View Full Version : (Official?) Midnight Snack Thread

09-01-2011, 02:57 AM
It's 12:46AM as I started typing, so I felt it appropriate to post this....

This thread is for any kind of snack, or beverage, to conquer your late-night temptations. I don't want no "Chips!" or "Chocolate bars!" all up in here, I want snacks, made from scratch that take less than 15 minutes total to make. Why less than 15 minutes? Cause who wants to wait for food, that's why. Now here's a recipe for all the choco-holics like myself that don't wanna wait like 45 minutes to make brownies/cake/cookies/etc.

(I'll provide pics as I make it tomorrow again lol)

(these are estimates. don't gotta be dead on precise.)
-A big cup
-A microwave
-8 tablespoons sugar
-8 tablespoons flour
-4 tablespoons cocoa
-4 tablespoons canola oil
-4 tablespoons cream (water will do the trick too)

~~~You can change quantities, just make sure the others are half of the sugar and flour. (ex; 10 sugar/flour, 5 everything else. 6 sugar/flour, 3 everything else.) I just did the 10 sugar/flour...it's too much for me and I'm a bigger guy lol~~~


-Put the sugar, flour, and cocoa into the cup. STIR STIR STIR. We don't want any white chunks in there!!

-Add the cream and oil. STIR SOME MORE. No dust! Should be liquid, but not runny. You should be able to stir it fine, but when you pull the spoon out it will stick to the spoon. If it's too tough, add cream and oil in equal amounts. Too runny, add all 3 dry ingredients in equal amounts.

-Head on over to the microwave now. Pop this bad boy in for 1:25 on high. If it's not cooked enough (grab a bite with your spoon...if it's runny, or it's way too soft to be cooked, it needs more time) cook it in 30 second intervals. TAKE BITE TESTS EACH TIME, you might overcook it. (My 10 scoop cake took about 2:45 to cook, but microwaves vary.)

THERE YOU HAVE IT LADIES AND GENTS, CAKE IN A CUP. Let's here your other fantabulous recipes now.

09-07-2011, 01:08 PM
Oh god, I will have to show dili this thread...

He makes up all sorts of concoctions late at night @_@

09-07-2011, 04:12 PM
Peanut Butter on a Spoon

- Spoon
- Peanut Butter

Dip spoon into peanut butter, lift spoon out of peanut butter.

note: peanut butter should be on spoon, if you fail to acquire any peanut butter, repeat step one.

09-08-2011, 11:59 AM
Oh god, I will have to show dili this thread...

He makes up all sorts of concoctions late at night @_@

DOO EEEET. I need more snacks.

Peanut Butter on a Spoon

- Spoon
- Peanut Butter

Dip spoon into peanut butter, lift spoon out of peanut butter.

note: peanut butter should be on spoon, if you fail to acquire any peanut butter, repeat step one.

Smartass. Also, if you did your peanut butter spoon into Nutella, it tastes just like Reece's Pieces.

09-08-2011, 03:41 PM
Oh god... I could write up an entire late-night-cooking-with-dili cookbook of the strange inspired concoctions I make with limited food in the kitchen at midnight when I am overcome and absolutely must eat something.

Those creations are interesting, indeed, and some delicious. I'll maybe come back and write some midnight munchy recipies later XD

Still, creativity aside, this is one of my favorites:

Le Reese's Puffs with Milk


Reese's Puffs cereal

Add the desired amount of Reese's Puffs cereal to a bowl, being careful to not fill the bowl completely to the rim. Add milk until between one half and three quarters of the cereal in the bowl is submerged in milk. Do not stir.

Serve with a spoon in the original bowl. Best if consumed within fifteen minutes. Serves well as an appetizer or early course to an entrée. Preparation time: 2 minutes.

09-08-2011, 04:14 PM
Apple pie with Ice cream.

Just so delicious, even more if the pie is home made.

Mostly I dont eat anything more, maybe candy but nothing more.

09-08-2011, 04:25 PM
I might gross some people out with what I come up with but here you go.

Spicy Tuna & Crackers


1. Can of Tuna (with water, not oil).
2. Spicy Brown Mustard.
3. Club Crackers (can be any kind..)


Heat up the tuna in a microwave until hot/warm throughout. After the meat is at a preferable temper, add any amount of spicy mustard you want and stir until fully mixed. Put mixture into a fresh bowl or use the same bowl you you desire, grab a spoon, and put them on top of a cracker for an instant treat.

09-08-2011, 06:39 PM
@Dili : Cereal tastes 453989857532958723 times better when consumed past 10:30PM. No argument. I will also agree, that Reece Puffs are the best choice of cereal you can have!!

@paec : Not all of us have apple pie at home though D: but it is pretty friggin' good to have, not just at midnight lol.