View Full Version : My fun with the Canadian Health Care system...

09-03-2011, 12:42 AM

09-03-2011, 02:20 AM
I know exactly what you speak of.

A few years ago I hit my head pretty badly. Me and my mum went to the local "hospital". After waiting 1 hour we see a nurse that tells me that I probably got a concussion, and yeah I understood that I got that. Now if it was a perfect world I would be on my way home and resting but NO-_-.

She sends us to a larger hospital 1-2 hours away. There we wait, and wait and wait and wait. I waited about 2 hours before my name showed up so I go into a room and a nurse tells me that the doctor will come soon. Half an hour later he comes up, he looks at my head and stuff for about 10 minutes and tells me I got a concussion and wonder why I had to go all the way there. SO I was waiting for all those hours for something I already knew. That I got a concussion and had to rest. -___-

09-03-2011, 03:55 AM
I know exactly what you speak of.

A few years ago I hit my head pretty badly. Me and my mum went to the local "hospital". After waiting 1 hour we see a nurse that tells me that I probably got a concussion, and yeah I understood that I got that. Now if it was a perfect world I would be on my way home and resting but NO-_-.

She sends us to a larger hospital 1-2 hours away. There we wait, and wait and wait and wait. I waited about 2 hours before my name showed up so I go into a room and a nurse tells me that the doctor will come soon. Half an hour later he comes up, he looks at my head and stuff for about 10 minutes and tells me I got a concussion and wonder why I had to go all the way there. SO I was waiting for all those hours for something I already knew. That I got a concussion and had to rest. -___-

It really sucks, doesn't it? Another one, when I broke my arm when I was younger. The one bone actually snapped, and the doctor was grabbing and twisting my arm (in turn twisting the one bone) asking if it hurt. I said yes. "Well, then it's still broken.".....I love my country...

Seems like both our problems aren't with the doctor's though, they're with the people under them. You'd think they'd require an IQ test to allow people to manage other people.

09-03-2011, 08:50 AM
lol sounds more like a crappy secretary/nurse than anything.

Luckily I've never dealt with anyone like that D:
Most of the people that i've dealt with in the health care system are competent people, you always get that one or two though.. haha

09-03-2011, 10:08 AM
Never go to the Clinic for anything in your life ever
oh man i was going to fly there just to get a medical checkup now where do i go :p