View Full Version : General Info Metro: Last Light

08-10-2011, 11:20 AM
Metro: Last Light is the sequel to THQ's Metro 2033, which was only just released last year, in March.

All three gameplay videos from THQ's E3 demonstration of the game have now been collected, and you can see them all by following this link (http://game-craic.com/2011/08/metro-last-light-footage/).

I'm unable to easily embed all of the videos, as not all of them are on YouTube, so I decided to link them instead to save the hassle, as I'm rather busy.

So far the game is looking fantastic, as you will agree after watching said videos. Are you excited for this title?

08-10-2011, 11:25 AM
Hell yeath, I loved the style in metro 2033, and now they have fixed the action parts, I will probably buy this game soon after it come out(and review it:p )

08-10-2011, 11:30 AM
Hell yeath, I loved the style in metro 2033, and now they have fixed the action parts, I will probably buy this game soon after it come out(and review it:p )

Good news :D
It definitely looks fantastic so far. I hope they release a demo some time before they release the final version.