View Full Version : I thought it was PC only.

06-06-2011, 05:49 PM
anyway, this game called 'Breach' I was real interested in it. & I remember seeing it on shelves for PC only, but then I find out today that it was also for the 360. To people in the forum, (if you're an owner of this game) is it any fun? is there an official review based on this game? I might consider getting it.
(and this is a shooter game, I posted it in 'shooters') haha.
thanks in advance.

06-06-2011, 06:15 PM
I'm gonna be totally straight and honest here, but keep in mind, this is my personal opinion as a year-long-shooter player. And I've played, played a lot and enjoyed everything that shoots since Counter-Strike went public alpha.


And in long: It's pure compressed unfiltered sheit. If you want to make some better use of your money, wrap it around some tobacco and smoke it... wipe your ass with it... hell I don't know, anything is a better use of your cash.

I'm not gonna go into details here, but compared to every shooter that has ever existed, indie or not, this game is just bad, unbalanced, boring and looks like crap.

06-07-2011, 03:41 PM
hmm. thanks for the opinion. I mean, the thing that caught my interest was this thing called a 'cover system' in that game & all the physics built into it. I dont know... I think I might have to save $.

06-07-2011, 03:46 PM
Yea that's what I got intrigued by... the cover system and the pseudo physics. But I think those were the two worst aspects of the game. In most matches you end up sitting behind cover, in convenient 3rd person, having an advantage over anyone NOT in cover at the time, so there isn't much point in NOT taking cover all the time. And then you wait until your enemy gets bored and leaves cover and then you shoot them.

The physics are a step down from what Bad Company 2 has to offer, they're extremely unrealistic and unreasonable. And you won't unlock explosive weapons until a high level, from which point on you can just noobtube and rocket your way to victory.

06-08-2011, 03:25 PM
yo, now that you mentioned it, I DID get bf2 for ps3 instead. hahaha. its all good. I guess no 'breach'.