View Full Version : My TV just died.

06-22-2011, 10:14 PM
So as the title said, my 32" Samsung just called it the night while i was playing Gears of War 2 on my Xbox.

So do anyone have any ideas or reccommendations for a new TV?

I use my PC as a main screen for my PC, aswell as a normal TV for cable, movies and console(s).

Price Range: $500-$1000.

Anything between 32"-46" should be adequate. :)

Also; unless you find a VERY good deal somewhere i am only interested in the Model, because i will most likely buy it in norway so i can get it replaced ASAP. :)

For any suggestions, thanks. :D

06-22-2011, 10:34 PM
What kind do you need, as in LCD, Plasma, etc.?

06-23-2011, 05:40 AM
Get Sony!!!! I've always had Sony TV's (my dad got me into them) and have never had any problems!

06-23-2011, 06:46 AM
What happened to your Samsung? It could be a problem with the transformer, as I had a problem with that too! I got it repaired though, and everything was optimus prime again :)

06-23-2011, 09:45 AM
What kind do you need, as in LCD, Plasma, etc.?

LCD or LED is my preference.

Get Sony!!!! I've always had Sony TV's (my dad got me into them) and have never had any problems!

Was thinking about chaging but so far I've got some good deals on Samsungs.

a Samsung 46" LCD-TV LE46C535 for about $666 8)
Samsung 46" LCD-TV (http://www.komplett.no/k/ki.aspx?sku=587748)

and a Samsung 46" LED-TV UE46D5005 for about $1166
Samsung 46" LED-TV (http://www.elkjop.no/product/lyd-bilde/tv/UE46D5005XXE/samsung-46-led-tv-ue46d5005)

What happened to your Samsung? It could be a problem with the transformer, as I had a problem with that too! I got it repaired though, and everything was optimus prime again

Im not quite sure, i was playing GoW2 and then suddenly the screen started blacking out from the middle and out REALY fast and then slowed down as it closed upon the edges. When i turn it on i can still see the backlight coming on lighting up the screen but no image no matter what input i choose, the TV's menu wont show up either but the sound is fine. :S

06-23-2011, 10:23 AM
Im not quite sure, i was playing GoW2 and then suddenly the screen started blacking out from the middle and out REALY fast and then slowed down as it closed upon the edges. When i turn it on i can still see the backlight coming on lighting up the screen but no image no matter what input i choose, the TV's menu wont show up either but the sound is fine. :S

Hmm... I don't think it's a transformer issue then, because when there's an issue with the transformer the television/monitor usually shows life for about 2 seconds, max, and then shuts down again.

06-23-2011, 10:26 AM
Yea, well i belive the screen itself is ruined so :(

But what are your oppinions on the two TV's i posted? Seem like a good deal or?

06-23-2011, 10:39 AM
Yea, well i belive the screen itself is ruined so :(

But what are your oppinions on the two TV's i posted? Seem like a good deal or?

I'm not sure mate, I'm not very good at comparing prices for TVs! I always have to get help on choosing them myself!

06-23-2011, 11:07 AM
I'm not sure mate, I'm not very good at comparing prices for TVs! I always have to get help on choosing them myself!

Rather uncertain myself. :(

Gah! Pulling my hair out over this, i used that TV for all my media entertainment systems, (PC, Xbox, Cable). And now all im left with is a puny little 19" for my PC because it only supports VGA. :<

Going to be a lot of Company of Heroes going the next few days it seems. :P

06-23-2011, 12:23 PM
well that sorta sucks. >.<

06-23-2011, 04:12 PM
I dont know what options there are in Norway, but Samsung, Sony, and Sharp are my top 3 for tv's.

Ilyich Valken
06-23-2011, 08:37 PM
Vizio's pretty good, but basically Sony, Vizio, and a couple of others, you're basically paying more for the name, when there's comparable or better tvs for about the same price.

06-23-2011, 09:27 PM
Bought my parent's a Toshiba 32" a few months ago for their room, works great.

And Ilyich is right, you basically pay for the name. I saved like $200 going for the Toshiba over a Sony of the same size and features.

06-24-2011, 06:27 AM
Yea i know. I myself am a big fan of LG but they still havent given me as sweet deals as I've gotten on the 2 I've linked allready. :P

06-25-2011, 11:56 AM
If you have the money go for an LED tv they look amazing and i would imagine it is amazing on a gaming console or even a sony 3D tv. Best of luck.