View Full Version : General Info Brink: Free Weekend

08-04-2011, 06:37 PM
Steam are offering a free download and play-time of Brink for this weekend only. From now until Sunday, you're free to play Brink for as long as you like, for absolutely nothing. This is a perfect opportunity for gamers who have been put off from buying the game due to it's mass reviews being around an average score.

Bethesda Softworks are obviously desperate to prove the gaming populous wrong by having their ambitious shooter free to play for a period of time, in a hope to boost sales after the free period ends.

Check out my full article here [Game Craic - Brink: Free Weekend (http://game-craic.com/2011/08/brink-free-weekend/)] and definitely give the game a try if you haven't already. Form your own opinions when you can, I say.

08-04-2011, 07:02 PM
Bought it for 360, less then 3 days later, I returned it.

08-04-2011, 07:39 PM
ill try it but most likeley wont like it people i know said it sucks

08-04-2011, 07:43 PM
oh boy oh boy I've got the time right now and love things that are free! I'll take my free Brink sample, thankyouverymuch!

08-05-2011, 12:09 PM
Brink is a terrible game. I played it for only two days and got bored of it. I can't believe I bought it when it came out. Black Ops has a great multiplayer when compared to this poor excuse for a game. Try it yourself and you'll see. It's got awful visuals and a very bad gameplay.

ps: Why did you say third person shooter, Brink is an FPS?

08-05-2011, 12:48 PM
ps: Why did you say third person shooter, Brink is an FPS?

I wasn't aware that I did, where did I say that? EDIT: I just spotted it, thank you very much :) I was aware that the game was a first person shooter, but I did this article late at night, so my brain was fried :P

Also, after playing the game for a few hours I can now say that the game is awesome in regards to what it was trying to do... but it just didn't do it. Horrible movements and general feel of the game let it down single handedly. It feels like I'm constantly wading through a tar pit whilst wearing roller blades.

The features are cool, the character customisation is awesome, and the visuals for the PC are pretty smart. But as aforementioned, the general feel of the game is disgusting.

It was a great try by Bethesda nonetheless.

08-05-2011, 01:09 PM
I wasn't aware that I did, where did I say that? EDIT: I just spotted it, thank you very much :) I was aware that the game was a first person shooter, but I did this article late at night, so my brain was fried :P

Also, after playing the game for a few hours I can now say that the game is awesome in regards to what it was trying to do... but it just didn't do it. Horrible movements and general feel of the game let it down single handedly. It feels like I'm constantly wading through a tar pit whilst wearing roller blades.

The features are cool, the character customisation is awesome, and the visuals for the PC are pretty smart. But as aforementioned, the general feel of the game is disgusting.

It was a great try by Bethesda nonetheless.

I liked the character customisation too, but I didn't like the visuals. Some parts felt a bit cartoony and there was something wrong with the depth of field. There are a lot of things that I dislike about Brink's visuals.
I am not a graphics snob myself, so I don't think that visuals can ruin the whole game. However, the useless weapons and bad controls completely ruined the experience. I still think of it as a fail game.

08-05-2011, 01:53 PM
I liked the character customisation too, but I didn't like the visuals. Some parts felt a bit cartoony and there was something wrong with the depth of field. There are a lot of things that I dislike about Brink's visuals.
I am not a graphics snob myself, so I don't think that visuals can ruin the whole game. However, the useless weapons and bad controls completely ruined the experience. I still think of it as a fail game.

Funnily enough, I'm a massive graphics snob :P On what platform did you play Brink? I wasn't too bothered about the visuals on the PC version of the game, because I wasn't expecting anything too realistic any way with it being rather cartoon-like.

Yeah I think it failed too, it was a great idea that wasn't well executed.

08-06-2011, 01:00 PM
I played it like 10 mins then i got bored lol

08-06-2011, 01:45 PM
I played it like 10 mins then i got bored lol

I think I managed half an hour :P but yeah, same result.