View Full Version : MInecraft or Terraria

07-16-2011, 05:03 AM
What's with this new game Terraria it's a complete copy of minecraft is sucks minecraft is way better. What's your thoughts on Terraria because i hate it :shocked:

07-16-2011, 06:28 AM
Terraria is just a 2d side scoller of Minecraft it looks awesome but something i wont try unless im given for free

07-16-2011, 09:45 AM
I haven't played Terraria but I'm about to (just got it last night). From what I've heard, the major differences between the two is that Minecraft is more crafting/building focused and Terraria has a much more interesting/deeper combat system. Minecraft has better replay value, Terraria has a more strongly defined (though not definite) "end". Minecraft has a lot more crafting options.

As Joker mentioned - Terraria is 2D and Minecraft is 3D. Terraria has much more of a cute 8-bit/retro feel, Minecraft has indie lo-fi textures and is built completely of cubes and has more of a fantasy/adventure feel.

07-16-2011, 11:51 AM
lol dun hate on terraria. minecraft and terraria are two totally different games with different playing styles. true, terraria might have some aspects of minecraft, but we dun hate combat arms, tf2, counter strike for copying Wolfeinstein 3D (first fps). have you even tried terraria? its pretty good...

07-16-2011, 02:10 PM
Minecraft has indie lo-fi textures and is built completely of cubes and has more of a fantasy/adventure feel.

I'm going to have to disagree on that, Minecraft is certainly not an adventure game. Terraria makes me think about Zelda and Metroid, about adventure.

Terraria has over 50 monsters, Minecraft has like 10
Terraria has sprawling dungeons complete with monsters and giant bosses, Minecraft has dungeons with a few chests and mobs you can find on the surface.
Terraria has npcs which provide services and let you shop, Minecraft doesn't.

Don't get me wrong, Minecraft is a great game I'm sure and I'm pretty sure if I spent the 20 dollars on it over the 10 I did on Terraria I would be defending it instead. It's just that Minecraft is not a adventure game, is not Terraria and vice versa.

Minecraft is a sandbox where monsters come out and try to ruin your artwork.
Terraria is Legend of Zelda where you can build.

I will admit that Minecraft does allow more options for building however.

07-16-2011, 02:25 PM
lol dun hate on terraria.

I wasn't/didn't, it's a fine game

I'm going to have to disagree on that, Minecraft is certainly not an adventure game.

Notch's aim is to make it so - he's admitted that it is incredibly lackluckster in it's adventure components and he's working on patching in a lot more content into the game to make it less sucky on that front. That's why it's still "beta", after all.

Right now, Terraria has a much deeper/more developed adventure and combat components than minecraft. It will be interesting to see how that changes as Mojang continues minecraft.

07-16-2011, 03:15 PM
I wasn't/didn't, it's a fine game
I think he was taking to the OP (who said it sucks and such) :P

I'm going to have to disagree on that, Minecraft is certainly not an adventure game.

Notch's aim is to make it so - he's admitted that it is incredibly lackluckster in it's adventure components and he's working on patching in a lot more content into the game to make it less sucky on that front. That's why it's still "beta", after all.

Right now, Terraria has a much deeper/more developed adventure and combat components than minecraft. It will be interesting to see how that changes as Mojang continues minecraft.
Yeah, and really, minecraft can be whatever you want it to be. That's one of the beauties of the game. Watch the Yogscast, not only their main storyline but some of the custom maps they play and you'll see just how adventure-y this game can be.

07-16-2011, 04:16 PM
Minecraft for sure, its just pure creativity, And I enjoy playing it most of the time :)

07-16-2011, 05:05 PM
My friend bought me Terraria, and I've been playing it, and it's not a bad game. Calling it a "clone" and saying it isn't doing anything is really blind to what it does do - and Notch himself played Terraria a bunch when it came out and said it was a lot of fun.

Have you played it? Because it's definitely not a complete copy. :P

I prefer Minecraft personally, but I can see why some people would feel differently, because Terraria is fun in many different ways.

Also, to Akatosh saying that Minecraft isn't an adventure game - you're overlooking the point, I think. Just because something has more monsters and stuff doesn't mean it's necessarily more "adventurey" than the other. Minecraft is also, as dili mentioned, still in beta and going to be adding more features (the "adventure update" coming soon). Both games could be classified as adventure games, though I can see why you're saying that Terraria is more so. [Though, honestly, Minecraft has a greater potential, given the amount of mods and the support that the development team gives to people who want to mod their game. You can make Minecraft whatever you want. There are tons of mods where people have added a LOT of things, including many different monsters/mobs]

Minecraft changes depending on who you are and how you play it. Some people play it as more of an adventure game (though it does depend on how you define "adventure"), and I think you are over simplifying it by saying it's "a sandbox where monsters come out and try to ruin your artwork." Minecraft is more difficult to define than Terraria is because Minecraft is more open ended. Terraria has clearer objectives and is more of a "game" in the sense of the kinds of games we typically expect to see... but the beauty of Minecraft is that there is a lot more to do, even if it seems simpler.

For me, at least, Terraria is a game that I am going to be playing and enjoying for a while, but will probably get burnt out on and not return to, whereas I find that Minecraft has more playability.

07-16-2011, 06:07 PM
My friend bought me Terraria, and I've been playing it, and it's not a bad game. Calling it a "clone" and saying it isn't doing anything is really blind to what it does do - and Notch himself played Terraria a bunch when it came out and said it was a lot of fun.

