View Full Version : Wii U

06-07-2011, 12:18 PM
Wii U (http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/post/713379/wii-u-nintendos-new-console-project-cafe-gets-a-real-name/)

Let's start talking.

(and yes, before someone asks, I /do/ like G4)

This bodes well for our hero, IMO. I like Mario. I like core games.

It just looks.. freaking fantastic for me, anyway. (hence the whole 'we, you' thing they were talking about)

what I'm wondering about now? Sales.

I mean. I'll buy this. gamers that like nintendo will buy this.

but will other core gamers be swayed towards nintendo's light?

06-07-2011, 12:29 PM
This looks really cool - good to see that Nintendo is still trying to be innovative with their consoles. Just the fact that it has "new" technology is going to sell it, alone (just like motion gaming on the Wii).

We'll have to see if they stick to their promise to cater to "hardcore" gamers with this console ;) I'm looking forward to seeing where they go with it, at least

06-07-2011, 12:35 PM
I am absolutely blown away with Nintendo this year at E3. Wow. This console is going to be something. Can't wait to see all the details!

06-07-2011, 12:43 PM
Wii U? that's a terrible name...

anyways, i don't wanna watch a video. somebody tell me what this is plz

06-07-2011, 12:56 PM
Its Nintendo so Im sold- but ugh, I am not a fan of the WiiU controller.... its huge and bulky with a touch screen... sounds unnecessary but well see how it goes. However I heard some good games will be coming out and re-released on it.

06-07-2011, 01:30 PM
You guys have no idea how much i'm in love with this : D

06-07-2011, 03:48 PM
jacob, knowing that you are a wii owner. haha.
its all good. we all gamers.

anyway, yeah, this thing looks interesting. a lot of people like to be critics about it, but I dont really mind. I've always been a fan of the nintendo franchise. so thats the permanent name? I thought project cafe. I wonder if this will still have the ability to play some wii games. haha

06-07-2011, 03:53 PM
This is the most retarded idea Nintendo ever managed to come up with... xD
And that's saying a lot.

It's basically the natural evolution of controls in the opposite direction. While they tried being clever with intuitive motion controls (which didn't even work correctly until WiiMotionPlus), now they're trying to make the least intuitive input device imaginable.

But no, I'm really curious about how this will work out for them... and how many people will have a console with 4 controllers for 200 bucks each... xD

06-07-2011, 04:38 PM
How is this retarded or a step backwards? It adds another dimension to the gaming experience. and from the video, you can still use wiimotes, so if you don't want the big bulky controller. But I heard that the motion control and camera thing is more accurate than the playstation move, which I thought was really accurate. I'm not gonna get this though, I don't need any more consoles sittin around.

06-07-2011, 05:24 PM
Wii U? that's a terrible name...

anyways, i don't wanna watch a video. somebody tell me what this is plz

You serious? Just watch the presser. it's worth it.

06-07-2011, 08:43 PM
You serious? Just watch the presser. it's worth it.

if you had managed to read the post before it, you'd know i actually watched the video. But no, i hate when news articles have videos, i'd rather read something instead of waiting for it to load and pausing my music and if i have to do something pausing it etc.

06-07-2011, 11:13 PM
I don't really see it as a step forward.
They strapped a bigass screen to a classic controller...
that's not innovation, that's a gimmick.

Let's see what else it got:
"The rechargeable controller includes a Power button, Home button, +Control Pad, A/B/X/Y buttons, L/R buttons and ZL/ZR buttons. It includes a built-in accelerometer and gyroscope, rumble feature, camera, a microphone, stereo speakers, a sensor strip and a stylus."

So we have a touchscreen that is a motion controller that vibrates...
I'm quite sure the japanese will think of good uses for i.... oh wait, too late:
Nothing like fondling boobs on a touchscreen eroge, amirite hater?

Oh yea did I mention it watches you jerk off while playing? It got eyes, you know.

That's one step closer to getting a face and becoming a sentient being.

Apparently a commonly used stance with that thing is going to be the "shield pose" where you hold it up in front of your tv, so you can see both screens at once. Can't possibly be tiring for your arms right?

