View Full Version : Introduction

08-17-2011, 11:35 AM
Hello, I was surfing the web looking for a gaming forum to share thoughts in. I have alot of thoughts about alot of games and would love to share them with others. About me, Im 15 and ive been gaming ever since i can remember.....i remember being 2 and playing Zelda for the Super Nintendo. I love gaming it is my favorite thing to do. I wake up start up my playstation and game away until early the next morning (except on school nights of course) i wish to become a Game Tester when i get older, lol sadly that is my dream. I love first person shooters and RPG's such as Champions RTA, and Dark Alliance. I also like RPG's like Oblivion which i just recently started playing. I used to play WoW and plan to get back into it unless The Old Republic comes out before i get around to reactivating my account. I am most definitley crazy about trophys on PlayStaion i collect all that i can. I put in way too many hours into my games and i love it! My favorite game of all time would have to be TimeSplitter Future Perfect.....they just dont make games like that anymore. I am a PlayStation fanboy....i wouldn't say that i hate Xbox but i wouldnt own one unless obtained for free, and yes i will argue that PS3 is better.....i am part of that never ending no win battle. But in my oppinion PS2 was the best system ever......it just had an amzing array of great games. Well thats a little about me....err alot, little much i guess XD sorry for such a big post!

08-17-2011, 11:37 AM
Welcome! Sadly, being a game tester is my dream as well haha Sounds like you'll fit right in ;)

08-17-2011, 11:45 AM
Hello and welcome. We (the forum) usually don't argue about what console is the elite console. I just don't think anyone here cares about what anyone has to say on the matter. You're entitled to your own opinions, as with anyone else.
Please make sure to read the rules, and enjoy it here. Pretty good place if you ask me.

08-17-2011, 12:06 PM
Hello and welcome to GF :)

08-17-2011, 01:11 PM
Welcome, read the rules and have fun here.
Nice intro, we have the console battle here often, I am on the 360 side, so I think we wont be friends for long. :P

08-17-2011, 03:02 PM
Welcome to Gamers-Forum. Have fun and enjoy your stayyyyyy.

08-17-2011, 05:47 PM
Welcome to the forum :) Feel free to add my on PSN if you'd like, my ID is in my sig. I'm not on very often, but I'll be happy to hop on Portal or GTA4 if you've got either! (Only games I have for PS3 multiplayer :| I know I suck xD)

Get to know everyone here and enjoy your stay man!

08-18-2011, 12:56 AM
thanks for all the greetings =D
Welcome, read the rules and have fun here.
Nice intro, we have the console battle here often, I am on the 360 side, so I think we wont be friends for long. :P

Lol im freinds with people who prefer the 360 and sometimes we argue about it to no avail but its just friendly bickering nothing more:azn:

08-18-2011, 03:27 AM
Welcome to the forum, friend
Do you play any zombie games btw? :D

08-18-2011, 01:44 PM
Welcome to the forum, friend
Do you play any zombie games btw? :D

I love playing zombie games...well some. Like L4D although i dont have an xbox. I recently started playing CoD zombies and im not too bad. Also i loved the Dead Rising games but i do not own any. Oh yeah i also loved Resident Evil 5.

08-18-2011, 01:50 PM
Welcome to the forum bud!
Feel free to add me on PSN.. tags in my sig, don't worry, I play more than the listed game lol

Anyways enjoy your stay at the forum, we've got a wide range of opinions and thoughts here.. just don't try and start a thread on console war.....
It's tedious and boring to read through and honestly, none of us really care....

08-18-2011, 02:09 PM
Hopefully I will get a chance to converse with all the newcomers. Anyways, welcome to the forums and I hope you enjoy your stay here! From what I can tell, we all have different roots be we all have one thing in common: The Love of the Game. I've been playing games since the 80s and have a wide variety under my belt. Need any RPG suggestions? I love giving them if need be. The western RPGs like Fallout, Dragon Age, and Oblivion have kind of diminished the Japanese RPG market but it will never die out completely. Though I will say I'm highly anticipating Skyrim and will devote part of my soul to that game. lol

Feel free to add my PSN: mutilations

Look forward to seeing you around the forums. ^^

08-18-2011, 09:41 PM
Welcome to the forum bud!
Feel free to add me on PSN.. tags in my sig, don't worry, I play more than the listed game lol

Anyways enjoy your stay at the forum, we've got a wide range of opinions and thoughts here.. just don't try and start a thread on console war.....
It's tedious and boring to read through and honestly, none of us really care....

Yeah i diddnt plan on it lol i kinda figured that would be frowned upon and theres no point cause theres really no winning that battle XD

08-18-2011, 09:48 PM

08-19-2011, 02:28 AM
Yeah i diddnt plan on it lol i kinda figured that would be frowned upon and theres no point cause theres really no winning that battle XD

I'm glad we have someone who understands the concept!
Again, welcome to the jungle.... I mean, forum buddy!!

08-19-2011, 03:10 AM
I love playing zombie games...well some. Like L4D although i dont have an xbox. I recently started playing CoD zombies and im not too bad. Also i loved the Dead Rising games but i do not own any. Oh yeah i also loved Resident Evil 5.

That's what im talking about man, all of those games you just said are listed in my many favourite games.... Finally, a zombie fan joins the forum! :D

08-19-2011, 10:30 AM
That's what im talking about man, all of those games you just said are listed in my many favourite games.... Finally, a zombie fan joins the forum! :D

lol =D you on PS3 or Xbox?

08-19-2011, 11:21 PM
I used to have an Xbox 360 but it broke and I need a new one now hahaa :laugh1:, Im using my PC and Ps2 as consoles for now :p