View Full Version : Review of the show last night

06-27-2011, 03:07 PM
I usually don't review shows, but this one is worth it.

So, last night me and my friends went to see Bomb the Music Industry!
ska punk.

So we get there, and theres a bunch of people in punk shirts and stuff, cute girl wearing an operation ivy shirt, guy with a beard and a fedora wearing an extreme noise terror shirt, some descendants shirts, etc. so what was to come was a surprise. So, while we're looking through the merch of the bands, one of the merch guys was wearing a brand new shirt, had thick rimmed glasses and skinny jeans. i had looked up that band before the show, they're indie rock, so i figured "okay, one of the bands is an indie rock band, but thats not too bad."

first band comes on, punk rock with a bit of an indie tinge. They weren't too bad, but weren't amazing. Decent opener. Second band comes on, and they setup the drum set on the floor. I thought "okay, anti flag did that for the last 3 or so songs too, its kinda cool" we were outside for a bit, when we went back in the entire band looked indie has heck and were playing on the floor. Apparantly playing on the stage is too mainsteam. Now, let me make it clear, im not particularly fond of indie. I mean, one or 2 indie kids is fine, but i dont like the style of music most often associated with "indie" and I certainly did not want to be at an indie show. We didnt like that band, so me and 2 of my friends went back to the car and sat around and ate swedish fish. My other friend stayed in the place and watched. We came back for like the last few songs and they were still pretty bad. According to my friend that actually watched, after we left they got good and once we came back they started to suck again. i guess we have terrible timing.

Third band we had no hope for. They were called Joyce Manor, and their merch consisted of 1. a vinyl that has blurry pictures of people on the front, 2. a 7" that has a guy playing a guitar but half of him is cut off cuz he's on the side, the rest was just like an open field, and 3. a magazine style thing full of artsy kid style drawings and a guy wearing an artsy looking mask holding a sign on the front. Indie kid heaven. We didn't even bother with them, but what we heard of them was pretty unenjoyable. Now, i'm sure some of you like indie, but we were expecting it to be a punk show.

Forth band was the one I knew was gonna be an indie band, and was the one with the merch guy. They weren't -terrible- but I didn't want to listen to them, i wanted some punk.. i was up on this mini balcony thing on the side, and my friend was a few feet away with some large girls dancing like they were on drugs in front of him, he looked over to me and just had this horrified look on his face. he then texted me a picture of a hairy butt and said "this is what these bands remind me of" which made me rofl hard.

At this point, I was a little scared that BTMI! would be super indie sounding live and would be disappointed. However, after the 4th band ended and the last band was setting up, all the thick rimmed glasses disappeared and the punk kids started appearing. Germs shirt, Descendents shirt, Operation Ivy shirt, Extreme Noise Terror shirt, etc. The crowd and atmosphere of the place changed completely, and the band came on and were awesome. One of the things I really enjoyed was that...some dude randomly shouted out a song name, and the guitarist was like YES! and they played that song. And then somebody else shouted a song name and the guy said "me and him were talking earlier, and i said 'why do we always play that song' and he said 'its a hit everybody loves it' 'ive never heard anybody shout for that song ever'" so they decided not to play it that night. but the first night they decide not to play it, somebody shouts for it and they were like "now we have to play it" normally bands just ignore what people shout out.

all in all, the last band made it worth going, but next time im going to look up all the opening bands and if i don't like them im not seeing em lol

06-27-2011, 04:08 PM
lol. Im happy that atleast one band was what you where looking for.

Just one question, what a heck is swedish fish?

06-27-2011, 04:17 PM
a delicious gummy fish


06-27-2011, 04:33 PM
a delicious gummy fish


Ok, thx I know what it is now.

How long was the "show" and how much time did the last band have, cause it would feel really bad that you paid for the hole show and only like 10% in the end.

06-27-2011, 04:40 PM
The last band played like an hour and a half, all the other bands played like 30-45 minutes

06-28-2011, 10:53 AM
I might be wierd and older than my 22 years lets on, but seriously I hate going to concerts.

I mean if it was tasteful volumes then fine, no problem, but I've been to 3 concerts in my entire life, and all 3 of them were so friggin loud and booming that you couldn't hear ****, it was just undefined noise in your assraped ears.

And on 1 of the 3 I was so far away that I could hear the music pleasantly, but I might as well have been at home in my room listening, I would've had a better view of them had I gone on youtube and watched a live show than I did at the actual concert...

And you might be surprised to hear that I love headbanger music and gothic metal such as Nightwish and Cradle of Filth, but I refuse to go to one of their concerts cause I don't want my liking them tainted when they turn the speakers up to "WTF BOOOOOM!" and blast the **** out of everyone.

