View Full Version : Help Me Removing White Backgrounds from pictures in Photoshop Cs5

07-19-2011, 02:00 AM
I've made a lot of Signatures with photos by removing white backgrounds but when I remove the white background, the edges are sharp and dirty, I was wondering, what's the best way to remove a white background from a picture and make it clean (give it clean edges)?

07-19-2011, 02:03 AM
Make the background unlocked and erase the background. Or when you create a new file, change BACKGROUND CONTENTS to transparent.

Wait did I misunderstand you? I think I did. Are you asking about rendering?

If your talking about rendering, use the pentool. Learn how to mask as well.

Look up some rendering tutorials.

07-19-2011, 02:08 AM
Make the background unlocked and erase the background. Or when you create a new file, change BACKGROUND CONTENTS to transparent.

I mean, how do I remove the white backgrounds from other images these and keep the edges clean?;


07-19-2011, 02:09 AM
With that picture, just magic wand it cause of the black outline. Magic wand will select all the pixels of that color touching the one you selected. But for harder things, pen tool is your friend.

07-19-2011, 02:11 AM
I'm guessing from what you've said, you're using the magic wand select tool to select and erase the White background of a picture. That will always result with a choppy and quite frankly, ugly render. The best tool to use would be the pen tool.

Now if you haven't got the time to render an image with the pen tool, we have our own resident pen tool expert here.
Get in contact with Damage, I'm sure with be more than willing to take on the render. And she is pretty quick at it to.

07-19-2011, 02:13 AM
I'm guessing from what you've said, you're using the magic select tool to select and erase the White background of a picture. That will always result with a choppy and quite frankly, ugly render. The best tool to use would be the pen tool.

I agree with Knibbler about magic wand. It has it's uses but do not rely on it too much. It only works 1% of the time. If the picture is perfect.

Pen tool is your friend

07-19-2011, 02:15 AM
I'm guessing from what you've said, you're using the magic wand select tool to select and erase the White background of a picture. That will always result with a choppy and quite frankly, ugly render. The best tool to use would be the pen tool.

Now if you haven't got the time to render an image with the pen tool, we have our own resident pen tool expert here.
Get in contact with Damage, I'm sure with be more than willing to take on the render. And she is pretty quick at it to.

Sure thing, thanks for the advise guys :)