So it has motion controls too right? You better put on that safety strap really diligently now, because having that baby flying across the living room after a delightful swing will set you back probably more than just 200 bucks. And your friends are going to love you after you slammed a touchscreen in their face.

I can think of 1000 and one absolutely retarded ways how this screen can and WILL BE intergrated in many games by 3rd party developers. Because I'm quite sure nintendo has already planned out games with the most sane usages of the screen for the next 5 years... like "Draw a penis and send it to random stranger children around the world" or a new Wii based version of chat roulette... now showing your dick on cam comes with 95% pedo guarantee.

That is not to say that I hate this idea. I'm actually quite excited about it and am looking forward to seeing it in action outside nintendos laboratory conditions.
Nintendo sure has some awesome stuff to offer, and I'm gonna be happy if the WiiU is going to be a hit. But I also like to keep a realistic perspective and point out everything that can possibly go wrong with this concept.

06-07-2011, 11:15 PM
I said in another thread I'd most likely stick with PC and skip the next console gen, or at least hold off for a while, but that Zelda tech demo looked awesome, and I'm actually pretty excited for this.

The controller didn't look too comfortable, but I've read articles and watched videos of people saying it's surprisingly ergonomic.

06-07-2011, 11:38 PM
Well, to be honest, graphically games can't get much better. That was the main selling point of previous consoles. In order to be innovative now you had to add other things. It might be kind of gimmicky, but it looks rather well-integrated. Sixaxis control was gimmicky, the only time I ever actually used it was when playing Ratchet and Clank demo, there's a part where you fall off something and control your guy by moving the controller around. Oooh, so creative. Nintendo i'm sure will come up with some excellent ways to use this.

If any other company had this as their next console, I would be completely on the "this is just a gimmick nobody will care" side, but both previous ideas (2 screens on a handheld, motion control being in the forefront) seemed extremely gimmicky and turned out really well.

edit: that pic makes me want one

Ilyich Valken
06-07-2011, 11:46 PM
Well, to be honest, graphically games can't get much better.

Sure they can... It's just the tech in the consoles that can't handle it. It is reaching 5+ years old. That's getting pretty old as far as computer specs go.

edit: that pic makes me want one

And you wonder why you're forever alone.

06-07-2011, 11:50 PM
I think the new control will be fun. Sure Havoc seems to hate on it already but it just adds to what Nintendo is making. If you don't like it than don't use it, and because you Can't use it you shouldn't hate on something when you can't be sure how well it will work for the system.

06-08-2011, 12:19 AM
Sure they can... It's just the tech in the consoles that can't handle it. It is reaching 5+ years old. That's getting pretty old as far as computer specs go.

they can but the graphics are already pretty amazing. there won't ever be a huge jump in graphical quality like there was between ps1-ps2 era and between ps2-ps3 era. It's kinda levelling off.

And you wonder why you're forever alone.

I don't wonder

06-08-2011, 12:27 AM
I think the new control will be fun. Sure Havoc seems to hate on it already but it just adds to what Nintendo is making. If you don't like it than don't use it, and because you Can't use it you shouldn't hate on something when you can't be sure how well it will work for the system.

Are you just trolling right now?
All I did was to point out possible flaws where the thing could take a wrong turn. Just because I'm not fangirl-drooling all over a new vibrating toy nintendo throws at us doesn't mean I automatically hate it.
You gotta learn the difference between hating and criticizing.

Also Eps I think that device would be actually perfect to play eroge on... :P

06-08-2011, 04:09 AM
I'll buy it for sure, I really enjoyed yesterday in a Chatroom the Sony- and Microsoft Fanboys trying to tell only good stuff for there favorite console and lies about Nintendo...Nintendo Fanboys won :D

06-08-2011, 07:01 AM
The game on the picture is Love Plus, if you are true gamer and want to experiences something new, this is for you.
Coming out in 2012

06-08-2011, 11:20 AM
Apparently a few of us here arent the only ones not overly impressed with the new system.... Nintendo's stock plunged down to the lowest its been in five years after the WiiU announcement.... however on the plus side not only will it have the Zelda games but also a new Super Smash Bros and Pikmin game?! Sounds good to me :D

06-08-2011, 07:47 PM
however on the plus side not only will it have the Zelda games but also a new Super Smash Bros and Pikmin game?! Sounds good to me :D

I was unaware of this and now must have this console
good damn my nintendo fanboy gene...

