Selena Gomez should dump him.

Im sensing jealousy

05-18-2011, 04:06 AM

I'd have beaten the crap out of him... or maybe not... Tazerd and cuffed and then dragged to the station and charged him with whatever possible.

Maybe it's just me but Bieber is a stupid little twat.

05-18-2011, 04:36 AM

I'd have beaten the crap out of him... or maybe not... Tazerd and cuffed and then dragged to the station and charged him with whatever possible.

Maybe it's just me but Bieber is a stupid little twat.

Im not gonna lie....but I think justins pretty douchey....but im pretty sure its wrong to tazer and beat a girl


05-18-2011, 09:30 AM
Even if what he did was stupid and immature I dont think he should be cuffed and brouht to jail. A warning and if he do it again its not obeying a police officer or something.

He shouldnt have throwed it. If the police saw it and took the baloon and it was chemicals or whatever in it then he would have been cuffed and brought to afghanistan as cannon fodder.

05-18-2011, 09:50 AM
^ :P....................

05-18-2011, 11:40 AM
He shouldnt have throwed it. If the police saw it and took the baloon and it was chemicals or whatever in it then he would have been cuffed and brought to afghanistan as cannon fodder.

LMAO. Amazing.

In my opinion, he should have been fined. Soaking a Police Officer with a water balloon means that the Officer then has to get a change of clothes from the station, which means it's time taken off his duty out on patrol or whatever he was doing - it can be classed as indirectly wasting Police time.

Just fine him for being a ****ing knobhead!

05-18-2011, 11:48 AM
This was Justin Biebers revenge on the police for not arresting the people who've thrown a water bottle at him, TWICE!

And it's also revenge on the revolving door that almost broke his nose(I wish it had)

So now that little brat has thrown a water balloon at a cop. Juvenile, right now.

I can't stand him, I just can't. Everything he stands for, and everything he is makes me sick, and he adds to it by being a douchebag to everyone that comes into contact with him.

He's a classic "Yeah, I am pretty damned awesome, aren't I?" example.

I can't wait till he turns 18, does something ****ty like this again, and gets sent to rikers cause 80% of the world population hates him anyway.(20% like him, 5% are pedophiles in their 40s, and the remaining 15% are 8-14 year old girls who wears short skirts cause Paris Hilton does)

05-18-2011, 11:58 AM
This was Justin Biebers revenge on the police for not arresting the people who've thrown a water bottle at him, TWICE!

And it's also revenge on the revolving door that almost broke his nose(I wish it had)

So now that little brat has thrown a water balloon at a cop. Juvenile, right now.

I can't stand him, I just can't. Everything he stands for, and everything he is makes me sick, and he adds to it by being a douchebag to everyone that comes into contact with him.

He's a classic "Yeah, I am pretty damned awesome, aren't I?" example.

I can't wait till he turns 18, does something ****ty like this again, and gets sent to rikers cause 80% of the world population hates him anyway.(20% like him, 5% are pedophiles in their 40s, and the remaining 15% are 8-14 year old girls who wears short skirts cause Paris Hilton does)

The army is just waiting for him to fill 18 years old. They will force him into the army and move him to alaska where he have to guard an igloo in the middle of nowhere(alone)

05-18-2011, 12:08 PM
LMAO. Amazing.

In my opinion, he should have been fined. Soaking a Police Officer with a water balloon means that the Officer then has to get a change of clothes from the station, which means it's time taken off his duty out on patrol or whatever he was doing - it can be classed as indirectly wasting Police time.

Just fine him for being a ****ing knobhead!

I think this is much more reasonable. Obviously its just a kid, he's not going to fill a balloon with some kind of deadly chemical and throw it at a police officer, I don't like him but I can guarantee he's smarter than that. He tosses a water balloon at a police officer, obviously as a prank or somethin. No, it wasn't the smartest thing for him to do, but if somebody seriously thinks bieber would turn a super soaker into a 12 gauge shotgun....*sigh* Fine the kid for a prank, don't charge him with battery for it. If he punched a cop, there's your battery.

05-18-2011, 12:47 PM
And what if the cop was allergic to water?
That could've classified as attempted murder... xD

05-18-2011, 12:49 PM
And what if the cop was allergic to water?
That could've classified as attempted murder... xD

If the cop was allergic to water.....I dont think he would be a cop, or alive.::-)

05-18-2011, 12:51 PM
I heard he was booed and abused at a concert in oz.....serves the douchemeister right

05-18-2011, 12:52 PM
If the cop was allergic to water.....I dont think he would be a cop, or alive.::-)

And they say there's no stupid questions lol

05-18-2011, 12:58 PM
Jesus christ o.o

I don't like the kid or his music, either, but what's with all the "LET'S MURDER HIM AND SEND HIM TO BE KILLED IN AFGHANISTAN BECAUSE HE THREW A WATER BALLOON AT THE POLICE"?

He's a kid, whatever. He's never personally done anything to you except get famous and be talentless. That's not grounds for having him murdered or sent to jail.

05-18-2011, 01:01 PM
He should go to jail because jail wants him to go to jail. True story.

05-18-2011, 01:49 PM
Muffin is right =/ We shouldn't need to have a reason to murder the hell out of Bieber...
Let's just do it for *****z'n'giggles! :D

05-18-2011, 01:54 PM
ITT: Justin bieber secretly could have thrown an acid balloon..

get real bro

05-18-2011, 02:30 PM
We should send him to afghanistan.