Concerts just suck to me, you go and listen to songs you like but the volume makes it turn into noise and then you go home, PROBABLY with memories of things you wish you hadnt done, OR you may not even remember anything from it at all :p

06-28-2011, 11:03 AM
There are some venues that are a lot better than others. I've seen Bring Me The Horizon 3 times, first time was at warped which sounded decent, second time was at the town ballroom which sounded like crap, third time was at club infinity which sounded awesome. So sometimes the venue has a lot to do with it

but here's a hint: bring earplugs. it lowers the volume and makes everything sound a lot more clear.

06-28-2011, 11:08 AM
Sounds like a good idea, I never thought that far cause no one else that I saw there did it :p But yeah one place was Roskilde Festival here in Denmark, and it sounded the best of them all, although still terribal(it was where I was like a mile away, HUGE music festival, Nirvana was there once!)

The two other places were in like big get together hall rooms and sports areas, and it sounded like utter **** in my ears. It sounded like someone turned some earphones to full and stuck them so far in my ear that they touched my ear drum, and then blasted music at them mercilessly, it actually hurt my face :S

06-28-2011, 11:37 AM
here's the venue the show was at


small. very small. if you go any further back from where the pic was taken, you're not in the stage room anymore, you're at the bar.

but yea, next time theres a show grab some earplugs. if you feel silly, just make sure you have hair that covers your ears up lol

06-28-2011, 02:36 PM
lol, several months ago they had a small rock concert in school(only local bands) it was in the gymnastic hall with no sound dampening so the sound was just awfull, I had to cover my ears to accually hear something more than unrecognicable noise.

earplugs work, I know. I am thinking if I should go to the Within temptation concert later this year.

And Saph, even if its better sound listening at home there is always this feeling you got at a concert that makes it good(or bad).

06-30-2011, 05:27 PM
Man, I love concerts... I love it loud and being deaf (dili got mad at me when I said that to him once because he always wears earplugs to concerts to protect his ears and whatnot) and hoarse and having sweaty people elbowing you in the face... it's all part of the experience and atmosphere XD I don't think I have had a single concert I've gone to (for a band I wanted to see - I have been to shows of bands I didn't care about and that's boring, but doesn't really count) be a terrible experience. I find them exhilarating :3

I wish I wasn't poor so I could go to them again :(

06-30-2011, 09:32 PM
my friend went to Japan to see Dir En Grey once, she said it was awesome...I wanna see Dir En Grey

07-01-2011, 10:46 AM
I've seen them three times (in the US) ^^;

They put on a great show.

07-01-2011, 02:38 PM
I have a love hate relationship with Dir En Grey.

I love them cause I think their name sounds awesome. I hate them cause I think their music sucks :P

Edit: And I could have sworn I posted in this thread already.. Hmm, well anyway, at least the show wasn't a total letdown. Would have been a complete bummer if BTMI! sucked.

07-02-2011, 06:38 AM
Never heard of the band, I might check em out later when Im on YouTube.

07-02-2011, 10:17 AM
They're a Japanese rock band... they're my favorite band, so I hate you Synge :P

They've got a lot of variety throughout their career, though. Their new stuff isn't really my favorite, though I still like it.

07-02-2011, 01:15 PM
I love them cause I think their name sounds awesome. I hate them cause I think their music sucks :P


i don't see how anybody can say this sucks lol.

@muffin: i can't stop listening to Different Sense...so good. gonna get the new album when it comes out

07-02-2011, 01:20 PM
Man, I love concerts... I love it loud and being deaf (dili got mad at me when I said that to him once because he always wears earplugs to concerts to protect his ears and whatnot) and hoarse and having sweaty people elbowing you in the face... it's all part of the experience and atmosphere XD I don't think I have had a single concert I've gone to (for a band I wanted to see - I have been to shows of bands I didn't care about and that's boring, but doesn't really count) be a terrible experience. I find them exhilarating :3

I wish I wasn't poor so I could go to them again :(

Are you referring to The Dillinger Escape Plan? :shocked:

07-02-2011, 01:23 PM
Are you referring to The Dillinger Escape Plan? :shocked:

What do they have to do with anything she said lol?

07-02-2011, 03:19 PM
They're a Japanese rock band... they're my favorite band, so I hate you Synge :P

They've got a lot of variety throughout their career, though. Their new stuff isn't really my favorite, though I still like it.


i don't see how anybody can say this sucks lol.

@muffin: i can't stop listening to Different Sense...so good. gonna get the new album when it comes out

I was mostly just messin, but I still don't like their music. I can tolerate some of their songs though, and I can tell they're talented.