View Full Version : Why Justin Bieber sucks!!!

07-06-2011, 01:16 PM
I have had several people ask me far and wide 'what is it about Justin Bieber that infuriates me so much?' I have had countless people on several forums and Real Life situations(I'm pretty darned outspoken, I'm not like some of those people who go crazy on the internet and then are first class angels in RL)

But I have explained why in huge inflamatory rants that I've aaaalmost gotten in trouble for, but never really, and now I just feel like I have to rant somewhere! Since this is my favorite and most frequented forum of all.

But since I don't have the patience to clatter away at my keyboard to write a drawn out rant about something whom I don't consider worth even the time I spent writing these 3 paragraphs in.
I'm gonna let TheAmazingAtheist of youtube.com explain to you

WHY I HATE JUSTIN BIEBER! Saph rant presented by AmazingAtheist (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7eLiwH-n7s&feature=channel_video_title)

Have a wonderful and blissfully bieber free life ladies and gentlemen.

07-06-2011, 03:46 PM
I really hate his music, but I rarely hear about him these days. I'll hear his music playing occasionally but I just block it out. I see news articles and such about him but I just don't read them. It's not hard to have a Bieber free life :P At least, it hasn't been for me.

07-06-2011, 04:46 PM
He has died down a bit now, compared to what he was like a few months ago. However... his fans are still at large on the likes of Twitter, and it's VERY annoying, especially when the little brat isn't doing anything at the moment.

07-06-2011, 04:48 PM
So good not to hear from mr Bieber in so long time. Even the people I know on facebook keeps quiet about him.

07-07-2011, 03:18 AM
He's a bubblegum singer, you know what im sayin? Like bubblegum, you chew and chew and chew and then it gets old really fast. He is a one hit wonder singer. The world is getting taken over with all of this Pop music ****, they've got to embrace the Metal, like the brutal **** from the underground. Metal is like, the darkside of music. Pffft, and I haven't heard much about Justin Bieber these days as well. He's a ringtone singer bro.

07-07-2011, 03:26 AM
I find him annoying he isnt even 21 and he is writing a book about life because he believes he completly understands it. I am tired of the jokes on youtube like "the dislike bar is as big as his private parts"

i think he is an attention whore but his attention is dying down thank god.

07-07-2011, 05:33 AM
I'm 22 and I couldn't write a book about life, so how can a 13 year old talentless child do it? I mean his view on what love is is the kind of love you'd expect to hear about in Shakespeare or others the like. If he truely considers the view on love that his music reflects as fact? I certainly hope his book will fail to sell a single copy, or we'll have a SCREWED UP preteen generation :-/

I'm glad my daughter is only 18 months, cause by the time she's old enough to like him he'll be a drug addicted attention seeking loser who sits in bars ranting about how he used to be the most famous face in the world for 6 months.

07-07-2011, 08:04 AM
13 years isn't even that long of a life to even CONSIDER, writing a book about his life, its ridiculous. He is really talent less, and that's not to say I dont like Mainstream Singers, I mean I know some Mainstream Singers in the music business that are way better then him, for example, Jay-Z, Tupac Shakur, etc. Its just him, I hate him, his music, his ****ty movies, and books. RAGE!

07-07-2011, 09:07 AM
13 years isn't even that long of a life to even CONSIDER, writing a book about his life, its ridiculous. He is really talent less, and that's not to say I dont like Mainstream Singers, I mean I know some Mainstream Singers in the music business that are way better then him, for example, Jay-Z, Tupac Shakur, etc. Its just him, I hate him, his music, his ****ty movies, and books. RAGE!

Wait, have he been in a movie, that is just bad.

07-07-2011, 09:24 AM
Oh yeah, I forgot about that movie. Never Say Never or something like that. Who would pay money to see that? >:(

07-07-2011, 11:36 AM
He's also been in CSI where he acted that his brother was a killer or something.

It is far and wide regarded as the WORST bit of acting of 2011. True story. I mean he is SO bad....okay...Imagine Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson when they were ~11 years old and made the first HP movie, the Philosophers Stone. Considered VERY bad acting by the 3 in it, lots of :O! faces to mask it.

Justin Bieber, made them look like professional actors in comparrison.

07-07-2011, 11:37 AM
Hahaa, it looked so fake when he got shot in the episode of CSI :laugh1: