View Full Version : I hate when

07-28-2011, 06:32 PM
You send somebody a text or something, or a message on facebook, and they don't respond. Now, I can understand if it was just something random but when I ask somebody "did you get Skrillex tickets yet?" and they don't respond, that kinda pisses me off. I'm not asking to make conversation, i'm asking because I want to know because you were supposed to order somebody else's for them too, so you should probably either A. get them or B. say you're not going to get tickets so that person knows to get tickets from somewhere else or something. I can understand if maybe they're not there, and maybe they respond later, but some people just don't respond at all, or mention it next time you talk. (and i know they got it because i ask em about it later and they know what im referring to)

07-28-2011, 06:41 PM
Yeah I get...somewhat peeved at that as well.

Mainly because I ignore people a lot on Facebook.. I know I'm horrible.

But whenever someone says something important I respond.

My pet peeve is when your phone says they received the message, and they say they never got it.

07-28-2011, 06:43 PM
i hate when people just flat out ignore me. I mean, my half brother texted me asking how much armpit hair i have and i ignored that cuz it's retarded, but i almost always answer, unless i have some reason not to

07-28-2011, 06:54 PM
Doesn't make it any less annoying but maybe they just forget. A buddy of mine is completely absentminded, you can text him and he'll read it with intent to respond, but if he stalls for just 5 minutes to first finish whatever he was doing at the time, he'll forget about it. I know a few people like this.

It's one reason I prefer to actually call someone.

But when they outright ignore you, yeah, pisses me off too.

07-28-2011, 07:10 PM
Doesn't make it any less annoying but maybe they just forget. A buddy of mine is completely absentminded, you can text him and he'll read it with intent to respond, but if he stalls for just 5 minutes to first finish whatever he was doing at the time, he'll forget about it. I know a few people like this..

I do that sometimes with emails. XD

When people message me on facebook, I usually always respond, but I often forget to reply to emails from my family and my mom always gets upset :P

07-28-2011, 07:32 PM
yeah, I hate that too... like I wanna catch up on life with the person you know? & it shows that they're online & stuff.... its just that many people go through changes. either they just want you as a number (on the friend list) or they actually DO wanna talk to you. I never really bothered with it.

i hate it when you're about to get yourself a drink on the fountain (in fastfood places) and the person in front of you makes a mess & runs away & the employees put the blame on you! you know what I mean?! I hate stupid people like that! YEAH!

07-28-2011, 07:37 PM
yeah, I hate that too... like I wanna catch up on life with the person you know? & it shows that they're online & stuff.... its just that many people go through changes. either they just want you as a number (on the friend list) or they actually DO wanna talk to you. I never really bothered with it.

Or when you try to make plans with them or even just talk to them to get to know them better but they don't seem interested. I mean, if they're not interested in getting to know you better why did they accept you on facebook, or much less give you their number? But like, there are some people ive known for a while and we are always like "we need to hang out" and it never happens. annoying

i hate it when you're about to get yourself a drink on the fountain (in fastfood places) and the person in front of you makes a mess & runs away & the employees put the blame on you! you know what I mean?! I hate stupid people like that! YEAH!

Never happened to me but it sounds pretty sucky

Ilyich Valken
07-28-2011, 09:38 PM
but if he stalls for just 5 minutes to first finish whatever he was doing at the time, he'll forget about it. I know a few people like this.

Ah, but did he really forget? Because I know a lot of people that will go to respond, get distracted, and yet.. continue to text other people. Most phones today make it so that there's one big conversation, instead of text by text. Which would lead me to believe that he'd at least SEE the last text or draft and have it remind him.

Or when you try to make plans with them or even just talk to them to get to know them better but they don't seem interested. I mean, if they're not interested in getting to know you better why did they accept you on facebook, or much less give you their number? But like, there are some people ive known for a while and we are always like "we need to hang out" and it never happens. annoying

This. I had someone give me their number, and whenever I texted them they'd be all "I'm busy", and ended up removing me. So what the hell was the point in giving me your number if you weren't going to talk to me?

But what REALLY pisses me off to no end, is when you're hanging with someone and they sit there texting someone (another friend or their girlfriend) the whole time.

I had one friend who, even if we were playing a game, would put his controller down and instantly text his girlfriend whenever he got a text. Most of the time when we were playing a co-op game.

I had another friend (I'm sure Eps will recognize who this is) who, EVERY time he came over, would constantly be on his phone texting, and complain about not getting service or something with his phone. Or, even better... would bring his ****ing laptop over and sit on that the whole time, or would use it whenever we weren't immediately doing anything.

(And the thing that pisses me off the most about him, is he's always sitting around *****ing about being bored and wanting to do something.. yet whenever we would get together with more than the two of us, he just wanted to sit around and do nothing. We would go do something and he'd start complaining about not wanting to get in trouble or how he wasn't feeling well or some stupid ****.)


07-28-2011, 09:45 PM
Haha I know who you're talking about. I hate that too. Like, somebody came over and we were watchin 40 year old virgin and he sat there texting his gf the whole time.

I suppose i'd do that too, but I don't really get texts often, so

Or also, when you're all hanging out, and all they wanna do is sit around and talk. That's what you do A. in the car B. while eating C. when there aren't other options. But I don't go hang out with somebody for us to just sit around and talk.

