View Full Version : The best Videogame Music ever created (Epic Royal Music)

09-13-2011, 07:19 AM
I was asking myself, what are the BEST Songs ever created? I don't mean normal stuff I mean the:

Royal music
Filled with so much epicness that it blows your head off
The Creme de la creme
The Royal jelly

I just called it "Epic Royal Music".

This Thread is not about music you just like, it's music that is so epic that it could 'cause an explosion in the next solar system (and I'm not talking about the Epic Sax Guy).

You really have to think about it, the BEST of all Videogame Music titles.
Please write, why you chose these titles too. And please make no more than 5 titles (it's making the decision a lot harder) and please put no YouTube Videos in here. ;)

I put my 5 applications here and believe me, it was a HARD decision to put my top 5 list here. I mean, think of all pieces of music of everygame I heared from or played:

1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Final Battle Ganon
After you thought, everything is over, HE returns. He destroyed his tower to build an Arena. The most awesome Villian (for me) is still alive and transforms into his final form. It surrounds the arena with flames and a Thunderstorm is fitting the atmosphere perfectly. For me, it's my Nr. 1 of the best music ever created for a video game.

2. Super Mario Galaxy: Bowser Boss Battle
If you fought against Bowser, then you will understand why I chose this instead of the real Final Boss theme. Everything just fits. Too bad that this wasn't the final boss Theme. Just one bad thing: The fight wasn't 15 minutes long and Bowser himself was waaaaaay too easy.

3. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty Theme
I had a really hard decision on that one. It's my favorite MG-Series Theme and I liked the game too. It just fits the game perfectly and if you just listen to it and look at the game, then you know that you have to save the world (in that game at least). Btw. it's one of the perfect "Here comes the hero" themes.

4. Star Fox 64: Area 6
Only one thing between you and your Enemy, the last line of defense is in your way. The entire Army of Andross against an Elite-Team. That Stage was so *****ing hard but the music is so perfectly great for it that. It has a fast beat and everything in that stage gave you really that feeling "Oh man, that must be the hardest level!" but after that, one thing even worse, you long time Rival, Star Wolf appears on Venom and challenges you (if you beat him before on another planet) in an even harder battle.

5. Mass Effect 2: Main Theme
This Theme is played during the Suicide Missoin and seriosly, you got an epic feeling. It's even good, that the game was so easy at that point, so you could enjoy this feeling and this theme the whole time.

These are my top 5. Every of them was a hard decision for me. I mean, Donkey Kong Country theme song, Star Wolf theme and all Zelda/Mario and every other game title that is so epic. That's why I wanted just 5 because you REALLY have to think about it and have to make a very hard decision after all.

09-13-2011, 12:21 PM
This was indeed hard


U.N. Squadron mission 2 thunderstorm

Both this mission and the music is epic, I choosed this song cause everytime I hear it I get goosebumps and good memories. When you hear the song think yourself piloting a fighter jet in the middle of a thunderstorm, lightnings are seen in the background and the enemy planes try to shoot you down, this mission ends in a bossfight with some ecually epic boss music wich puts you against an enourmous stealth bomber(B2 bomber).

nr 4
The theme to Dragon age, this theme is just so beautiful but yet sad and full of sorrow and evil. If you put that song and th main menu you got magic, the menu shows a former battlefield thats full of bodies and things, everything goes in a depressing colour and the sky is dark, and then you hear the song.

nr 3
I dont really like the music in call of duty but the theme in mw2 boneyard is the essence of epic and sadness, you have to hear it to know what I say.

nr 2
Metal gear solid sons of liberty main theme

Morrowind theme call of magic
This theme is just the best I know from any TES game, and they got some good music. I didnt really know from what game to take. I listened to Oblivions morrowinds and Skyrims and all of them are epic, but while both oblivion and skyrims songs are most epic in only one part I think whole call of magic is one epic piece of art.

This was hard as it are many good and epic/sad themes.

09-13-2011, 01:20 PM
Super Mario Theme Muzak!!!

plus the playlists from NFS and GTA games....always >top notch<

09-13-2011, 02:35 PM
Super Mario Theme Muzak!!!

plus the playlists from NFS and GTA games....always >top notch<

5 Single Songs from your favorite music, was it that hard to understand?:p