06-09-2011, 08:07 AM
I was unaware of this and now must have this console
good damn my nintendo fanboy gene...
Haha, my thoughts exactly :P

06-10-2011, 05:40 PM
IMO, I think the Wii U will flop, I think it will be delayed, there will be bugs, then when Microsoft or Sony come with the next big thing it will be like a haymaker punch from Mike Tyson straight into Little Mac's jaw.

06-10-2011, 05:52 PM
IMO, I think the Wii U will flop, I think it will be delayed, there will be bugs, then when Microsoft or Sony come with the next big thing it will be like a haymaker punch from Mike Tyson straight into Little Mac's jaw.

Nintendo's first party (i.e. Zelda, Mario, etc etc) nearly guarantee that won't happen. Might not sell as hot as Wii, but I'd be pretty surprised if it "flopped". Plus, Ninty's fanboys are as loyal as they come..

06-10-2011, 07:42 PM
Nintendo's first party (i.e. Zelda, Mario, etc etc) nearly guarantee that won't happen. Might not sell as hot as Wii, but I'd be pretty surprised if it "flopped". Plus, Ninty's fanboys are as loyal as they come..

You're right about the first party games thing, but I think it might fall apart when it comes to third party games and it will definitely fall apart when Microsoft and Sony comes in with there Pack-a-Punch systems.

06-10-2011, 08:45 PM
You're right about the first party games thing, but I think it might fall apart when it comes to third party games and it will definitely fall apart when Microsoft and Sony comes in with there Pack-a-Punch systems.

I agree that the third party games will have a good chance of flopping, but I think the dedicated games that come out for it will be too much for the whole thing to fail.

06-11-2011, 01:18 AM
I don't see this system being a failure because now they are going back to hard core gamers but also have a bunch of people who think of Nintendo as the 'not just for gamers' systems because of their Wii and how the tried to sell it to Everyone.

06-11-2011, 03:06 AM
I don't see this system being a failure because now they are going back to hard core gamers but also have a bunch of people who think of Nintendo as the 'not just for gamers' systems because of their Wii and how the tried to sell it to Everyone.

I think they should try to win over the hardcore gamers not the yoga moms.

06-11-2011, 10:02 AM
I personally both hate its name (wii U are you serious) and its looks, Its like a Nintendo DS in a I pad size. What I know its not a portable so how does the accual console look like and what is its specs?

06-11-2011, 01:11 PM
If you just look around it isn't difficult to see what the actual system looks like.

06-11-2011, 02:43 PM
I personally both hate its name (wii U are you serious) and its looks, Its like a Nintendo DS in a I pad size. What I know its not a portable so how does the accual console look like and what is its specs?

Well, calling it Wii U is just as creative and meaningless as calling a new console "Wii" but oops, that's what they did 5 years ago.
Since "Gamecube" was too descriptive and got straight to the point, Nintendo decided to obfuscate the fu*k out of all meaning they could possibly include in their products name. With the Wii U they simply dropped the creativeness.

Well it's a console, not really supposed to be portable, it just happens to have small flatscreen TVs for controllers. Nintendo wasn't very specific about the systems specs. In other words they told us fuc*all nothing about it. (They probably didn't decide yet... ^^)


06-11-2011, 03:17 PM
I personally both hate its name (wii U are you serious) and its looks, Its like a Nintendo DS in a I pad size. What I know its not a portable so how does the accual console look like and what is its specs?

It probably only works when your close to an actual Wii. It's probably gonna have a gimmick where you MUST own a Wii to use the Wii U. I used to be a 90's fanboy of Nintendo, but I lost all fanboy-ism when they refused to make Luigi's Mansion 2 on Gamecube and I am not buying a 3DS for Luigi's Mansion 2 maybe if it gets Pikmin 3... maybe... sorry for the rant hahaha.

06-11-2011, 04:53 PM
"fantastic" new control methods in all glory but I think I stick with my all so ordinary xbox 360 and my pc so far.

