View Full Version : Public conference is not so public.

07-26-2011, 10:55 AM
I found this video while I was watching a news story on YouTube related to my old high school. Apparently my old school has cut public transportation and for kids to ride they must pay 475 dollars a school year, or 47.50 a month. After watching the story I found this video, where this self proclaimed blogger was denied access to a public conference in regards to what is going on with the school. It is sad when my old High school cant answer a simple question and must call the police.

07-26-2011, 11:56 AM
That really retarded. I mean if he's part of the media they should have let him and heck the least they could have done when he asked why he wasn't allowed in they could have at least told him to ask someone over the conference but, they called the freaking police on him? Well, there you go that's what the worlds coming to.

07-26-2011, 01:43 PM
Wow how crazy! First off $47 to ride a bus for a month is stupid. I thought that was why adults who have children pay a school tax? So they can ride buses and stuff. Secondly, that lady seemed like a B****. He just wanted an answer. It wasn't like he was asking her an impossible question. But to call the cops on him is pretty low.