View Full Version : Terraria

05-23-2011, 08:14 PM
I'm surprised nobody has made a thread about this new game here yet.
It's been like the best selling game of the week on steam, going for 10 bucks a pop, this cool little Minecraft 2D clone transmits an awesome retro NES/SNES feeling.

It's basically Minecraft in 2D, side scrolling mining game.
You can dig, build, mine, kill monsters of many verities ranging from the classic slimes in all colors and flavors to giant earthworms and floating eyeballs. You can craft a huge assortment of tools and weapons out of the many different ores you find. Maps are randomly generated and come in small, medium and large, they are not infinite like in minecraft, but they're fairly huge and it takes a while to get from one side to the other.

The "goal" is to clear out and loot the dungeon which is located on every map and contains lots of awesome weapons and artifacts.

Technically speaking it's a little sloppy coded, C# with XNA framework and some dirty codewriting, some stupid hardcoded limits like only 5 world saves or only 8 players in multiplayer, but all that may get fixed soon.

Multiplayer works over hamachi or tunngle, preferably with friends. (can direct-IP as well)

More info here:
Terraria (http://www.terraria.org/)

Forum here:
Terraria Online (http://www.terrariaonline.com/)

Wiki here:
Terraria Wiki (http://terraria.wikia.com)

Buy here:
Terraria on Steam (http://store.steampowered.com/app/105600/)

Video here:

Was gonna review it but meh... not yet.

05-23-2011, 09:06 PM
looks like 2D minecraft with a much more interesting combat system.

Here's to hoping Notch hurries up and revamps the combat system! He himself has tweeted that it is "notably lacking"...

05-24-2011, 03:32 AM
I was looking at buying this. Dont feel I have the time to put into it right now, but it looks like a worthy clone variation. The only thing keeping me from it is my daunting list of games I need to play through.

That and I actually spent 11 hours playing monster hunter today. So yeah I havent even started on new games.

05-26-2011, 01:01 AM
I saw a video about this game, but I didn't watch but 30 seconds of it...

05-26-2011, 02:07 AM
Heah. I've tried it...... for about 30 minutes...

Its oke. :P

06-16-2011, 01:03 PM
I have played the game many times, it is very addicting sometimes. I like the combat and the stuff you can craft, but the multiplayer/online is bad in my opinion. They should add a chat history, make it so you can see the user's username without putting your cursor over their character, make it so you can't take other peoples items from chests in servers, and they should make offical clans and have clan wars with other clans. This is my opinion though.

06-16-2011, 01:14 PM
Doesn't look like a game I'd try :( I got tired of 2D games after Sonic on SEGA so many years ago. 3D all the way, uuuhuh!!! :p

But yeah I agree with Dili and the rest, Minecraft does have a lacking combat system, can't wait till all of the anime ninja moves and duke nukem running away from explosions stuff comes out!

No really, I think Minecraft should focus LESS on combat, and MORE on building! I actually think that the building system, which the game is named and BASED on, is sort of lacking. For example, COMPLETELY impossible buildings are COMPLETELY unaffected by gravity? I would preffer a less linear and more universal and smoother world, rather than a more engaging combat system. To me, lol, combat in Minecraft is a nuisance! It's sortof a forced aspect which keeps you from doing what you're in minecraft to do, BUILD!

For example, I'd preffer it to be that if you build a REALLY tall tower, with an unstable foundation? A powerful windgust should blow it over, tumbling all of the blocks all over the ground, killing anyone and anything that it falls ontop of! Maybe even add triangles and circles etc. to make more possibilities!

THAT would be cooler to me than wasting time building a combat system that isn't really the point of the game.

06-17-2011, 11:34 AM
That won't ever happen saph, he might add gravity to more blocks but notch said that after thinking it over he didnt like the idea.

Now adding physics... the engine just isnt built for that.

06-17-2011, 12:06 PM
^ And thankfully it won't. Gravity would ruin this game. Along with everything I've ever built.

06-17-2011, 01:45 PM
Well, to me it'd be awesome to atleast have the option, you know? To toggle wether or not you want physics including universal gravity. That way brainiacs like me would have our challenging builds with physics in mind, while the crazies who want to build impossible structures can do that too :D