View Full Version : Something to do before Skyrim:

08-25-2011, 11:46 PM
Before a massvie game come out, I like to go back to some previsous titles in the series and play them once more. So I have been playing morrowind and oblivion and even a little fallout3 to say goodbye to that blasted game engine and its abominable character animations.

But looking online I have found something interesting that I did not know about before:

Nehrim (http://www.nehrim.de/infosEV.html)

Nehrim ins a total conversion mod of Oblivion. A fan made game that uses the engine and many objects to create a new game. So while Im giving this a try and dreaming about Skyrim, I thought I would pass this info on down the line.

08-26-2011, 05:44 AM
I played it, but I don't like it that much. The new learning system reminds me somehow of the learning system of Gothic 1,2 and 3. But I was bored at a point. Don't understand that wrong: I completed the story but I never felt the atmosphere I felt in Gothic and Oblivion. There was just none for me. The story was good, but the "I have to level my hero" was a pain in the ***, it's not so interesting like leveling in Xenoblade Chronicles.

Short: I don't like Nehrim, Story was good but everything else bored me. Oh wait, Schandmaul, a german band, have a live event in this game. But that idea is stolen from Gothic 1 (with In Extremo) as well and I'm missing atmosphere here again.

09-15-2011, 11:14 PM
I agree, I find user-generated conversions story-based to the point where it lacks any emotion. Most user-generated quests and content are based off of ideas from their creator and are machine rolled out quite beautifully but lacking any real emotion that keep me involved. All the creator managed to do was present the story he'd come up with... Also it's not hard to break the "fourth wall" and find myself stumbling between the original, the conversion, and that thin white line of glue that holds them together because their never really blended correctly.

Morrowind was a beautiful game and the last before achievements had severely cut down the amount of random and side quests available in a game. The perfect example is when in Morrowind, you walk out of the first town and hear screaming and find a man who fell from the sky. There is no quest and your curiosity is in the form of his journal that tells the story of his experiments and it leaves you understanding how he ended up dead on the ground in front of you. That is something beautiful I never found duplicated in Oblivion, random encounters that don't have to follow with a quest or achievement but leave you feeling like "I am really in another world."

What I'm playing atm is Fable 3 until Gears of War 3 comes out which will give me plenty of entertainment until the November blockbusters hit the shelves.

09-25-2011, 08:50 PM
I do not know how to deal with it until I read this post.

09-28-2011, 09:48 AM
Witcher 2, not the same format but brilliant all the same....you could attempt to make your own PVC dragon?