Have you played it? Because it's definitely not a complete copy. :P

I prefer Minecraft personally, but I can see why some people would feel differently, because Terraria is fun in many different ways.

Also, to Akatosh saying that Minecraft isn't an adventure game - you're overlooking the point, I think. Just because something has more monsters and stuff doesn't mean it's necessarily more "adventurey" than the other. Minecraft is also, as dili mentioned, still in beta and going to be adding more features (the "adventure update" coming soon). Both games could be classified as adventure games, though I can see why you're saying that Terraria is more so. [Though, honestly, Minecraft has a greater potential, given the amount of mods and the support that the development team gives to people who want to mod their game. You can make Minecraft whatever you want. There are tons of mods where people have added a LOT of things, including many different monsters/mobs]

Minecraft changes depending on who you are and how you play it. Some people play it as more of an adventure game (though it does depend on how you define "adventure"), and I think you are over simplifying it by saying it's "a sandbox where monsters come out and try to ruin your artwork." Minecraft is more difficult to define than Terraria is because Minecraft is more open ended. Terraria has clearer objectives and is more of a "game" in the sense of the kinds of games we typically expect to see... but the beauty of Minecraft is that there is a lot more to do, even if it seems simpler.

For me, at least, Terraria is a game that I am going to be playing and enjoying for a while, but will probably get burnt out on and not return to, whereas I find that Minecraft has more playability.
Thank you muffincat you completely changed my opinion

07-16-2011, 07:33 PM
whoops, my bad on intercepting the hate claim.

+1 to the post of muffins

07-22-2011, 12:18 AM
Muffin I really appreciate your opinion but your not seeing how much possibility there is in Terraria too.

The game is only in 1.0.5, the developer say they have much more to add to the game. In a recent update they said they want to add more weapons, armor. Alien planets/other dimensions you can travel too.

We also need to look at the multiplayer and player content of the games.

Using Curse, people can download each others world. People make worlds for item farming, pvp based arenas, plus dungeons with player made puzzles and traps.

And in Terraria's multiplayer people can work together to survive, build, and I've gotten into some pretty lore rich Roleplaying Servers as well.

Terraria and Minecraft are different, but to say either have more playability is wrong. The only predefined goal in Terraria is too defeat the bosses, but you can still play and get a lot of fun out of the game long after you kill the bosses.

07-22-2011, 12:14 PM
In the few hours I did play Minecraft, I spent it exploring and digging caves and tunnels. I'd certainly classify that as an adventure lol.

07-22-2011, 12:19 PM
Muffin I really appreciate your opinion but your not seeing how much possibility there is in Terraria too.

The game is only in 1.0.5, the developer say they have much more to add to the game. In a recent update they said they want to add more weapons, armor. Alien planets/other dimensions you can travel too.

We also need to look at the multiplayer and player content of the games.

Using Curse, people can download each others world. People make worlds for item farming, pvp based arenas, plus dungeons with player made puzzles and traps.

And in Terraria's multiplayer people can work together to survive, build, and I've gotten into some pretty lore rich Roleplaying Servers as well.

Terraria and Minecraft are different, but to say either have more playability is wrong. The only predefined goal in Terraria is too defeat the bosses, but you can still play and get a lot of fun out of the game long after you kill the bosses.

I am aware of the things you point out about Terraria, and I play on multi-player with my friends. However, I do think that Terraria has less replayability after playing both. That's just my opinion, and I never said that you had to agree with it :P

It's not wrong of me to say that I think Minecraft has more replayability. It's true for me ^^

07-22-2011, 05:31 PM
Terraria isn't necessarily a copy or replica of Minecraft, but it does have a few elements of Minecraft within the game. And I haven't played Terraria because it looks so boring.

07-22-2011, 08:12 PM
reminds me of mario and minecraft

08-25-2011, 02:21 AM
I voted minecraft. Simple, fun, excellent game!

09-29-2011, 02:20 PM


I feel I have stated my case.

I built all that legit. I believe I had to mine several thousand stone blocks.

*the statues alone (ten of them) require 100 stone each.
*If you fall through the tower 2nd from the right the shaft goes all the way past ground level to hell non stop. http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/9541/shaft.gif
*yes that is a working unlimited obsidian generator. Sometimes there are goldfish in it.
*The gold chests contain one of every weapon and vanity item.
*Its not actually finished yet.

09-29-2011, 02:30 PM
I like the look of Terraria, I may give it a try. I have a feeling i'll always like minecraft more though.

09-29-2011, 03:40 PM
BobTD, impressive! :)

I didn't vote but having played both and not really enjoying either, I feel completely unbiased and want to give an opinion. haha

That said, If you're comparing the two and saying they're similar enough to even -be- compared, then Minecraft is a better game. More original. More for creative minds.

Terraria is more adventure, more story-line seeming. Somebody mentioned it making them think of Zelda and Metroid and I have to agree. It -is- more down that road.

However, I don't think the two should be compared. While similar, they are very different games. Graphic-wise, gameplay-wise, story (or lackthereof) wise and everything.

So meh... I dunno. I think they're different enough not to be compared to each other. But if you MUST compare, then I say Minecraft is better in the sense that it seems more original than Terraria, which appears to have its roots somewhere in the style/gameplay of early the Nintendo-era.

But that's just me. :)

10-21-2011, 06:05 PM
I'll go for Minecraft

10-21-2011, 07:08 PM
Yeah you can't really compare two different style games.