View Full Version : The Bystander Affect

07-15-2011, 08:19 PM
What exactly makes people not want to do the right thing when they see wrong occurring ? Is it fear ? Is it waiting for someone else to step in ?

The below is very disturbing, a man kills a toddler, while bystanders watch and call the police.


In my short life I have witnessed injustice happen, a total of 4 times all those times I have hesitated. But I have stepped in with fear, and was able to do something. Afterwards I keep telling myself I could have stepped in sooner, quicker, and kept promising myself that if any injustice would occur around me I would not hesitate. Hesitation is still there, but my fear has vanished. Each time I help out someone my courage builds on how to handle rough situations.

07-15-2011, 08:26 PM
That's just horrible. Don't have much words for this one.

07-15-2011, 08:30 PM
not watching the video, but for the question, i think it's because people 1. don't want to get involved and then 2. think that "im sure somebody else will deal with this"

07-15-2011, 08:37 PM
^ It's just a news report, not a video of the actual assault.

People may also be so shocked at what they're seeing that they don't know how to react. Really is a shame no one stepped in though.

07-15-2011, 09:08 PM
Psychology has proven that when there is a group of people around when a situation is occurring they wont act because they all believe the other person(s) will act and they wont have to. When its a single person seeing a situation occurring they will act.

and people dont know what to do or how to act. Im willing to bet the biggest fear is they act and either screw up and get themselves in trouble with the law or screw up and get harmed or the victim gets harmed worse.

There is alot of factors and its pathetic people wont act. but it is understandable when people have no idea what to do

07-15-2011, 09:50 PM
Yeah I believe the biggest fear is that they are going to get hurt themselves and it's true about groups. It is also said that in a crowd doing mischief acts the entire group's IQ lower to that of the member with the lowest IQ. Or somewhere among those lines.

07-16-2011, 02:35 PM
I haven't been in such a situation yet but I hope I will be able to do the right thing when it happens.
People don't react because they think that what all the others do is the right thing. And when all the others stay staring then you will need much more courage because you don't only have to react, you have to act different from the crowd.

07-16-2011, 02:35 PM
Its not only with violence, if someone hurts themselves many will not interfere. Both its the psychological thing that if no one steps forward in the beginning no one else will do it either. Humans are pack oriented by nature and many will follow the leaders.

If no one steps forward to help the poor fella most people wont do it either even if its against their personal feelings, you might start act the same as the rest of the "pack". There are however certain people that probably would step forward anyway.

The thing is, the bigger crowd the lesser the chance of any of them will interfere, if no one step forward at first. The lesser people there are the weaker the pack feelings will be come and the more independent people will be so then the chance of getting helped is ironically probably larger than a large crowd.

Now this is what I feel and I must say that I have noticed some in personal.

And to that thing add fear of getting harmed or robbed or humiliated.

07-16-2011, 04:38 PM
That's horrific, I wouldn't even have the guts to do that.
I'll tell you, some of the sick people around these days.
Its ridiculous...... -.-

07-16-2011, 05:04 PM
That is horrible. How can anyone just stand there and watch someone do that to a child?

I can honestly say I have not ever in my life just stood by and let bad things happen to other people. It's gotten me a few admissions to hospitals, but it stopped whatever was happening all but once. My upbringing was a little more harsh than a lot of other people, so I'm not really afraid of anything (except goats), but I can understand how sometimes it's just best to leave it alone.. but REALLY!?!?! You just watched a guy kick and beat a kid so bad he had to be identified by DNA??? Some things in life are worth risking your own, and the life of a child is definitately worth it to me. Especially if there were several people stopped... they all could have over-powered him easily. I don't think I will ever understand that.

07-16-2011, 05:31 PM
That is horrible. How can anyone just stand there and watch someone do that to a child?

I can honestly say I have not ever in my life just stood by and let bad things happen to other people. It's gotten me a few admissions to hospitals, but it stopped whatever was happening all but once. My upbringing was a little more harsh than a lot of other people, so I'm not really afraid of anything (except goats), but I can understand how sometimes it's just best to leave it alone.. but REALLY!?!?! You just watched a guy kick and beat a kid so bad he had to be identified by DNA??? Some things in life are worth risking your own, and the life of a child is definitately worth it to me. Especially if there were several people stopped... they all could have over-powered him easily. I don't think I will ever understand that.

The part that really makes me sad is the fact that he is killing something that has a whole life ahead of it, its just slack, babies cant fight back, or put up a good defence to a middle aged man's stomping. Its horrible that people would want to do that. In fact, on the news the other day (here in Australia), There was a man who threw his baby off a large bridge, I dont think the baby survived (for obvious reasons). And it really makes me wonder, why would anyone murder a defenceless baby/child?. This world is one of Brutality and Violence nowadays, its sad.

07-16-2011, 08:46 PM
The part that really makes me sad is the fact that he is killing something that has a whole life ahead of it, its just slack, babies cant fight back, or put up a good defence to a middle aged man's stomping. Its horrible that people would want to do that. In fact, on the news the other day (here in Australia), There was a man who threw his baby off a large bridge, I dont think the baby survived (for obvious reasons). And it really makes me wonder, why would anyone murder a defenceless baby/child?. This world is one of Brutality and Violence nowadays, its sad.

I agree, why destroy the ONLY thing we can TRULY create ? Out of all the luxuries in life a child is a true pearl. I do understand that people have troubles, but why kill the child ? Give it up for adoption, no matter the age in my opinion. People have so much **** in their heads they can't act on pure instinct.