View Full Version : The new PS Vita!

06-12-2011, 08:02 PM
Is it really the future of handheld gaming? Tell me what you think, show me your opinions and make me amused! :p

06-12-2011, 08:45 PM
I didn't see the E3 coverage on it, but from the looks of it, it's a psp with 2 analog sticks. Not so much interested in it, If I get a new handheld it's gonna be a 3DS

06-12-2011, 09:18 PM
I didn't see the E3 coverage on it, but from the looks of it, it's a psp with 2 analog sticks. Not so much interested in it, If I get a new handheld it's gonna be a 3DS

Basically summed it up. I think the Vita will have great graphics for a hand held, easily surpassing the 3DS, but there are some great quality games for the DS, more I think that for the PSP that I've seen.

Ilyich Valken
06-12-2011, 10:49 PM
I don't know.. I think it'll be great, but right now it just seems like an upgraded PSP. The 3DS did something entirely new. Sure, the PSV may have amazing graphics for a handheld, but there's a pretty strong line up of games being worked on for the 3DS, a long with all of the things in the system itself and already out on the EShop. I think it might suffer from what the original PSP did, it won't have a lot of stellar titles.

06-13-2011, 01:01 AM
^ I'm with those guys. The tech is great, but so far there are no games announced that really grab my attention, and if it turns out like PSP, there will be very few that do.

Currently, I'm a bit more interested in 3DS, but I'm still not ready to jump on a new handheld yet, especially with all of the PC and console games coming out this year.

06-13-2011, 02:37 AM
I love my PSP and the monster hunter series will probably continue onto that platform so I might have to get it.

The whole 3D fad scares me. I think as time goes by we will learn more about potential health risks. Personally I spend hundreds of hours on even handheld games. I can imagine the strain on my eyes after time and the way that it could mess with how your brain perceives reality. Just looking at a magic eye book hurts after a few minutes. I dont want to to that to my brain for hours on end every day.

06-13-2011, 04:10 AM
Pass! Anyone wanna gift me a 3DS? ;D

06-13-2011, 05:40 AM
Same here, I mean the graphics are good but it is just the upgraded version of the PSP. I might buy it in the future, who knows.

06-13-2011, 06:57 AM
I'm gonna get it as soon and IF the firmware gets cracked properly :3

06-13-2011, 07:39 AM
I heard the PS Vita is awkward to hold, and it can get quite uncomfortable after time. Apart from that, I don't really have my own opinions on it, other than I won't be getting it :P

06-13-2011, 09:52 AM
I love my PSP and the monster hunter series will probably continue onto that platform so I might have to get it.

The whole 3D fad scares me. I think as time goes by we will learn more about potential health risks. Personally I spend hundreds of hours on even handheld games. I can imagine the strain on my eyes after time and the way that it could mess with how your brain perceives reality. Just looking at a magic eye book hurts after a few minutes. I dont want to to that to my brain for hours on end every day.

well, there's an option to turn the 3D off. even without the 3D, it's a more powerful DS

Ilyich Valken
06-13-2011, 11:08 AM
well, there's an option to turn the 3D off. even without the 3D, it's a more powerful DS
Bastard.. beat me to it. However, even without the 3D it still functions/looks awesome. That and it's the good kind of 3D, not the gimmicky "THINGSREACHINGOUTTOWARDSYOU" kind, but actually adds depth. Only thing that's annoying is that there's a specific distance you have to hold it away from you to get the most out of the 3D function.

06-13-2011, 01:05 PM
The vita actually as a pretty interesting game line up all ready. Overall I am more interested in a system that has higher specs and interesting features(two touch pads, the back one has already shown some interesting gameplay, and the use of the screens touch pad for climbing in the uncharted game looks pretty solid) than one with 3d that requires me to be a certain distance from it to work.

PlayStation Vita games lineup post-E3 - Shacknews.com (http://www.shacknews.com/article/68842/playstation-vita-software-lineup-post)

Ilyich Valken
06-13-2011, 01:57 PM
The vita actually as a pretty interesting game line up all ready. Overall I am more interested in a system that has higher specs and interesting features(two touch pads, the back one has already shown some interesting gameplay, and the use of the screens touch pad for climbing in the uncharted game looks pretty solid) than one with 3d that requires me to be a certain distance from it to work.

PlayStation Vita games lineup post-E3 - Shacknews.com (http://www.shacknews.com/article/68842/playstation-vita-software-lineup-post)

Eh, as many notable franchises as that has, it doesn't really hold a candle to what Nintendo has in store (not to mention, it's a pretty long list of games already announced, a good portion of which look interesting.)

As far as specs and everything else go, doesn't really matter if it follows the path of the PSP. It can have all the touch pads and good graphics it wants, but if it doesn't have good games, then..

06-13-2011, 02:19 PM
Eh, as many notable franchises as that has, it doesn't really hold a candle to what Nintendo has in store (not to mention, it's a pretty long list of games already announced, a good portion of which look interesting.)

As far as specs and everything else go, doesn't really matter if it follows the path of the PSP. It can have all the touch pads and good graphics it wants, but if it doesn't have good games, then..

I guess its just a matter of opinion then since I consider quite a few of those games on the psv line up to be good series that normally produce high quality, both visually and gameplay wise, games. I did a quick search for 3DS games and really didn't find that many games I would particularly like besides a few remakes and a few sequels.

06-14-2011, 08:26 PM
I didn't hear anything really about this, but I was watching a video and someone mentioned that the Vita will be touch sensitive underneath the console as well, and that someone was making a level in a level editor and pushing things up by pressing underneath it?

That sounds pretty awesome and more than "just a psp upgrade" to me... Just as noteworthy as having 3D, imo...

06-15-2011, 02:30 PM
I didn't hear anything really about this, but I was watching a video and someone mentioned that the Vita will be touch sensitive underneath the console as well, and that someone was making a level in a level editor and pushing things up by pressing underneath it?

That sounds pretty awesome and more than "just a psp upgrade" to me... Just as noteworthy as having 3D, imo...

Yeah, it's definitely a lot more than just a simple PSP upgrade. (Todd Howard actually mentions the exact level editor you're talking about in the vid I posted of him and Notch. It's from Modnation Racers)

I don't even care about 3DS' 3D capabilities :P I expect I'll have it turned off 95% of the time.. However, there are many more games I'm interested in coming out for it than Vita.

Ilyich Valken
06-15-2011, 03:00 PM
Yeah, it's definitely a lot more than just a simple PSP upgrade. (Todd Howard actually mentions the exact level editor you're talking about in the vid I posted of him and Notch. It's from Modnation Racers)

I don't even care about 3DS' 3D capabilities :P I expect I'll have it turned off 95% of the time.. However, there are many more games I'm interested in coming out for it than Vita.

Exactly. I couldn't care less if the Vita had the most up-to-date console tech, could output the visuals capable on a PC, etc. if it doesn't have games I'm interested in. And honestly, the 3D capabilities aren't even that intrusive unless you're constantly moving around while playing.

06-15-2011, 03:57 PM
man, the name makes me hungry for some odd reason... haha
but thing is, you know how you hold a psp right...? on this version, there's sensors on the back of it, that would probably affect gameplay right? (like fingers are touching the back)