View Full Version : Built Doug Tough Fundraiser

08-15-2011, 06:06 PM
Hey all,

Sorry I haven't been around much. Since the baby, planning my friends fundraiser, and a bunch of other crap, I've had little time for fun.

Recently a very close friend of mine who is pretty much considered family was in a near fatal motorcycle accident on July 24th. We are holding a fundraiser event for him at the Maynard Rod and Gun Club on September 24 from 2:00pm to 7:00pm. If you can make it (I know some of you are close to my area) or just want to make a donation that would be great, but if you cannot make it, I completely understand. The cost is $25 per adult and all proceeds from admission to the raffle events will go directly to Douglas F. Robinson Fund which has been set up as a way to financially help out with the extensive costs of Doug’s care and for the financial needs of his wife (Jen) and two children (John – 4 years old, Alice – 2 years old). Doug was very well known in the Marlborough, Hudson, Maynard area. He has a green Mustang and an old school Bronco.

http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/295474_527779374340_59900152_30844634_1580932_n.jp g

Below is his story and how he was the first few days after the accident. This was written by his sister, Olivia:

As most of you know, my brother, Doug was in a serious motorcycle accident in NH on Saturday. It was the last day of his week long vacation with Jenny and the kids at Jen's grandparent's cottage in Rindge, NH. Our cousins from MD were up visiting for vacation and we all drove up to the cottage to hang out for the day and visit and play with the kids. Ryan, my husband, and Doug on their motorcycles and our cousin John in his car, left to take a ride to the Monadnock Harley Davidson dealership for some t-shirts. On the way back from the Harley store is when the accident happened. Doug was traveling in the southbound lane of Rt 12 in Fitzwilliam NH near the transfer/recycle station with Ryan 10 feet behind him riding tandem and John a car's length behind Ryan. As they were approaching the entrance of the transfer station, they noticed a vehicle, a suburu forrester, in the northbound lane that appeared to be stopped, waiting to make a left-hand turn into the transfer station entrance. Apparently she decided she had enough time to turn into the transfer station IN FRONT of Doug, Ryan and John and she suddenly began the turn into Doug's lane. After she committed to turning, it seems she realized she didn't have enough time, panicked and then STOPPED right in the southbound lane blocking Doug. Doug had NO opportunity to stop, he tried to avoid a collision but simply had too little time to react as he was traveling at 55 miles an hour (as it is posted on that road!) Doug impacted the suburu where the front passenger-side door meets the firewall, taking the majority of the impact with his face and then fell to the ground. Ryan immediately pulled his bike to the side of the road, in front of the lady who hit Doug, got off his bike, yelled a few profanities at the lady as he ran to Doug. John stopped his car in the middle of the southbound lane, with hazards on, blocking any traffic from passing. Ryan called 911 and made sure Doug was breathing. John took over the 911 call and tried to control the bleeding from his head. He then handed the call to a first responder who happened to be at the scene (and who, we later found out, was the fire captain)...the ambulance arrived 11 minutes later, brought Doug to a nearby hospital, performed an emergency tracheostomy and airflighted him to Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center.

Ryan and John drove back to the cottage to tell Jenny about the accident and said it was the longest drive of their lives...

Jenny spent several agonizing minutes trying to locate Doug or anyone who knew where he'd been taken. After finding out where he was, Ryan drove, me, Jen and my mom to the hospital 2 hours away while John and his wife, Tracey stayed at the cottage with their 3 boys, Doug and Jen's children, John and Alice and their two dogs, Rusty and Otis...not knowing if we would ever see Doug alive again, that was the longest ride of my life. Jenny was incredible the whole time. She remained composed and focused as she received call after call from Doctors at the hospital. When we finally got there, all we knew was that he was in critical condition and he needed surgery immediately. I went with Jenny in to see Doug. There are no words to describe what we saw. But through it all, Doug responded to Jenny's voice and tried to move around! it was amazing and gave us hope. My mom got to see him also before surgery and then we all went to the waiting room to wait...and pray...and thank God he was still alive.

Early the next morning, once he came out of surgery, the surgeon came in to talk to us. He said the surgery went well. At this point we knew he had shattered every bone in his face, cracked his skill, severely damaged one or both of his eyes, broken vertebrae in his neck and back and broken bones in several places in both arms. They told us that even in this huge trauma center, his injuries were the worst facial injuries they had ever seen and that he has a long road ahead of him...and pending the MRI we didn't have much information about the extent of his brain injury or spinal injury...and again we had to wait and pray.

Monday morning he went into surgery to try to save his eyes. We knew there was a possibility that he would lose both eyes but prayed for the best. The doctors were able to save his right eye but had to remove his left eye...but he was still very responsive and later that night we all rejoiced when he MOVED HIS LEG!

He is making incredible strides each day. He is the strongest and toughest person I've ever known! (aside from Jenny, who if you don't already know, is incredible!) His strength along with his will to live, the love of all of us and the millions of prayers being said for him will get him through this tragic ordeal!

PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY! and I will keep you updated here!

Thank you a thousand times for all your love and support!


If you’d like to follow Doug’s progress since as well as recent updates, you can like his Facebook page “Prayers for Doug”, or visit www.builtdougtough.com.

Thanks again,

08-15-2011, 07:01 PM
I'm really sorry, W1CKED. I hope everything gets better for you, his family, and most of all, for him. I wish I could donate but I can't even afford rent :(

We'll try not to bug you with too much Minecraft stuff.

I wish the best for everyone involved. That's just heartbreaking :(

08-15-2011, 07:35 PM
That's rough. He has my best wishes as well. Hope the event has a huge turnout.

08-15-2011, 09:54 PM
Sorry to hear man, I'll try to donate. My mum's husband got in a bad motorcycle incident, and she had to hold his leg together while he was bleeding everywhere on the road and waiting for the ambulance to come, so I know how you feel man, I hope he gets better <3

08-18-2011, 09:04 AM
Thanks for the kind words all! I will be sure to pass the thoughts onto his family.

I recently put up his website just the other night if you guys want to see the whole story from what happened to where he is now: Built Doug Tough - Theres Built Doug Tough! (http://www.builtdougtough.com)

08-18-2011, 05:41 PM
Thanks for the kind words all! I will be sure to pass the thoughts onto his family.

I recently put up his website just the other night if you guys want to see the whole story from what happened to where he is now: Built Doug Tough - Theres Built Doug Tough! (http://www.builtdougtough.com)

Nice, I'll check it out