View Full Version : Help Me Dragon Age: Which one do I buy?

05-19-2011, 01:26 PM
I know it's considered a gaming crime, but I haven't played Dragon Age before, and I really want to start and download it off Steam.

So basically, my question to all of you experienced Dragon Age players on GF is:

Am I able to buy Dragon Age II without having to worry about understanding what happened in Origins? Or will I need to play the first one to essentially know what is going on in the sequel?

Also... which one is better?

Thanks in advance!

05-19-2011, 01:35 PM
You play as a different character in number two but some events happen at the same time as the first. It might be hard to understand some of the story but I dont know how big part.

You are more free in creating you guy in DAO.

In a matter of gameplay I think that dragon age 2 is more action based.

I cant say so much more than I would personally play the first game first.

05-19-2011, 03:06 PM
Get Dragon Age 2 first, then Dragon Age 1...

The story of DA1 is only being mentioned at some points in DA2. But it's not related.

If you play DA1 first, then you'll be disappointed by DA2.
DA1 is the better game xD I think...

05-19-2011, 03:17 PM
Get Dragon Age 2 first, then Dragon Age 1...

The story of DA1 is only being mentioned at some points in DA2. But it's not related.

If you play DA1 first, then you'll be disappointed by DA2.
DA1 is the better game xD I think...

Cheers mate. Dragon Age II doesn't get as much praise as Origins... so I am actually considering just getting Origins, seeing as everyone has boasted about it's fantastic story, incredible characters and awesome (also lengthy) gameplay; "This game will invade your dreams." - Gamespot.

05-19-2011, 03:22 PM
Yea that is really the case with Dragon Age Origins...
I spent quite a while on that game.

Dragon Age 2 was a weekend trip... it was SUPER short.

So if you want to actually get your moneys worth go with Dragon Age 1+all DLCs(they're really good... most of them).

05-19-2011, 03:29 PM
Thanks mate, I will definitely consider the DLC!

05-19-2011, 03:46 PM
Yea that is really the case with Dragon Age Origins...
I spent quite a while on that game.

Dragon Age 2 was a weekend trip... it was SUPER short.

So if you want to actually get your moneys worth go with Dragon Age 1+all DLCs(they're really good... most of them).

Its like really long. I played for many many hours before I finished it. Then I started again with another character. Sadly the game broke soon after:(.
You should get origins first.

05-19-2011, 03:47 PM
Actually you should get the Witcher 2... it's the best RPG ever... xD

05-19-2011, 03:52 PM
Actually you should get the Witcher 2... it's the best RPG ever... xD

I read your review and I was definitely intrigued! Nicely done by the way.

05-19-2011, 04:48 PM
Hehe thanks :D

Well yes the more I think about the game the better it gets.
And you can really feel the control you have over the events unfolding in the game world. That's not something you can say about every game.
And like I said in the review, there is no good or bad like in Dragon Age, there is only "your choice". The game doesn't judge you for it, you do whatever you can live with xD

05-19-2011, 06:02 PM

Honestly, I'd say don't get it at all, cause I hate those games XD

With that out of my system.

I'd say go with DAO first. DAO just covers what the entire game series is about, why Grey Wardens exist, what they do, and why they must do it. You can also, as far as I know, never tried, never verified, immigrate your DAO character(s) into later DA games.

And as stated above, the game is MUCH more entertaining if you have the DLC(I do, and I admit, DAO is much better with every single DLC activated)

Hope you enjoy it more than I did bro. In on itself its a magnificent game, just not my kind of game though.
And just for good measure: If you require high levels of free roaming gameplay? I'd say forget Dragon Age. Its free roam is completely none existant, as streamlined as an RPG gets, really.

05-19-2011, 07:14 PM
You cannot actually import your character into DA2. You can import the save so the absolutely boring and insignificant political decisions you've made during the first game get mentioned in the second one at some point... lol

05-19-2011, 07:53 PM
THATS what it was, thx Hav

05-20-2011, 07:36 PM
DA:O Ultimate Edition gets my vote. Fantastic game and you get a massive amount of content.

05-20-2011, 11:03 PM
Get Dragon Age Origins complete edition. I heard Dragon Age 2 isn't as good.

05-21-2011, 07:46 AM
Get Dragon Age Origins complete edition. I heard Dragon Age 2 isn't as good.

As soon as I get paid, I shall get it :D