06-11-2011, 04:58 PM
When there was first news announced of a new Nintendo gaming system, I did think that it was going to be an actual console... sad face. If Nintendo put their efforts into a new console, to challenge the quality that Microsoft and Sony give, then I do believe that Nintendo would pull it off.

Ilyich Valken
06-11-2011, 10:31 PM
When there was first news announced of a new Nintendo gaming system, I did think that it was going to be an actual console... sad face. If Nintendo put their efforts into a new console, to challenge the quality that Microsoft and Sony give, then I do believe that Nintendo would pull it off.

It is a new system. The Wii sure as hell couldn't handle some of the games they announced were coming out for it without some trouble. Not to mention, it's got HD capabilities now.

06-11-2011, 11:12 PM
I would love a proper nintendo console. I havent had faith in nintendo products since SNES <3 I still miss my Bazooka (http://caminantesdelaluna.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2006/10/snes_superscobe-2.jpg) and the game package that came with it.



06-12-2011, 02:52 AM
I would love a proper nintendo console. I havent had faith in nintendo products since SNES <3 I still miss my Bazooka (http://caminantesdelaluna.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2006/10/snes_superscobe-2.jpg) and the game package that came with it.



Nintendo would have an EPIC WIN if they make a throwback SNES system but give it updated graphics and re-boot the entire SNES library. There would be 90's fanboy jizz everywhere.

06-12-2011, 07:24 AM
It is a new system.

I didn't say that it wasn't, I just said that I thought it was going to be a system to challenge Microsoft and Sony for their quality :)

06-12-2011, 11:22 AM
It is a new system. The Wii sure as hell couldn't handle some of the games they announced were coming out for it without some trouble. Not to mention, it's got HD capabilities now.

From what I understand they have been quite vague about the whole HD thing... they never specified that the system will run actual 720 or 1080 resolution, they just said it has HD compatibility... which can mean a lot of things. (unless I missed something)

06-12-2011, 11:26 AM
From what I understand they have been quite vague about the whole HD thing... they never specified that the system will run actual 720 or 1080 resolution, they just said it has HD compatibility... which can mean a lot of things. (unless I missed something)

I think that a lot of things weren't very well cleaned up... all of the vital information was covered up by sparkly showcasing.

06-12-2011, 01:20 PM
They stated in an interview that it would run at 1080p, I don't recall which video it was but I know it was on gametrailers.

06-12-2011, 01:35 PM
They stated in an interview that it would run at 1080p, I don't recall which video it was but I know it was on gametrailers.

I still can't form a proper opinion on the thing though, I mean it does look cool, but I don't know enough about it from what they have said... it kinda seems a bit of a pointless invention :S

06-12-2011, 01:46 PM
I still can't form a proper opinion on the thing though, I mean it does look cool, but I don't know enough about it from what they have said... it kinda seems a bit of a pointless invention :S

Yeah, I am not to sure about it myself. The controller looks pretty stupid and unwieldy and how much does adding another screen, even with touch detection, help anything(excluding making it even more of a pain to multitask while playing games)? According to some of the interviews most of the stuff they showed was all conceptual work so it seems that even Nintendo isn't to sure how its actually going to work out.

06-12-2011, 01:56 PM
The new system is using something like a watsons brain, a very powerful IBM processor that is above anything the 360 and ps3.

Or at least thats what been said. I will try to find the link that I found this on.

06-12-2011, 02:04 PM
The new system is using something like a watsons brain, a very powerful IBM processor that is above anything the 360 and ps3.

Or at least thats what been said. I will try to find the link that I found this on.

Just found this article I am guessing it is where you read that?

Wii U Specs Disclosed, Including 25GB Optical Discs - Techland - TIME.com (http://techland.time.com/2011/06/09/wii-u-specs-disclosed-including-25gb-optical-discs/)

06-12-2011, 02:19 PM
The new system is using something like a watsons brain, a very powerful IBM processor that is above anything the 360 and ps3.

Or at least thats what been said. I will try to find the link that I found this on.

Just found this article I am guessing it is where you read that?

Wii U Specs Disclosed, Including 25GB Optical Discs - Techland - TIME.com (http://techland.time.com/2011/06/09/wii-u-specs-disclosed-including-25gb-optical-discs/)

So why didn't they make something better!? Nintendo are so frustrating sometimes, in regards to how they limit themselves and never think outside the box in a way that makes sense...

