View Full Version : "analyst recommends fewer 3D films"

05-26-2011, 10:52 PM
Analyst Recommends Fewer 3D Films in 2012 | High-Def Digest (http://www.highdefdigest.com/news/show/Industry_Trends/3D_Movies/Analyst_Recommends_Fewer_3D_Films_in_2012/6977)

Looks like people are losing interest in 3D or something.

05-26-2011, 10:59 PM
I'm glad. The 3D just annoys me, really. I'd rather do without, because at the theater I go to in the city there's no option for a 2D or 3D screening. They just have the 3D and it's a real strain after 2 hours.

05-26-2011, 11:03 PM
When I saw Avatar in 3D, I often found myself focusing more on the 3D effects and I felt it took away from or made it harder to concentrate on what was actually going on in the movie. It's hard to explain what I mean, but it felt like I wasn't actually watching a movie, a lot of times I had to close one eye and watch the movie like that. Movies should stay flat. Perhaps if avatar had it 3D when you were watching it from the navi's point of view it'd make more sense...but then the parts at the end when its like navi vs humans wouldn't make sense. I like how Tron Legacy did it. While in the world of Tron it's in 3d, but in the real world its regular

05-26-2011, 11:24 PM
SAW 3D was messed up because it had 3D in the name, and the 3D made the movie blurry D:
I hate 3D...

05-26-2011, 11:28 PM
I'm glad. The 3D just annoys me, really. I'd rather do without, because at the theater I go to in the city there's no option for a 2D or 3D screening. They just have the 3D and it's a real strain after 2 hours.

I agree. When I go in to watch 3D movies, I often mind myself concentrating more on the effects of the 3D rather than the story of the movie. I actually prefer to watch 2D over 3D not only because of that but because I have pretty sensitive eyes and the 3D effects tend to make them want to explode. xD

Another thing that bugs me is that people have taken this 3D thing way too far. Seems like every movie that comes out is in 3D now. Just isn't as interesting or exciting anymore.

05-26-2011, 11:33 PM
I agree. When I go in to watch 3D movies, I often mind myself concentrating more on the effects of the 3D rather than the story of the movie. I actually prefer to watch 2D over 3D not only because of that but because I have pretty sensitive eyes and the 3D effects tend to make them want to explode. xD

Another thing that bugs me is that people have taken this 3D thing way too far. Seems like every movie that comes out is in 3D now. Just isn't as interesting or exciting anymore.

I agree, the makers take in worseless 3d effects in a movie that would be excellent without it. I hate it when they do that just to be albe to say its 3d in the movie.

I havent seen a 3d movie yet, I only saw avatar in 2d, but I still loved it. 3d is just a gimmick, it could have worked but the companies that makes the films are overdoing it.

05-26-2011, 11:40 PM
I agree, the makers take in worseless 3d effects in a movie that would be excellent without it. I hate it when they do that just to be albe to say its 3d in the movie.

I havent seen a 3d movie yet, I only saw avatar in 2d, but I still loved it. 3d is just a gimmick, it could have worked but the companies that makes the films are overdoing it.

I watched Avatar in 2D aswell, and i agree - still an incredible movie.

Yeah...they aren't even making an effort anymore when it comes to 3D. They pretty much know people are going to buy into it and go watch it for extra money so why really try? No problem though, it empties out the cinema room and gets rid of immature teenagers most of the time. xD

The sooner this 3D phase is over though, the better. lol.

05-26-2011, 11:44 PM
I watched Avatar in 2D as well. I've seen plenty of 3D movies, and I've also seen that they focus too much on slow-mo 3D effects and the general movie becomes unenjoyable.

05-26-2011, 11:44 PM
I don't remember who it was (i think christopher nolan about the next batman) but he said that he wasn't going to shoot in 3D because you have to shoot all the scenes a certain way for it to work and stuff and he didn't wanna deal with that.

05-27-2011, 01:15 AM
When I saw Avatar in 3D, I often found myself focusing more on the 3D effects and I felt it took away from or made it harder to concentrate on what was actually going on in the movie. It's hard to explain what I mean, but it felt like I wasn't actually watching a movie

They did this on purpose to distract you from how terrible the plot was :D

05-27-2011, 01:17 AM
They did this on purpose to distract you from how terrible the plot was :D


Though I have to agree, the Plot isn't anything special at all. xD Very similar to Disney's "Pocahontas" actually. Haha.

05-27-2011, 01:59 AM
Didnt you get it until now guys.

Like all said the basic plot is a big fat cliché, its the techinque and the special setting that is extrodinary.

