View Full Version : Family keeps baby's gender under wraps

05-24-2011, 05:16 PM
Parents keep childs gender under wraps - Yahoo! News (http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/20110524/ts_yblog_thelookout/parents-keep-childs-gender-under-wraps)

Basically, they don't tell anybody what gender the baby is so it can grow up to be whatever it wants to be, instead of what most people do and buying princess movies and pink clothes for a baby girl, and power rangers for a boy.

05-24-2011, 05:44 PM
I can sort of see why they are doing this... But i doubt it's the right way to do it.

In the end im afraid it will do more bad than good.

05-24-2011, 09:33 PM
This is sorta an interesting idea.. I wish the results of it would be known now and not years from now though.

05-24-2011, 10:28 PM
Let the child pick its own sex so it feels more comfortable. thats what it sounds like to me

05-24-2011, 11:15 PM
Let the child pick its own sex so it feels more comfortable. thats what it sounds like to me

kind of. it's physical characteristics are unchanging, but just about every parent makes sure to have their children fit into the gender role that they're assigned at birth, these parents want the child to grow up however it wants. if its a boy that wants to take dance, it'll take dance.

what I think will happen is this child will grow up with a confused gender identity and not know it's place in the world. for example, it's a boy, but it only wants to do stuff that girls do, or vice versa.

05-24-2011, 11:31 PM
If that situation occurs, its a boy and only wants to do girl things, that kid will be picked on alot throughout its life, i say it because i do not know the gender not out of disrespect.

05-24-2011, 11:33 PM
This is pretty weird. I really don't think anyone or anything had an effect on what I do or what I like.

No matter what happened or who was in my life I still believe I'd be a normal male attracted to girls.

05-24-2011, 11:36 PM
If that situation occurs, its a boy and only wants to do girl things, that kid will be picked on alot throughout its life, i say it because i do not know the gender not out of disrespect.

yea, did i mention that in my post? I meant to...I think I typed it out then deleted it to type somethin else

05-24-2011, 11:58 PM
Nope didnt mention it in your post from what i can tell

05-25-2011, 01:27 AM
As nice as they may think they are being to the child I do think that its going to make things hard for him/her in the future. Society can really suck and do be different can make one the target, which is what I fear will happen if he/she grows up with out some kind of guidance.

05-25-2011, 01:28 AM
in theory, good idea (for an experiment, at least)
in practice, bad idea (mostly because of ****ty society)

edit: also, sex ≠ gender, since some of the posts in this thread seem to have ignored that

05-25-2011, 01:47 AM
edit: also, sex ≠ gender, since some of the posts in this thread seem to have ignored that

then what's the difference?

05-25-2011, 06:54 AM
This is pretty weird. I really don't think anyone or anything had an effect on what I do or what I like.

No matter what happened or who was in my life I still believe I'd be a normal male attracted to girls.

And that's where you're wrong. Almost everything in your life has an effect on what you do and what you like. But it's not obvious in which way.

Not to question your sexuality but I'm convinced that there are events in a young boys life which can lead him to homosexuality. No matter how much you like boobs now, things could've been different. (Since I don't believe that homosexuality is genetic or anything)
Don't wanna target you here, just an overall example.

I think those parents approach is really interesting, I hope they're psychologists and are going to document this experiment.
From my point of view this is actually not a bad idea. Every one of us got raised as either a boy or a girl, some unfortunate boys have been raised as girls and vice versa. So at some point we attain a certain bias, we see and judge things according to whatever we've been programmed to, and we do and think things that we're expected to.

However some minor or major events, or some complicated influences which we may or may not be aware of, change something and make us see some things differently. But if that is against what we've been told to think, we're ashamed for it, suppress it and that's how we get complexes and psychoses.

So if this method turns out to work, we might get the least judgmental and most tolerant person in the world. That kid will do and like whatever it decides to be fun at whichever stage of its life. And since that is directly connected to our endorphin flow, you can never be too young to decide what is fun for you. And you don't need help with that.

Ideally at a certain stage of its development, his genetic instincts will tell him to have sex with a girl or her to have sex with a guy. This is in no way connected to whether it's a guy who enjoy ballet or a girl who goes to the shooting range every week. Of course there are slim chances that the kid turns out to be homosexual, but those aren't greater than with any of us.

