View Full Version : Nothing's going right...

07-23-2011, 02:05 PM
So, first off, the screen on my computer breaks, I have to have the screen at like a 30 degree angle for the backlight to work. So, I plugged the HDMI cable into it and plugged it into my screen, but it zooms in the image and cuts off the edges of the screen. I can't see the scroll bar or X button on internet pages, and I can't see the start menu. no idea how to fix it. second, we put an air conditioner in my bedroom since it's like a sauna up here but we had to take the screen out or else it wouldn't fit, so now a million flying bugs have taken up residence inside my bedroom. I covered every crack I could find with packaging tape and they still find their way in.

Third, I was planning on getting an apartment with my friend but apparantly my application got denied (i didn't fill out an application) and they're not going to allow more than 2 people in a 2 bedroom apartment, though other families live there with more than 2 people in the 2 bedroom ones. My friend's theory is that since shes 18 and i'm turning 21 at the end of september the people think that i'm gonna drink and buy her beer and stuff, but....thats absolutely NOT my intention, I just want a freaking place to stay so i don't have to drive 30-40 minutes to class EVERY DAY because all the classes I need to graduate from this community college are at the main campus and I don't live near the main campus. If that's the reason, and I don't get an apartment because of that, i'm going to be extremely pissed off. I was planning on dorming there but my mom was against the idea of me living in that area she wouldn't allow me to (since she's the one paying for college she has a say in it) and by the time she finally agreed to it the dorms filled up. I don't want to take a year off and dorm next year or something because I want to go back to a real college and actually finish out my college experience, and graduate, but I don't want to be like 3 years older than everybody else there. As it is, i'm gonna have my degree after 6 years of college....fml.

And to top it all off, I was just playing Demon's souls and I kept dying for the stupidest reasons. I pressed the O button to roll and dodge an attack, but it DID NOT ROLL. another time I pressed Square to heal myself, it didn't heal. The character just stood there and let itself die. Another time, I dodged an attack and fell off a cliff (they're super super slippery in this game) So now i'm pissed.

Edit: on a positive note so this just isn't me complaining, my band's most likely gonna have a new drummer that's leagues better than our old drummer, i'm getting Skrillex/12th planet/foreign beggars tickets on monday, aaaaaaand....thats about it haha. But SKRILLEX omg. plus 12th planet and foreign beggars. ommg

07-23-2011, 06:22 PM
On account of your struggles in Demon's Souls, I feel your pain and send my condolences.

Oh, the rest of it sucks too. Hope you feel better/things turn out!

07-23-2011, 08:11 PM
I've gotten really good at Demon's Souls, just that one part in general I kept dying for really cheap reasons. I started a new game, beat phalanx, re-entered world 1 since it was at pure white, beat miralda. I made the character last night and im already at level 48 and completely beat worlds 2 and 4. I'm goin through the game quickly lol

On a positive note, Skrillex tickets go on sale monday and i'm gettin some, and my band is gonna have a new drummer who's really good

07-23-2011, 11:53 PM
When you tried to roll did you do a back hop? I haven't ever had a problem with not getting healed by grass though i have died while eating it before. What type of character are you making and have you beat the game or just made a few characters?

07-24-2011, 12:04 AM
When you tried to roll did you do a back hop? I haven't ever had a problem with not getting healed by grass though i have died while eating it before. What type of character are you making and have you beat the game or just made a few characters?

I made a royalty character and I just kinda threw stats around, but I beat the game and went onto NG+ where once again I saved ostrava in 1-2 and he never showed up in 1-3, idk why i didn't kill him in 1-2 (to get the mausoleum key) so i just started a new game and i'm going for all rings on that. this character i started with royalty and i'm pretty much focusing on magic. and nope, it wasn't a back hop, i input the correct combination to do a backwards roll and the character just stood there.

07-24-2011, 12:14 AM
Weird i have never had any problems with the controls in demons souls. Mage characters are pretty fun, though they make the game a bit to easy imo. I have a full mage at soul level 125 for pvp though i sort of suck with free casting fireballs... but a one hit kill with ignite is beautiful :D

07-24-2011, 12:19 AM
I usually only do pvp with a group, cuz i'm only ever in body form when i need help. I usually suicide in an area that i want to turn to black whenever i beat a boss. But this current character is pretty strong. I started the game, on my way through the first level i beat that red eye knight using magic (SL 1) and then after I beat the phalanx i dont remember if i leveled but it went to pure white so i went and I beat miralda right after, and it was about as difficult as beating miralda was with my last character who was a lot stronger

07-24-2011, 12:22 AM
Recently i have only been invading, though i have played as a blue phantom with dili on a couple of levels and took him through 5-2 to give him a sampling before he had to go through the hell of doing it solo. :D

07-24-2011, 12:25 AM
screw 5-2 lol. What level is your character and dili's? Mine is like SL 50 now, we should all play a game together (we can all face king allant together lol)

07-24-2011, 12:37 AM
I am not sure about dili, he made a second char after his first one got one shotted by the dragon god a bunch, he had an all luck and dex build with no extra vit and endurance :D. i have my mage at 125 who just started NG++++++ i think it was a dex build at 84 on NG+ not sure how far into it, a 49 DBS/str build that just started NG+ a week ago or so and i haven't killed any bosses excluding phalanx and a faith build with heavy armor that is lvl 28 though i could get that to 50 rather fast.