05-27-2011, 02:06 AM
of course, the plot wasn't anything special but it also wasn't the focus of the movie. If you're judging the movie for it's plot, you might as well judge eminem based on the instruments. Judge eminem based on the lyrics, since they're the main focus of the songs. Judge Avatar on the visuals and setting, cuz that's what the movie is all about = creating an alien world.

05-27-2011, 02:10 AM
of course, the plot wasn't anything special but it also wasn't the focus of the movie. If you're judging the movie for it's plot, you might as well judge eminem based on the instruments. Judge eminem based on the lyrics, since they're the main focus of the songs. Judge Avatar on the visuals and setting, cuz that's what the movie is all about = creating an alien world.

I say its not the plot that is importent, its how you present it.

Many games have bad plots but magnificent ways to present it, which turn it into a good plot. One example- mass effect

Its about a huge robotic race that is (surprise) evil and want to kill all life in universe. That isnt what is good. What is good however is how they put the plot forward.

Ilyich Valken
05-27-2011, 09:11 AM
They did this on purpose to distract you from how terrible the plot was :D

I was about ready to come in here and be all >:UUUUU But then I realized you were talking about Avatar, not Tron: Legacy. :x

05-27-2011, 10:12 AM
Haha, basically, I'm pretty sure Avatar was actually a three-hour long tech demo. But really, good riddance to 3D, it will be nice having developers focusing on the things that actually matter in a movie instead of pushing this 3D gimmick (AGAIN- note it's been an on and off fad since the 20s). I really don't think 3D adds anything to a movie, either, especially since it detracts so much from the color, and well, unless the producers want to indulge in a cliche 'popping out' sequence (which is totally unwatchable in 2d) then there's no real individual scene that would lose its effect in 2D.

Especially if they just make a good movie to begin with.

05-27-2011, 01:37 PM
of course, the plot wasn't anything special but it also wasn't the focus of the movie. If you're judging the movie for it's plot, you might as well judge eminem based on the instruments. Judge eminem based on the lyrics, since they're the main focus of the songs. Judge Avatar on the visuals and setting, cuz that's what the movie is all about = creating an alien world.

Except I think that films should actually have something worthwhile instead of just "PRETTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY"

I'm not going to ignore a terrible plot and judge it based on its visuals. That's just silly to me. I will judge it based on things I would judge similar films, and actually pay attention to it o.o

Also, they didn't have any form of instruments/music/dance or any sort of hint that this was an actually developed, interesting culture. It was just flat and the characters were boring and uninteresting and blahblahblah I could go on forever.

Point is, I think it's ridiculous to say that I should have some special criteria for this movie and disregard everything that is bad about it o.o It was pretty, sure. But there were a lot of flaws and I don't think that the graphics excuse that.

05-27-2011, 01:40 PM
See, I actually thought the plot in Avatar was passable. The whole I went in there to do bad thing but ended up wanting to help part was very cliche and overused, but the rest was fine.

05-27-2011, 02:06 PM
When I saw Avatar in 3D, I often found myself focusing more on the 3D effects and I felt it took away from or made it harder to concentrate on what was actually going on in the movie.

Avatar's story was mediocre at best, because films like that focus more on the 3D effects than the story. In my opinion, if a director were to make a movie in 3D, then the plot must be as good as the 3D effects.

05-27-2011, 02:12 PM
Avatar's story was mediocre at best, because films like that focus more on the 3D effects than the story. In my opinion, if a director were to make a movie in 3D, then the plot must be as good as the 3D effects.

The way I saw avatar was it had a plot that allowed it to explore the alien planet and stuff. It wasn't perfect, and yes there was room for improvement, but I thought what they did with it was good. What other kinds of plots could they do with it without it becoming pretentious and convoluted?

05-27-2011, 02:15 PM
The way I saw avatar was it had a plot that allowed it to explore the alien planet and stuff. It wasn't perfect, and yes there was room for improvement, but I thought what they did with it was good.

The reason why I was so disappointed in the plot was because the story had so much more potential, and it all seemed a bit linear for me, just so they could get the story over and done with, just so that they could get to making it 3D.

05-27-2011, 02:18 PM
The reason why I was so disappointed in the plot was because the story had so much more potential, and it all seemed a bit linear for me, just so they could get the story over and done with, just so that they could get to making it 3D.

Yea, I hear what ya mean. If they did it to it's full potential it'd probably be like 4 hours long though haha. As long as it was still good though, i'd enjoy it.

05-27-2011, 02:20 PM
Yea, I hear what ya mean. If they did it to it's full potential it'd probably be like 4 hours long though haha. As long as it was still good though, i'd enjoy it.

Indeed, I think it would have been a very complex matter to try and get it perfect. Having said that though, they could have easily made it into a really good trilogy, if they thought ahead.