View Full Version : General Info Borderlands 2

08-19-2011, 02:53 PM
I just got my Game Informer maybe 30 mins ago and i pretty much had a nerdgasm when i saw Borderlands 2 was the focus article. This has got to be my most anticipated game of all time, due to release next year the game is still set on Pandora but with an evil Dictator that takes the credit of the original four players actions. Buying the Hyperion Corporation with the spoils and rising power with a promise to rid Pandora of its seamy underbelly. The thing is he considers seamy to be anything not under his protection including Pandoras Civilians. You get new characters this time around and as you go thorugh the story you search out the original heros and they are NPC's that help you along the way. Gearbox and the producers are trying to put more story into this one providing background details on the original heros. Things you do in game will affect later gameplay and its not just one big linear story with side quests. Of course theres the new weapons, vehicles (which now all support 4 people), creatures, enviroments and talent trees Etc. They are putting more into finding areas as well you now get XP for discovering new areas. They included one of the new playable characters in the article. Salvador the Gunzerker pretty much the new Brick. His abbility is to Dual wield any two weapons weather it be two Rocket launchers two miniguns what ever you find you can dual wield.Also he talent trees arent just petty power ups they actually help you abbilities. Like one of Salvadors is that his guns with steadily increase in fire rate the longer he holds down the trigger and yes this carries over to his dual wielding abbility.there is a new "Element" to the guns as well....Eridian it doesnt do any damage but augments any other elemental damage the gun may have. Now for the Weapons. The producers diddnt just throw in a few extra goodies for the guns they totally threw them all away and started over. In the first game the Manufacturers diddnt really present themselves or change anything noticabley other than thigns deep into the stats. Of course you new things like Jacobs did the most base damage, vladof had the highest fire rate and thigns like that. But in Number 2 there is visual changes youll be able to identify the Manufacturer and quality just by looking at it. The new ones will have there own stat and visual changes one example is that vladof having a higher rate of fire with feature spinning barrels on thier Assault rifle, Rocket Launchers, and Submachine guns. Other guns like Tediore are the disposable razor of Pandoras weapon industry. Instead of reloading a Tediore you throw the gun into the battlefield as it explodes like a grenade a handheld digistruct( the same type that spawned vehicles in the first game) creates a new gun in your hand with a full clip. You can throw a gun that has ammo still in it and tho you will be losing ammo there will be a bigger explosion. The game also has bettter weapon design a wooden gun may be dirty and scuffed then you get a gold version of the gun and its nice and shiny.The distinct looks of the guns are going to be alot better as well the Vladof assault rifles will look alot like Ak's while the Dahl will look alot more military.i have not yet finished reading the article....but so far it looks freaking awesome!!!!

08-19-2011, 02:55 PM
Got my Game Informer awhile ago, I jumped that article after it got into some detail, I don't know why, it just isn't appealing to me...

08-19-2011, 02:59 PM
Also the character (NPCs) will actually move around and be responsive to your actions and enemies arent just bullet sponges anymore they actually react when there being shot at,and with you will actually have to have a sence of strategy instead of just running and gunning everything down.

09-05-2011, 09:15 AM
Here is a 14 minute gameplay vid featuring borderlands 2, and midgets :p


09-05-2011, 09:44 AM
Here is a 14 minute gameplay vid featuring borderlands 2, and midgets :p


Sweet! thanks ive been looking for the gameplay vid!

09-05-2011, 11:08 AM
I was gonna read this post because I'm interested in Borderlands 2 but then I was like



watched the video though, this game looks beautifully executed and has a fantastic and cohesive aesthetic. Here's to hoping it doesn't have the same low-level-cap, no-diverse-mobs-or-environments, and this-is-how-the-story-ends-sorry-to-ruin-your-life problems the first Borderlands had! This could be a really awesome game!

09-08-2011, 05:43 AM
yeah its long but it gives you nice details about whats coming to borderlands

09-17-2011, 08:54 PM
What happened to the video??
Now I have to go find it in the great vastness of the interweb.
I hope it's still on youtube...

09-21-2011, 08:17 PM
Just click the link it takes you to it on youtube

09-26-2011, 06:43 PM
I thought that the co-op mode really let Boderlands 1 down. Before it came out, I thought that an incorporation of a co-op mode was going to make it the game of the year, but, as I'm sure many of you found out, once you go home, your friend carries on playing and his level increases far above your one and then the co-op mode becomes, at best useless, at worst extremely frustrating as you get killed every time you respawn.

I hope that Boderlands 2 has this problem fixed.

Without the idea of a co-op mode, its just a moderately good game.

11-07-2011, 02:58 AM
Can`t wait for this game to be released! Loved "Borderlands", and it seems like the sequel will be even better :D