View Full Version : Women enjoy gaming more ...

07-18-2011, 03:33 PM
than ... the rumble ... ahem ...

MSN.com Under Must-See idk how to do the excerpt thing.

Study: Women enjoy online games more than sex

By Rosa Golijan

A study supposedly commissioned by the folks behind Doritos — yes, the triangular tortilla chip snack — brings us some tragic news about female gamers. Apparently a lot of ladies enjoy online games more than just about everything else — including bathing and having sex.

According to trade news site MCV, the study in question surveyed 2,052 people in order to analyze their gaming habits and preferences. Out of those individuals, 49 percent of women play online games (compared to the 50 percent of men who responded similarly).

It's once we focus on the women who acknowledged that they enjoy playing online games that things get slightly strange though:

Of these female online gamers, 84 percent said they enjoy their gaming sessions, compared to just 70 percent who enjoy sex. 62 percent enjoy working out, 71 percent enjoy shopping and 75 percent enjoy having a bath.

Are you seeing the pattern? Games consistently rank as being more enjoyable than other activities. Now, it's worth noting that just because an activity is deemed "enjoyable" more frequently than another doesn't mean that it'd be chosen over it. Meaning, that while some of the women surveyed enjoy gaming more than they enjoy bathing, they don't necessarily choose to skip a bath to game. (Then again, they might. That's the tricky thing about these studies.)

It's also curious that we are not told which games are cited to qualify someone as a "gamer." Does FarmVille count? Is it a game that's played via Xbox Live? How about "Bejeweled"?

We've reached out to Frito-Lay — the company behind Doritos — to see if we could get more details about this study.

07-18-2011, 03:50 PM
Bathing? This study makes it sound like Female gamers are slobs. That makes me super sad. Considering I am a female gamer, and not a slob... I would much rather take a shower/bath then play a video game.

07-18-2011, 04:39 PM
Bathing? This study makes it sound like Female gamers are slobs. That makes me super sad. Considering I am a female gamer, and not a slob... I would much rather take a shower/bath then play a video game.

They specifically say,

Now, it's worth noting that just because an activity is deemed "enjoyable" more frequently than another doesn't mean that it'd be chosen over it.

Are playing games more fun than taking a bath? Well, yeah, sure. I love taking baths, but is a video game more enjoyable than a bath? Probably o-o

Anyway... sounds like it's a study with a lot of holes in it :P

07-18-2011, 05:01 PM
They specifically say,

Are playing games more fun than taking a bath? Well, yeah, sure. I love taking baths, but is a video game more enjoyable than a bath? Probably o-o

Anyway... sounds like it's a study with a lot of holes in it :P

i have an idea put a tv in your bathroom and get another system or pc/laptop if you like pc gaming than you can enjoy bath and video games the best stay clean and pwn some noobs :p

07-18-2011, 05:14 PM
i have an idea put a tv in your bathroom and get another system or pc/laptop if you like pc gaming than you can enjoy bath and video games the best stay clean and pwn some noobs :p

Or get electrocuted, or ruin your pc/laptop.

07-18-2011, 06:03 PM
I think they have a water-proof Ipad ... or was it BOSE system ... either in see gaming and shower/bathing being integrated sometime in the future.

07-18-2011, 06:07 PM
for laptop just get a bath stand for you to keep the dry stuff and same with controller you would have no probleme

07-18-2011, 07:02 PM
Lol Tiger express ye self in plain English no gibberish =P

07-18-2011, 07:28 PM
I remember reading this in a newspaper man! hahaha. its actually true... neighbors next door dont play that song out loud (thank you - dido) its for... you know. hubba hubba. HAHA!

she's too absorbed into farmville/cityville/whatever ville.... all those games on facebook.
why do I know this? its cause my Mom has some 'Mary Kay' type of deal goin on with her.

07-18-2011, 07:57 PM
I used to surf the net, game, and chat (sometimes in IRC) from the tub when I lived in my old house... it was just kinda set up for it. That's half the fun of having a laptop with wireless. BUT Shixx and I have started working a plan to take it to the next level... it involves mounting a tv on the wall in our bathroom, and hooking up my old Xbox in there. Bye bye laptop, hello bathtime Halo. =)

07-19-2011, 06:11 AM
I used to surf the net, game, and chat (sometimes in IRC) from the tub when I lived in my old house... it was just kinda set up for it. That's half the fun of having a laptop with wireless. BUT Shixx and I have started working a plan to take it to the next level... it involves mounting a tv on the wall in our bathroom, and hooking up my old Xbox in there. Bye bye laptop, hello bathtime Halo. =)

Lol expect to be late to work everyday ! Haha I can't imagine doing something like that, ill be late to work everyday.

07-19-2011, 07:01 AM
lol bath time halo its weird how the conversation just switched to this lol

wow gold guide
09-02-2011, 02:09 AM
good information.......................

10-24-2011, 02:40 AM
Playing video games while taking a bath. HaHAHA. That would be sweet.

10-24-2011, 11:59 AM
I used to surf the net, game, and chat (sometimes in IRC) from the tub when I lived in my old house... it was just kinda set up for it. That's half the fun of having a laptop with wireless. BUT Shixx and I have started working a plan to take it to the next level... it involves mounting a tv on the wall in our bathroom, and hooking up my old Xbox in there. Bye bye laptop, hello bathtime Halo. =)

That's the way to go! :D Last time I went to a concert, it was uber far away and we got a hotel. Our room was a suite with one of those jacuzzi tubs.... Def have a pic somewhere of a chair dragged over to the jacuzzi with my laptop propped up on it and me playing WoW while in there lol Best way to play games everrrrr.. Also, bubble baths with a DS are the only way to go IMO ;) However, gaming over sex/cleanliness? Are they sure they didn't mess this up and interview guys not women??... I kid, I kid! :P

10-24-2011, 03:16 PM
They specifically say,

Are playing games more fun than taking a bath? Well, yeah, sure. I love taking baths, but is a video game more enjoyable than a bath? Probably o-o

Anyway... sounds like it's a study with a lot of holes in it :P

That's what I was thinking lol. I mean I don't really like taking showers, but I still take one every day. I think the questions must have been poorly picked.

10-24-2011, 04:45 PM
I have never played games while in the shower or bath (been years since my house had a bathtub). Although I have talked on my phone in the shower a lot. And why has no one asked any of our female gamers if they prefer games over sex? :p

10-24-2011, 04:56 PM
You should try it, it's quite amazing :D

10-24-2011, 04:59 PM
Random thought. Video games while having sex? O_o just don't use the voice chat.

10-24-2011, 05:24 PM
Lol No *do* us voice chat and leave everyone on the other end wondering wtf is going on xD But yea, I don't think Id be skilled enough to do both hah >_<

10-24-2011, 09:36 PM
Hehe. You just have to practice. ;)

10-25-2011, 08:02 AM
Hahaha Practice makes perfect, eh? Ill keep that in mind ;)