05-25-2011, 12:18 PM
then what's the difference?

Sex - Male or female. You got a box or some dangly bits hanging around.

Gender - Masculine of feminine. Man or a woman. (This is hard to explain.) If you are more masculine, you are strong, you are a man. If you are more sensitive, you are more emotional, and more effeminate, you would be a woman.

(I'm not being sexist, this is the only way I really know how to explain.. =/ )

So you could be a male, but you would also be a woman. Or a female man. (I know it sounds weird) but it's all dependent on your hormone balance.

05-25-2011, 12:27 PM
Sex - Male or female. You got a box or some dangly bits hanging around.

Gender - Masculine of feminine. Man or a woman. (This is hard to explain.) If you are more masculine, you are strong, you are a man. If you are more sensitive, you are more emotional, and more effeminate, you would be a woman.

(I'm not being sexist, this is the only way I really know how to explain.. =/ )

So you could be a male, but you would also be a woman. Or a female man. (I know it sounds weird) but it's all dependent on your hormone balance.

(in this instance, i will use the word 'trout' as sort of a placeholder since I do not know what the actual term is. Hopefully you understand what it means)

so sex is your biological/physical trout, while gender is more of your trout identity. so transvestites and stuff are born as a man (their sex) but consider themselves female (gender) is that how it works?

05-26-2011, 01:33 AM
(in this instance, i will use the word 'trout' as sort of a placeholder since I do not know what the actual term is. Hopefully you understand what it means)

so sex is your biological/physical trout, while gender is more of your trout identity. so transvestites and stuff are born as a man (their sex) but consider themselves female (gender) is that how it works?

Trout works good xD It's weird to explain but I think your on the right page. A transvestite born with both trouts would be neither male nor female in sex. They would be both. In gender, they'd have to choose to be a man or a woman, masculinity v.s feminism.

If a person born as a male, decided he would prefer to wear dresses, makeup, gossip, watch weight, etc (stereotypical girl things, I in no means believe in all of these, ladies!) he would be male, yet his sexual identity would have him as a female.

05-26-2011, 07:04 AM
Trout works good xD It's weird to explain but I think your on the right page. A transvestite born with both trouts would be neither male nor female in sex. They would be both. In gender, they'd have to choose to be a man or a woman, masculinity v.s feminism.

If a person born as a male, decided he would prefer to wear dresses, makeup, gossip, watch weight, etc (stereotypical girl things, I in no means believe in all of these, ladies!) he would be male, yet his sexual identity would have him as a female.

actually...i was using trout to say sexual/gender identity without having to differentiate between the two. :P

05-26-2011, 07:05 AM
/double facepalm

You got problems guuuuys.

05-26-2011, 11:29 AM
actually...i was using trout to say sexual/gender identity without having to differentiate between the two. :P

Oh gotcha. Thought you were using trout as...well never mind that we understand each other now.

05-26-2011, 02:52 PM
i read about this in the paper, the couple have another child, a son......who i first mistook for a daughter. You can see the problems this will cause.

05-26-2011, 02:53 PM
There is no manual for how to raise a child, there is no right way or wrong way. So overall the parents dont want to force the child to assume a role it might not want. So! ya...

Wrong way being used in the sense that the child is being raised in a loving home where the child isnt being harmed one way or another. In other words, being raised legally without the need for CPS to intervene.

05-26-2011, 04:35 PM
i read about this in the paper, the couple have another child, a son......who i first mistook for a daughter. You can see the problems this will cause.

The son feels more comfortable in women's clothes and stuff, so they don't want to raise their current child dressing it like it should be dressed like one gender when in reality it feels more comfortable dressed like the other, etc. They want it to decide how it wants to dress and act on it's own without outside forces expecting to act in a stereotypical way for the gender that it is. The boy looking like a girl isn't a problem to them. The problem to them is the fact that you think the boy looking like a girl is a problem.

05-26-2011, 06:35 PM
tl;dr: sex = biological, gender = social

05-26-2011, 07:21 PM
tl;dr: sex = biological, gender = social

This sums up my paragraphs better than I could explain :/