(And the thing that pisses me off the most about him, is he's always sitting around *****ing about being bored and wanting to do something.. yet whenever we would get together with more than the two of us, he just wanted to sit around and do nothing. We would go do something and he'd start complaining about not wanting to get in trouble or how he wasn't feeling well or some stupid ****.)

lol we went to UB and walked around, but he sat in the car while we walked around cuz he didn't wanna get in trouble. There was no reason as to why we wouldn't be allowed there...

07-28-2011, 10:46 PM
exactly. I really hate it when they decide to make plans, (and you're ready for it) and then you try calling them back & no reply. and once you meet them at some random party (say family gathering or somethin like a birthday or other celebration) they get all friendly with you (like an act you know?)
you're right dude, it ain't worth having them as a friend.

07-29-2011, 12:10 AM
.... I am in process of texting everyone in this thread who's numbers I possess. Just to see how long it takes to answer....

Experiment #1..... starting....right mao.

07-29-2011, 01:12 PM
i answered like an hour later, as soon as i saw the text

07-29-2011, 02:25 PM
Ilyich answered within 2 minutes. ^_^

Muffin never answered, but I may have an old number for her. lol

07-29-2011, 02:39 PM
i also hate when...ill just explain it. This girl moved away, and she's in town for the summer, so i told her like 3 times we need to do something and she never said anything back. so she posted a status saying she's going back in a week if anybody wants to see her do it fast so i said me and she said "well make plans then" but...i'm trying to make plans, can't you see? you're making it difficult to make plans. idc if i see her before she leaves anymore.

07-29-2011, 02:57 PM
i also hate when...ill just explain it. This girl moved away, and she's in town for the summer, so i told her like 3 times we need to do something and she never said anything back. so she posted a status saying she's going back in a week if anybody wants to see her do it fast so i said me and she said "well make plans then" but...i'm trying to make plans, can't you see? you're making it difficult to make plans. idc if i see her before she leaves anymore.

Don't wanna be negative but this is the typical reaction when she doesn't want to meet you... She wanna meet friends and etc but maybe not you... No offense, girls will be girls. But.. is she a friend or more?

07-29-2011, 03:00 PM
we used to be rather close, and she does that, but then she complains about how we never see each other and how we're not as close as we used to be. And she's been here for like 2 months she's already seen her friends lol but only saw me for 2 seconds. It's stupid lol, thus why i don't care anymore.

07-29-2011, 03:04 PM
i also hate when...ill just explain it. This girl moved away, and she's in town for the summer, so i told her like 3 times we need to do something and she never said anything back. so she posted a status saying she's going back in a week if anybody wants to see her do it fast so i said me and she said "well make plans then" but...i'm trying to make plans, can't you see? you're making it difficult to make plans. idc if i see her before she leaves anymore.

I hate that too. I had a friend move away and did sort of the same thing, except she would agree to plans, then cancel last minute...

Which brings me to what I hate..

When friends always ditch you for their significant others... I had one friend who was awesome at just hanging out and stuff, always down for a movie, concert, dinner, drinks.. whatever, unless she had a boyfriend. Then it was like pulling teeth to get her to hang out, and she stopped calling or texting most of the time altogether. Then.. they'd break up, and I'm her best friend again... then she'd start dating someone else, and the cycle started all over....


07-29-2011, 03:07 PM
I hate that too. I had a friend move away and did sort of the same thing, except she would agree to plans, then cancel last minute...

Which brings me to what I hate..

When friends always ditch you for their significant others... I had one friend who was awesome at just hanging out and stuff, always down for a movie, concert, dinner, drinks.. whatever, unless she had a boyfriend. Then it was like pulling teeth to get her to hang out, and she stopped calling or texting most of the time altogether. Then.. they'd break up, and I'm her best friend again... then she'd start dating someone else, and the cycle started all over....


Pretty sure I mentioned this earlier, but I'll say it again. my friend told me to go to the fair, and he said he was gonna tell Ilyich to go, and our other friend was there too, so i was like okay we'll all hang out together and went, ilyich didn't go but i got there and the friend was there with his girlfriend and completely blew me and my other friend off. It pissed me off, cuz i wouldn't have went had he not told me to go, and ended up wasting $9 to get in

Ilyich Valken
07-29-2011, 04:06 PM
Pretty sure I mentioned this earlier, but I'll say it again. my friend told me to go to the fair, and he said he was gonna tell Ilyich to go, and our other friend was there too, so i was like okay we'll all hang out together and went, ilyich didn't go but i got there and the friend was there with his girlfriend and completely blew me and my other friend off. It pissed me off, cuz i wouldn't have went had he not told me to go, and ended up wasting $9 to get in

>.> I didn't go cause I never got a text from him, and when I finally talked to you I didn't feel like it anymore. But yeah.. it kinda annoys me when he does that. Kinda like the day you picked me up and we went to Brocton then derped around at your house after.

07-29-2011, 04:23 PM
>.> I didn't go cause I never got a text from him, and when I finally talked to you I didn't feel like it anymore. But yeah.. it kinda annoys me when he does that. Kinda like the day you picked me up and we went to Brocton then derped around at your house after.

well, he didn't ignore us, and he was already with heather. But he said you responded. whether you got anything or not isn't the important part, the part i don't like was that he was like "go to the fair monday" and i went and he ignored me. I coulda spend that $9 on something better.

07-29-2011, 04:37 PM
Ilyich answered within 2 minutes. ^_^

Muffin never answered, but I may have an old number for her. lol

I never got a text D:

07-29-2011, 09:40 PM

I miss my Dili/muffin texts at random intervals in the day...lol