View Full Version : What was the biggest laugh you had ingame?

07-26-2011, 09:50 AM
Just share fails, griefing and generelly things you found hilarious ingame.

Mine is here. Was playing DotA on Garena, i was Vengeful spirit, was about to get hooked by Pudge and swapped position with a teammate getting him killed.:laugh1:
I stopped laughing only when that player added me to his banlist.

07-26-2011, 12:29 PM
That's just wrong.

I laughed the entire way through Bulletstorm. And I usually laugh a lot when I play TF2 with my group of people. (Venom is hilarious) Or any multiplayer that I'm not completely raging at.

07-26-2011, 03:32 PM
Shadow Hearts: Covenant made me laugh quite a bit. But that's probably not the only game that's made me laugh. The Disgaea series is pretty amusing. Then I played a game called Okage Shadow King, which was one of the most light-hearted, non-serious games I've ever played.

07-26-2011, 05:25 PM
Maybe because I was young, but I thought Vivi and Quina getting married in FFIX was hilarious. I still find it funny, but maybe not to the extent I did when I first watched it.

07-26-2011, 06:00 PM
In L4D2, a tank spawned at the edge of the building (in the No Mercy Campaign), a boomer spawned right next to him, survivor hit the boomer, and the boomer boom threw the tank off the building. The human player didn't even have the chance of playing the tank.

I've had plenty of other big laughs, but this happened just a few months ago so it's still fresh in my mind.

07-27-2011, 04:40 AM
There was a racing game that me and my brother were playing, and I was beating him in the race, he was close behind me, and I remember him saying ''Im comin up your ass, IM COMIN UP YOUR ASS!'', I dropped the controller and started Rofling....Unfortunately I lost the race, but damn... I got a decent laugh out of it, I think I just have a dirty mind, but It was the right time and right place to laugh at that sort of thing :laugh1:

07-27-2011, 06:28 AM
conker's bad fur day on n64. man... I laughed at some parts in the game... some were good laughs, but now its not as funny.... if I played it again... man. good ol' days

07-27-2011, 10:12 AM
Portal 2 jokes are pretty cool.

When random stuff happens in team fortress 2.

07-29-2011, 06:06 PM
It was hilarious when me and a friend played BC2. We was in a normal rush games and just started attacking everything, we planted c4 on friendly tanks and helicopters, I planted c4 on a chopper that my friend jumped in a nd started flying, in mid air I blew him up. All our friendlies raged and started shooting at us the moment we spawned.

It was funny but I usually dont play that way.

09-28-2011, 10:05 AM
Big rigs - The entire time I played it.

09-28-2011, 10:32 AM
Gotta say, TF2 has some very hilarious moments!

Otherwise, I laugh a lot at random things that make me think of stuff in real life that was funny. So yeah, I'll be playing Oot or COD and something will happen that wasn't even funny and I start laughing like a hyena.... and everybody, of course, stares at me like I'm a freak. ... typical. ;)

Oh! And playing Smash Bros. with my actual bros gets really hilariuos sometimes!

09-28-2011, 11:40 AM
Oh! And playing Smash Bros. with my actual bros gets really hilariuos sometimes!

Oh Smash bros are def a good hilarious game when playing with others xD My fav funny gaming moments def involve MP games for the most part. Goldeneye, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Wii Super Mario or Mario Party. Get a group of friends together to play any of those and it's good times ^_^

Anyone ever hear of or play Dokapon? Oh man, that game is hilarious in the most evil way possible. If you are the player in last place you get the opportunity to turn into a demon and you screw up everything everyone else has done so far. Mwahaha >:D

09-28-2011, 11:46 AM
You're right about that for sure, Mizel! MP games with even just 1 other person get seriously funny! And with 2+ people... yeah. haha We used to laugh our butts off when I was about 11, playing Mario Kart 64 with my brothers and mom and dad! And now with the Wii? Good times, good times. :)

Sorry, never heard of Dokapon... What was it for?

09-28-2011, 11:48 AM
finding explicit items in GTA:SA

09-28-2011, 12:07 PM
You're right about that for sure, Mizel! MP games with even just 1 other person get seriously funny! And with 2+ people... yeah. haha We used to laugh our butts off when I was about 11, playing Mario Kart 64 with my brothers and mom and dad! And now with the Wii? Good times, good times. :)

Sorry, never heard of Dokapon... What was it for?

