View Full Version : I need themes

08-11-2011, 08:08 PM
Hi guys i enjoy making sigs but im not good at picking a theme and getting it done so if you guys could list off themes like they do for sotw that would help so i can make more also if you want me to make a Sig with a theme you pick its free until i get better as long as you put Sig by egw333.

08-11-2011, 08:52 PM
Here's some advice, take it how you want to :P

I think you could make anything into a theme, you just have to research into it a bit. For example, the latest SOTW had Greed & Lust - The sigs had pictures of money, girls, etc.. Which are obvious relations to the themes.

Now if the theme was... let me think of a random word... DARING... ok we'll go with daring...

Just research the word daring a bit, its definition, its antonyms and synonyms.. This way you can find other relations to the word, and that can sprout new ideas..

So ok we go for the word daring, now I go to google :D

Adventurous or audaciously bold: "a daring crime"

unoriginal, unadventurous

dare, boldness, daring, hardihood, hardiness

Ok, so words that stand out to me. Bold, Adventurous, Dare....

So already in my mind, I'm thinking of making a sig that has big BOLD text, and the background of it looks adventurous.... Then I look at the word dare... I go onto think Dare-devil... Then I think about hell, then fire, then flames... So now I think my background has to be adventurous, yet contain some form of fire or flames, maybe orange and red colours....

So far, I have thought about:
1 - How I want my background
2 - I want my text bold..

So now I'm going to expand on the devil theme, typically the devil has a fork with three spikes, and a pointy tale, so maybe I could style the word "daring" around that. So I would want a font that is very sharp, and pointy. (Viner Hand ITC, Pristina or Papyrus)... For the sake of this I'm going to choose Papyrus, which is very pointy. especially on the letter "d" and "g"...

So to make the word daring look a bit better.. I'm going to take the "g" and draw a devils tail on to it.

And now take the "d", and draw the top of the pitch fork onto the d..

So what we have now would be:
1 - Flaming red/orange/yellow background..
2 - The word daring, customised to look devilish, and in bold...

And in my head, I can imagine that to look really cool... I haven't got the time to design it myself, but maybe tomorrow I will, (note I've never tried to design a signature before :P) I hope this helps you, and you can use the methods I mentioned to help apply themes a bit better :D

If you are going to try and make some theme related signatures just for practise, then go for:

- Scared
- Audacious
- Shattered (as in shattered glass)
- Leisure
- Praise (as in well done)

Good luck, I hope I have helped :)

08-11-2011, 09:07 PM
that sounds a bit hard to do with out photo shop but i think i have an idea thanks.