The talibans will problably act like this when they here his music


(this isnt a personal attack to justin bieber)

05-18-2011, 02:48 PM
It's true, he's just a kid.

A kid his age has the sense to not act like an arrogant spoiled brat infront of a global audience, making the whole world hate his guts.

A kid his age doesn't throw water balloons at cops

A kid his age doesn't get - that close to holding a speech about why its wrong to boo people off of stages unless his manager waved him off(Watch it on youtube)

A kid his age doesn't walk around trying to be a fashion icon, only to make himself look like a complete idiot.

A kid his age doesn't believe they have any talent, and even if they do, they shouldnt give a **** about fame and stars untill they're older. Justin Bieber will probably end up like a male version of Paris Hilton, just wait and see.

A kid his age DOES run like a b**** into his fancy trailer and hides under the bed, BUT, not quite so fast nor quite so loudly.

A kid his age does NOT get hit in the face by a revolving door.

A kid his age does NOT mind getting water thrown in their face, lrn2hydrate nub.

A kid his age does NOT make up songs where 80% of it is the word "baby" followed by "ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

A kid his age does NOT have a girlfriend who's a skank in training.

A kid his age WOULD care about the crowds of women chasing him, except the fact they're 9 years old.

A kid his age would go to school, and not answer what 2+2 is with: "Want me to sing to you girl? Yeah you'd love thaaaat, baaaaabaaaay"

A kid his age would NOT cut his hair by placing a swiff on his head and cut it with a can opener.

A kid his age WOULD behave like a child, but he just takes it over the top.

A kid his age does NOT have the mental capacity of Nyan Cat.

A kid his age doesn't have twice as many dislikes as likes on their most popular youtube music video.More dislikes than likes, LOL!!!!!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kffacxfA7G4)

True story.

05-18-2011, 02:50 PM
His parents must be proud... xD

05-18-2011, 02:51 PM
His music has the ability to cause self genocide, but it doesnt seem to work on him.

ITT: Justin bieber secretly could have thrown an acid balloon..

get real bro

Jaykub: You dont know what he threw at the officers. Could have been bodily fluid infected with HIV/AIDS. People should stop assuming its water because its silly and closed minded.

05-18-2011, 03:03 PM
No offence but to think that it was more than just a water balloon sounds like a bad case of paranoia. I highly doubt justin bieber is a terrorist..

05-18-2011, 03:04 PM
Joker has a point. A balloon full of liquid does not ensure it to be water.

For example:

A group of my friends wanted to try something funny. They were drunk off their asses, and decided to all piss in a bottle, and then pour the contents into a water balloon. They were 5, so it got quite huge, and we all walked to a bridge spanning over a freeway, and they waited for a good car to go by, and they dropped it.

Landed right on the wind shield, and the guy just turned on his windshield whipers, lol.

So don't EVER think that a water balloon is just water, there's no telling what concoctions someone has put inthere.

05-18-2011, 03:16 PM
So i was messing around on facebook and this group im apart of police one had a story about Bieber...

He assaulted two police officers with water balloons and was never charged. What the hell is wrong with this punk? I mean seriously why would you be so stupid to do such a thing?

Justin Bieber walks after hitting Md. trooper with water balloon (http://www.policeone.com/Crowd-Control/articles/2654069-Justin-Bieber-walks-after-hitting-Md-trooper-with-water-balloon/)

Officers shouldnt have been talked out of arresting him I dont care who he is you dont disrespect officers who are assigned to protect your failed life...

I completely agree.

He's growing up with an entitlement mentality and thinks he can do whatever the **** he wants. It pisses me off, better men then him have had way more fame/money/power and still know how to show respect where it is due. He's nothing but a little twat.

TBH, I wouldn't worry about it because when he turns 18 or 20ish no one will remember him. It'll be like Aaron Carter all over again.

05-18-2011, 03:18 PM
^ This.

Aaron Carter was the former Justin Bieber, once he grows up he'll go in the same direction.

05-18-2011, 03:18 PM
No offence but to think that it was more than just a water balloon sounds like a bad case of paranoia. I highly doubt justin bieber is a terrorist..

I don't even see why what was in the water balloon is an argument in the first place.
Either way, he wouldn't have had to be a terrorist to want to throw something else like vinegar or whatever at an officer. I've seen plenty of kids do that just for laughs. "LOL that cop smells bad now!"

05-18-2011, 07:36 PM
To be a terrorist you have to use force or threat of force for political reasons jaykub. So terrorist is a very, very poor choice of word to use.

Its like all those idiots at fastfood chains spitting in burgers you dont know if its secret sauce or not until you get it tested

05-23-2011, 07:46 PM
And if it were to be some other kid to hit the guard with a water balloon, this probably wouldn't have even made it to the news. I don't understand why people have to get so caught up in celebrity crap. It's his life. He didn't harm anything.

05-23-2011, 08:01 PM
He harmed the cops pride...
he is a spoiled little brat that tens of thousands of kids want to model themselves after.
Do you understand what kind of youth/future adults such idol represents?

Being a celebrity comes with a load of responsibility which is probably something the kid can't even pronounce. Especially being a child celebrity, because your main audience are children and children are, (sorry), STUPID. They mimic every little shyt they think is in and cool. And if their role model little Beiber disrespects the law, throws stuff at cops and gets away with it. What kind of message does this send?

05-23-2011, 09:32 PM
I dont think anyone could've given a better reason for why Justin Bieber is an asshole, than Havoc just did...

Well said Havoc.