I would totally be down for some multiplayer :D

07-24-2011, 12:40 AM
the dragon god is so easy though lol. unless you don't have ranged attacks, then i could see it being stupid.

07-24-2011, 12:43 AM
Yeah he kept on dying to the fire since he doesn't know where to hide and has not put a single point into vit... Though we found out that the dragon god is probably the only boss that gets harder with more than one player since he never stops attacking with two or more :D

07-24-2011, 12:46 AM
the fire part is easy, you just ranged attack to break the one wreckage, then there's a long stretch before some stairs, just run up the stairs and melee the wreckage there, his fire can't hurt you.

I beat all of world 2 earlier today without stopping haha. only times i stopped were when i died.

07-24-2011, 12:50 AM
Damn now dili is going to find out the easy way to do it. Have you watched the speed run for demons souls? I believe its something like 54m54s including creation and load times though not the tutorial level since it can be skipped.

07-24-2011, 01:02 AM
what was he trying to do?

and dang lol I thought I was doing it pretty quickly but guess not. The only games I tried to speed run were Super Mario Sunshine because the strategy guide I had for it had a time to beat in it, and God of War cuz in the HD collection there's a trophy for doing it under 5 hours

07-24-2011, 01:11 AM
I am not to sure but I think he was just running up and attacking the rubble to get through. Oh I asked muffin and she said dili was around 47 or so. I normally dont try to speed run games, though my friends and I used to do challenge runs of OoT the best was full complete excluding any extra hearts and with deaths taken into account.

EDIT: Forgot to post the first video in that speed run.


07-24-2011, 11:08 AM
Ic. that's about the same level as me. and i may or may not watch that, it'll probably make me sick of the game.

does he summon like 12 helpers for every level or something?

07-24-2011, 11:15 AM
Nope he never summons a single person and run past just about every single mob in the game. He has some pretty insane shortcuts that he takes, like in stonefang tunnel he skips the whole upper part and uses water veil to roll across the lava.

07-24-2011, 11:19 AM
Nope he never summons a single person and run past just about every single mob in the game. He has some pretty insane shortcuts that he takes, like in stonefang tunnel he skips the whole upper part and uses water veil to roll across the lava.

hahaha i would have NEVER thought of that. I like the shortcut in 2-2, cuz the regular way takes so long. I've never actually beaten the level the regular way, i always take the shortcut (for a while i didn't know there was any other way besides falling down that giant hole)

07-24-2011, 11:26 AM
Yeah I haven't done the full level for 2-2 since my second character, I only go in there to get the great axe for my faith builds now. 4-1 has a pretty beastly shortcut too and not the one that is to just roll over the top and skip 90% of the level, you can actually roll up part of the hill just before the first fog gate and it will put you above the crescent falcion.

07-24-2011, 11:39 AM
right now i'm just trying to get the trophies.

any chance you could let me hold the ring that king doran drops for long enough to get the ring trophy (its the last ring i need, but i can't get into there until next playthrough) and the demonbrandt/northern regalia? i just don't feel like having to wait til another playthrough to get them haha.

07-24-2011, 11:45 AM
Sure, I got the platinum a while ago so if you need anything I can hook you up with it :D

07-24-2011, 12:17 PM
all i really need is the stuff from king doran, i'd get it myself i just don't wanna have to go onto NG++ to get the ring trophy, since i only have 1 more ring to get.

add me on psn, my name's in my sig

07-24-2011, 04:19 PM
I sent you an invite yesterday I believe. I am pretty sure i put in the body of it that it was from muffinbat, if not look for an invite from FrostDervish.

07-24-2011, 04:49 PM
okay. the items i need are eternal warriors ring, demonbrandt, and northern regalia. i'm gonna go on now

07-24-2011, 04:54 PM
I would need to beat 2-1 and 2-2 on NG+ to make northern regalia, though i could just give you both the swords if you want.

07-24-2011, 04:58 PM
I would need to beat 2-1 and 2-2 on NG+ to make northern regalia, though i could just give you both the swords if you want.

i have soulbrandt, but i need the demonbrandt too.

side note...i have to beat 2-1 and 2-2 on NG+


07-24-2011, 05:09 PM
I am up for helping out on beating 2-1 and 2-2 :D

07-24-2011, 08:27 PM
i helpe somebody beat 2-1 but still have to do it myself, and the last ring I need is Ring of Magical Dullness...

07-24-2011, 08:31 PM
I was just talking to tech support for my internet since it was tweeking out a bit ill be back on shortly though.

07-25-2011, 12:24 PM
i got the last ring i needed, now i'm sick of the game lol i'll get the platinum some other time