View Full Version : Lulz Security

06-19-2011, 05:17 PM
Hi guys sorry for not being active for a while but, and this is serious now,
Its about the hacker group know as 'Lulz Security' in over a month they have hacked into gaming companies such as,
Bethesda softworks
And thankfully They tried it on Nintendo, but they failed.
You guys have to help me around the web on other forums, Gaming communities whatever! but these guys are demanding things and speeding up game progress's And what company will they hit next?
Xbox? NVIDIA? Mojang? will they not stop untill they actually have controll over game development?
We need to post messages like these on other forums so someone in power may take control over this, although this seems unlikely, maybe just maybe the goverment may finally end their hacks, and find a new security technology???

06-19-2011, 05:23 PM
Sever one head, and thou shall face two.

Whenever the cops catch one, there's always a new one to take their place.

06-19-2011, 05:31 PM
There is only one method that is proven to prevent hacks from getting information...
Dont put important stuff on the internet!

06-19-2011, 06:13 PM
There is only one method that is proven to prevent hacks from getting information...
Dont put important stuff on the internet!

Ha! ****ing good point by the way! :D

06-21-2011, 12:03 PM
so am I the only one thinking like... maaaaaaybe we shouldn't speak their name? little voldemort action going on?

06-21-2011, 12:25 PM
I have a great security idea, a bullet to the head....

06-22-2011, 06:27 AM
i really think instead of condeming these guys, their talents should be used to improve internet security...if they are will that is

06-22-2011, 06:51 AM
If they were willing to catch hackers, rather than be hackers? I'd respect them.

As they are now? I'm sorry, but I never respond to threats, even my mother could threaten me and I'd tell her to go f herself, and if I was threatened with prison, I'd tell the cops to go f themselves.

Just the same, if they wanna threaten me with hacks just cause I speak of them? Guess what, they can go f themselves.

06-22-2011, 11:56 AM
If they were willing to catch hackers, rather than be hackers? I'd respect them.

As they are now? I'm sorry, but I never respond to threats, even my mother could threaten me and I'd tell her to go f herself, and if I was threatened with prison, I'd tell the cops to go f themselves.

Just the same, if they wanna threaten me with hacks just cause I speak of them? Guess what, they can go f themselves.

Lol! Love it.

06-25-2011, 11:52 PM
This isn't a battle that either side can win. Each time the security is updated, they just find another way to get through. While it may not make sense, the more complex technology gets, the more flaws that come with it. We can temporarily slow them down, but never stop them.

06-26-2011, 01:04 AM
This isn't a battle that either side can win. Each time the security is updated, they just find another way to get through. While it may not make sense, the more complex technology gets, the more flaws that come with it. We can temporarily slow them down, but never stop them.

Hacker's always find a way. I'll tell my viewers in my videos about this.

06-27-2011, 03:58 PM
at least some good's bound to come out of the whole thing - better security for the sites that get hacked.

and it looks like lulzsec's officially resigned- and the "A-team" is claiming to have "d0xed" them.

06-27-2011, 04:18 PM
Thats the problem Never. Better security means nothing because all it takes is time for someone to crack it.

06-27-2011, 04:26 PM
As long as there are new locks, there will be new lock-pickers. As long as there are new lock-pickers, there will be stronger, better locks. Which will then be picked by stronger, better pickers.

Let's just relax into living, accept the cycle, hope that we stay safe for as long as we can, and keep strong passwords.

Groups like LulzSec will come and go. Such is life.

06-28-2011, 11:21 AM
This isn't a battle that either side can win. Each time the security is updated, they just find another way to get through. While it may not make sense, the more complex technology gets, the more flaws that come with it. We can temporarily slow them down, but never stop them.

A heart can be stopped
A car can be stopped
A bullet can be stopped
A hacker can be stopped

Right now I think the entire world consider them a minor threat compared to international terrorism, but when that glorious day comes, when air travel is as safe as driving your own car again as it was in the 80s and 90s? Then I think hackers will have a problem, cause suddenly their biggest cover problem is gone, and the governments will begin to drop the VERY well trained hammer after so many years of temple rubbing issues.

Hackers are smart kids or noobish script kiddies sitting in their basements getting a rush on doing something they're not allowed to, like a 5 year old who walks on grass with a sign that says "do not step on grass". A hacker and a restricted web page is the exact same thing, except some grass is pretty darned important, like credit card accounts and top secret documents.

But they're still amateurs compared to the people who work for the government, they have millions, maybe even billions of dollars in tracking equipment, and the best skills that can be found, cause who doesnt want a REALLY well paying job from the government to do what you love? HACK!

Just wait till terrorism is done, bro, Hackers will suddenly become the hunted. Only a matter of time before they get a taste of their own pixelated medicine.

06-29-2011, 10:46 AM
I agree that LulzSec is just the hype of the month are they are no real harm. They were geeks and played for a while and people raised them with spreading the news but this is over I think.

06-29-2011, 10:51 AM
o dear help us all!! lol hope they catch them we dont want them type of people!! maybe we can take them to the head

06-29-2011, 12:19 PM
There is technology out there called Quantum Cryptlogy or something like that. Best way to describe how this works is saying everyone person who wants access to the system must have a key sent by the sender if you dont have it your communication is terminated. Its something along those lines. 99% of the entire artile i read went over my head completely.

Also could just monitor the ports and the second an unauthorized butthole tries to enter they can react.

06-29-2011, 01:42 PM
There is technology out there called Quantum Cryptlogy or something like that. Best way to describe how this works is saying everyone person who wants access to the system must have a key sent by the sender if you dont have it your communication is terminated. Its something along those lines. 99% of the entire artile i read went over my head completely.

Also could just monitor the ports and the second an unauthorized butthole tries to enter they can react.

OK but what point are you trying to make? You say that they could make a system that can't be hacked?

06-29-2011, 03:23 PM
The only unhackable system is one that isnt on a network that is connected to the internet.

Point is early warning systems.

07-10-2011, 04:23 PM
LuLSec is in jail - thank god