Haha For sure! I still love having groups of friends over to play these, never gets old :P

Guess I should say Dokapon Kingdom because Dokapon was an old Gameboy game. It's on the Wii and Ps2. It's pretty much Mario Party as an RPG :)

09-28-2011, 05:41 PM
I think the biggest laugh I ever had to with a game was with Chess sim. I consider myself a half decent player and can at least win on the lower levels. But there was one game we bought which cheated! Everytime you got into a winning posotion it would swap sides. I never did beat but for fun and lots of laughter I would invite friends to play it. It was great to see their faces everytime the pieces swapped to the winning side.

It was one ofthe few games that eventually found its way to the rubbish bin.

09-28-2011, 11:26 PM
Haha For sure! I still love having groups of friends over to play these, never gets old :P

Guess I should say Dokapon Kingdom because Dokapon was an old Gameboy game. It's on the Wii and Ps2. It's pretty much Mario Party as an RPG :)

Yes, indeed! :)

Oh, I gotcha'. It sounds interesting.

I think the biggest laugh I ever had to with a game was with Chess sim. I consider myself a half decent player and can at least win on the lower levels. But there was one game we bought which cheated! Everytime you got into a winning posotion it would swap sides. I never did beat but for fun and lots of laughter I would invite friends to play it. It was great to see their faces everytime the pieces swapped to the winning side.

It was one ofthe few games that eventually found its way to the rubbish bin.

Hahahaha! That sounds priceless! "Hey, let's play Chess! Oh, look, you're winning... PYSCH!" ;)

11-15-2011, 02:09 PM
'And he has 3 Balls"

11-15-2011, 02:46 PM
On Oblivion in the Shimmering Isles after you give a sweetroll to Fimmion and his reactions..
"OOH, you have sweetroll for Fimmion?! Fimmion give you his magical pants! Sweeeeetroooooll!" XD That just kinda always stuck with me

11-15-2011, 02:51 PM
Oh, another funny moment in gaming..

Me and my friend would get bored sometimes, so we would make characters on Soul Calibur 3 that resembled actual people. So one night we decided to do the ultimate match-up. Chuck Norris Vs. Jesus. So we made Chuck a monk (with nunchucks as weapons) and Jesus was a saint (used a pole that turned big and morphed weirdly). So we start up a CPU Vs. CPU match with them both on hard difficulties and watched the battle of the century. At first Jesus was kicking his ass, but literally EVERYTIME Chuck would go to roundhouse (he literally roundhoused) kick Jesus in the face for the final blow, the game would freeze up. At first it was kind of scary-funny in a way but now it's just hilarious I think. :laugh1:

11-15-2011, 03:14 PM
I remember a moment in TF2, normally you have a heavy and a medic combo, well we improved that one. We had a heavy and three medics, freaking overpowered, no one could kill us.

I remember another time when I was playing as (the fast and small fella with a shotgun) I saw a heavy just standing there so I thought that am I just fast enough I can kill him. So I ran and did a double jump landed right next to him and unleashed my shotgun. The heavy just turned around (alive) and I looked into the barrels of a minigun(it went really fast after that)

And a friend sitting right next to me just says, "dude, you shouldnt do that"

Soviet Russia
11-22-2011, 04:53 PM
i was lmfao all thru portal:laugh1:

11-22-2011, 08:42 PM
I sold my favorite pet to NPC.....

11-25-2011, 04:01 PM
Pretty much every 5 minutes of ''Psychonauts'' had me rolling.


11-27-2011, 06:20 AM
lost a world map, i alwez did

11-27-2011, 06:23 AM
i not remember wat name the game is, but it is cute and talking a funny dialect.

11-27-2011, 11:08 AM
Shadow Hearts when the halfway point hits. Roger Bacon is flying away, laughing maniacally, before he gets hit in the head with a rock. I lol'd.... still lol.

11-27-2011, 05:13 PM
lol ::p AHHAHA

12-12-2011, 12:53 AM
i havent really played any funny games but i watched this guy on youtube playin an old one elder scrools 4 oblivion an the stuff in that game was hilarious to me i think he was onyx somethin i ran across his videos through some other guy named x lol i might buy that game just for the laughs