View Full Version : Nintendo Press Conference

06-07-2011, 10:50 AM
Nintendo E3 2011 Press Conference (http://www.g4tv.com/e3-2011/press-conferences/nintendo/96/)

Still trying to spread some E3 love around here.

Two words: Project. Cafe.

My enthusiasm is unbounded.

06-08-2011, 04:12 AM
Same, I was totally flashed by this and I feared at first that Nintendo might have no Ideas...I was wrong and since I was born Nintendo always can do it to surprise me and make me buying that console (and I don't regret that I buyed every Homeconsole, I played hundreds and hundreds of hours with them).

Release day of Wii U-One of it will be MINE!

06-08-2011, 11:45 PM
I'm a fan of Nintendo cause no matter what anyone else says they have never let me down. Gamecube? Loved it. Wii? Loved it. Wii U? I don't doubt that I will love it also.

And it's not like I shun other systems either, I have most of them. Its just when I look at all my games, most of them are Nintendo because I just like their good games and I don't get sick of them like I do with games on other systems a lot : P

06-09-2011, 06:15 AM
Meh... not 2 sound like a fanboy( btw not a boy XD) but im not impressed on wat Nintendo brought to E3... sorry but they jux keep dissapointing.They're presenting stuff that shouldve been out the first time of the announcement of Wii, sorry Nintendo but ur jux crap