Ilyich Valken
06-12-2011, 02:49 PM
The new system is using something like a watsons brain, a very powerful IBM processor that is above anything the 360 and ps3.

Or at least thats what been said. I will try to find the link that I found this on.

To be fair, the 360 and PS3 are running on 5 year old tech. Pretty old as far as specs go.

06-12-2011, 03:12 PM
Are these specs confirmed? Bit disappointing but still, a new Zelda, SMB and Smash Bros (among others) have me more excited for this than I expected to be.

The new system is using something like a watsons brain, a very powerful IBM processor that is above anything the 360 and ps3.

Or at least thats what been said. I will try to find the link that I found this on.

To be fair, the 360 and PS3 are running on 5 year old tech. Pretty old as far as specs go.
Yeah, this. Ninty would have to try pretty damn hard to give Wii U lower specs than the PS3/360.

06-12-2011, 04:25 PM
People will probably compare much to the wii. Wii was graphics wise about 1 generation after xbox and ps3 and now they will be the same. 1 generation graphics wise behind xbox 720 and ps4.

06-21-2011, 12:16 PM
You know, I'm actually significantly less enthused about this product now. Guess the 'newness' factor got demolished-

specifically what gave it the hardest hit was the news that it would be one 'wiipad' per console. so they're trying to appeal to the "hardcore" market with a more "traditional" controller... kind of sort of... but only one person will be using that controller? multiplayer will be played with "last gen" controllers? except for the one person that gets a screen on his? or will that controller (which is really the only "new" thing about the console, except for better graphics) just sit in the side of the room? isn't the controller kind of the "point" of the whole thing?

so that hit. at this point I think I'm just going to wait out of the gen for some games - and I'll avoid the mistake I made last gen (of getting a console for 1 or 2 games. cause when you do that, sometimes you get those one or two games. and then that's it).

also Havoc's points are incredibly valid (obviously)

Ilyich Valken
06-21-2011, 04:08 PM
You know, I'm actually significantly less enthused about this product now. Guess the 'newness' factor got demolished-

specifically what gave it the hardest hit was the news that it would be one 'wiipad' per console. so they're trying to appeal to the "hardcore" market with a more "traditional" controller... kind of sort of... but only one person will be using that controller? multiplayer will be played with "last gen" controllers? except for the one person that gets a screen on his? or will that controller (which is really the only "new" thing about the console, except for better graphics) just sit in the side of the room? isn't the controller kind of the "point" of the whole thing?

so that hit. at this point I think I'm just going to wait out of the gen for some games - and I'll avoid the mistake I made last gen (of getting a console for 1 or 2 games. cause when you do that, sometimes you get those one or two games. and then that's it).

also Havoc's points are incredibly valid (obviously)

That's hardly the only new thing about the console. >_>

06-21-2011, 04:17 PM
That's hardly the only new thing about the console. >_>

what else have you got? new controller, new box, new internals (aka more power/better graphics/ etc etc) and (now that I realize it) better online support, if they deliver on that one. I can't recall anything else.

Ilyich Valken
06-21-2011, 04:26 PM
It's got new hardware, a not-quite-bluray disc drive, the new controller, better online set up, and a far better game lineup than the wii had (I'm talking about you, third party shovelware crap.)

06-21-2011, 04:38 PM
It's got new hardware, a not-quite-bluray disc drive, the new controller, better online set up, and a far better game lineup than the wii had (I'm talking about you, third party shovelware crap.)

ehhhhh- devs have had bigger discs for a while, and I haven't seen a whole lot of cases of that being used for my personal gaming benefit (of course that has to do with my personal tastes, etc)- and the game lineup is better...

but wait. wii owners now get to play the games that everyone else has always gotten to play. and what do we do when ps4 and xbox 720 come out? the wii u /still/ might not be able to handle ports. so what I've been moved toward thinking is this - if nintendo does it like they did last gen, I'll be choosing mario, link, zelda, and samus over... nearly everything else. time will tell, though. maybe it really have good 3rd party support.

07-06-2011, 06:35 PM
That's really cool i wonder if it will do as well as the original Wii did hopefully it will do better cant wait to buy it