View Full Version : Review Zelda: A Review to the Past

09-05-2011, 08:48 PM
This is my first review and my entry into the Review of the Week contest for classic games. I know you wanted colors but I like to keep the text simple while only having the ratings stand out with a different color. I didn't know how to exactly go about getting the proof so I just took a picture of my game when I first entered the Dark Realm. If you need more proof, I don't mind showing me in front of the entertainment center. I criticize all things, even the best of games, and like to point out its flaws so people can have a better understanding of the game in general, please keep that in mind and also that I really LOVE this game. :)


Zelda: A Link to the Past (LTTP, for short) was an action/rpg game created for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System back in 1991. Previous Zelda games generated a decent amount of hype around this time so LTTP would do it's best to be no exception. This game was not the pinnacle of the series but it would help Zelda become a household name for future Nintendo brand consoles.

Story 9/10

You're saving Zelda, of course. It's not completely original but it's the same story that's been a lot of success for this game. When your character, Link, awakens to a strange voice, your story immediately begins. I don't want to spoil too much for my readers but you will traverse Hyrule and it's two different worlds, entering dungeons, fighting bosses, and exploring all of what Hyrule has to offer. All for the sake of Zelda, you risk life and limb gathering new items to be able to go farther into previously unreachable places all leading up to the final fight with Ganon. A mirrored realm is added to the plot to keep things a little more interesting.. seriously.. what's up with the bunny?

*my proof*

Controls and Gameplay 7/10

The controls have a simple yet sloppy setup: B button for sword slashing and you can hold it down to charge up for a spin move with does decent amount of damage, A button will be your action button (talking with NPCs, lifting objects, running, etc..), and the Y Button will be whichever item you select from your menu. The only way to switch between items is to open up your menu by using the start button, which gets a bit annoying at times and the cursor never moves exactly to the item you wish to use. The Select button will allow you to save your game but only if you want to quit.

I will bring to your attention that if you swing your sword you can not move. This is a bit of an annoyance and it seems the only way to cure being able to hit something while moving is to hold down the B button. If you let go, however, it immediately sends you into a spin move which will stop your movement. This game relies heavily on being able to maneuver quickly and efficiently so having awkward sword swings without moving is a bit on the negative side. When you aquire running shoes, you can run with your sword out like a dash attack which helps get through areas faster without just swinging your sword. Once you acquire the Master Sword and you have full health, you can throw out a spinning projectile at no cost to your magic which helps swordplay tremendously.

Sword flailing begins here.

Magic plays a small part in this game but it comes through when you need it the most. Lighting lanterns, shooting ice, creating blocks, becoming invulnerable are all things that can be done using magic if you find the right items. If you happen to run out of magic, monster end up dropping lots of magic refilling items to help if it gets too bad.

Hearts seem to few and far between when you are low on health but there are many fairy caves or even "resting spots" in dungeons to help keep the player alive during difficult times.

Puzzles are in every dungeon or one could say the dungeons are actually puzzles themselves because you usually have to find your way to a key item that opens up the path you need to go to get to the boss within. LTTP does a VERY good job on the dungeons and keeps them very interesting with lots of different and moderately challenging puzzles.

Exploration 3/10

Yes, this gets its own section with me because I play RPG games and Zelda is basically known for it's unique worlds to explore. The problem with LTTP is there is basically no exploration. Besides things you can lift, smash, or swim through, you can pretty much explore all of Hyrule from the get-go. I thought there could be a lot more added to plenty of the areas, especially the Lost Woods but the world map is very small and can be traverse from one end to the other in a couple minutes. The mirrored realm gives a sense of being able to explore something different but it's just a creepy version of the same world. I would have like a more deeper sense of adventure in this area.

There and Back Again.. in two minutes..

Music and Sound 10/10

Composed by Koji Kondo, the themes and songs to this game are more than amazing. Catchy at times and changing with the moods, all the music goes brilliantly with whatever is going on or wherever you are at. Songs on this game will be revamped and used in later-gen Zelda games, so that should say a lot for this music in this game.

From sword slashes to when a boss groans when you hit it, all usual sounds are there that make Zelda a masterpiece. Hearing a boss monster in his/hers/its death throes at the end of a dungeon is a great sound and always brings a smile to my face. :)

Graphics 10/10

While keeping in mind that this is from a 16-bit console, the graphics for this particular game became a standard for future SNES games. The rain from the beginning, the clouds (storm clouds) from the mountain, and even the shadows from the trees overhead in the Lost Woods are done beautifully true to name. Dungeons bosses can look menacing to somewhat goofy but never fall short graphically. Even the sunlight from open windows adds great effects and ought to be admired.

"I think it saw me.."

Overall 9/10

This game is a true definition for a classic because despite its flaws, it can still be played over and over again with the same amount of enjoyment as you got from the first time. All ages can enjoy this game too which improves its value as a great game and classic as well. It stands the test of time and will be a game shown to younger generations as a true model game of its time.

"I invented chicken-kickin'."

09-06-2011, 02:19 PM
That's remind me a lot of old times and how many times I finish off the last boss.
Today I probably forget a bit about this game.

Nice Review! :)

09-06-2011, 03:28 PM
This makes me wanna play it again! I've got it sitting in a drawer beside me...got it when I was younger but never got very far. Suspense killed me when I was little so I was always too scared to play it xD

09-06-2011, 03:50 PM
nice review i will put the voting up now